KING OF BTB: Information & Discussion

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The ScapeDubb

Cry me a river
Sep 14, 2022
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Welcome one, welcome all - to (as far as I know) the inaugural King of BTB competition here at WrestlingSmarks!

What is King of BTB you ask?

Well, those of you who migrated over from WrestlingClique may recall the versions organized and led by WolfBeast. But basically the name says it all. It's a writing/booking competition to determine who stands out among the best here the in the land of the BTB.

The competition is quite simple.

There will be THREE (3) rounds.

Each round, everyone will receive a prompt/scenario/challenge. Everyone is completing the same challenge but it is up to you the competitor on how you do it. The challenges will not be too intensive, in the interest of getting more people involved.

A deadline will be set and if you are competing, you have until that deadline to submit your entry.

A crack panel of judges (myself, Stojy, and Jam) will read, review, and score your entry based on the following criteria:

Quality of Content (Description/Detail, Relevance, storytelling, emotional investment - basically how "good" is it): 25
Creativity (pretty self explainatory): 15
Formatting/Presentation (How is the layout, how is the grammar/spelling, does everything flow): 10

So scores will be out of 50. Each round will see a certain % of the lower scores being eliminated while the others move on to the next round.

While not revealing the exact prompts, here's an idea of what each round will involve.

Round 1: A character backstory/details followed by a segment or promo featuring said character.
Round 2: Recapping of a tournament, writing out the finals of said tournament.
Round 3: Rebooking a PPV, recapping the show and writing out one match in full.

The actual prompts will be more specific, but I want people to see that the commitment is not too intense here.

So.... are you interested? I certainly hope so because this won't be as much fun if only four people play!

But if you are? You might be wondering how do you sign up?

Now that's certainly a good question. And the answer is simple. You sign up when you submit your Round 1 Entry. You can certainly respond here and state your interest and your intentions of competing, but I am going to have the actual entries be the official signups in order to prevent a situation where there's a bunch of no-shows in Round 1 because that can be depressing to see.

The Round 1 challenge will be posted tomorrow and you'll have two weeks to complete an entry if you are interested in competing!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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Let the games begin! Awesome work by you to get this organised Dubb, especially with some creative rounds for each task. Good luck to everybody, I look forward to judging.

The ScapeDubb

Cry me a river
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What do you think of when I say the names Kevin Sullivan, Barry Darsow, The Godfather, Dustin Rhodes, Glenn Jacobs, and of course... Ed Leslie?

They are among the elite in wrestling history.

Well, if being elite was judged on how many different gimmicks you have had.

But let's face it, a gimmick can make or break a wrestler. Some gimmicks work. Some don't. More often than not, the first time we meet a new wrestler, that isn't the gimmick that gets them over. (Rocky Maivia?) Sometimes a gimmick that works for one character may not work for someone else.

Which brings us to our first challenge of the inaugural King of BTB.

Pick any wrestler.
Any wrestler from the history of professional wrestling. Got one in mind?

Okay, now give him or her
a brand new gimmick. One that they have never had before.

Your job:
Provide the backstory behind the gimmick change.
Any relevant history into the change as well as the details of the new character. And then, write ONE (1) promo or segment that introduces this new character to the audience.

-Must be a real wrestler from wrestling history.
-It can be any time period, but it has to be a time period from when that wrestler was both alive and actively wrestling. So no giving Andre the Giant a rapping gimmick in 2005, for example.
-The new gimmick cannot be one they ever used before, past or present (or future if its a retro character).
-The character, however, does NOT have to be contained to the promotion they worked for at the time. So, for example, you could have Andre the Giant debut in WCW in 1990 as a rapper, for example.
-Writing expectations: Some kind of backstory or explaination of the gimmick change. 1 promo or segment introducing the new character/gimmick.
DM entries to me on the forum by the deadline below.
-Have fun!

Wednesday 15th August at 11:59PM Pacific Time.
Which is Thursday 16th August at 02:59AM Eastern Time.
Which is Thursday 16th August at 07:59AM British Summer Time.
Which is Thursday 16th August at 4:59PM Australian Eastern Standard Time.
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