As much as Khali sucks in the ring, here are some points:
1. He looks more credible as a heavyweight champion than Rey. Talent wise of course he sux, but looks really are possibly more important, esp at first glance.
2. If Rey beats Khali, Reys star will shine. Thats fine, however that will be the end of Khali. Guaranteed. He cannot lose to a cruiserweight when he is the largest athlete in sports-entertainment.
3. This may mean the elevation of a high mid-carder to main-eventer to go over Khali for the championship. (Hardy, MVP if he goes face) Overcoming a giant is a great way for a wrestler to be over. Just remember Hogan v Andre.
4. Give it a bit of time. It will either be real bad or decent we know. But let it run its course. He'll prob retain at summerslam but the one after he may lose it then.