KenFan's Comics presents "The Terrific Tale of Torture Committed by Chris Jackie Jr."

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Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico

Prologe: "THE DARK-and-UTTER Tale of Complete insanity from the mind of a raging-homosexual-serial killer known as Chris Jackie-Jr...but you know him as "Kaedon" finally. here comes the story, the tale of his on if ya-shall."

:stretcher: :boxing_smiley: :music_walkman: <random smileys posted so as to purposely slow your computers...


Prologe part 2:

FBI Agent: "We've Got Suitable information that highly suggests that the world's most sought after serial killer....Chris "buttercup" Jackie jr. is in our TOWN!!!....Yes-You All Heard that Right...He is HERE!!!...right of as this time, he is probably hacking up a random victim in a dark-cold basement somewhere in this very-damn-TOWN!!!....Have any of you ever wondered as to why this town's crime rate has gone down so low and how this guy's body count has sky-rocketed in Recent weeks....Three-Hundred-and Thirty-One dead as of this moment......
*Slams Several books againest a wall*
..........I've Got a Daughter-DAMMIT!!!....I don't care what-chu've all gotta do...just DO IT!!..and Find This GUY!!!"
*walks outt've the FBI-office*

Chapter One: Where It all Began:

Chris Jackie Grew Up with no mother, no father, no brothers or sisters......he had only his stuff'd animals....Jimmy The Teddy Bear...Robbie-Ta-Rabbitty....and Humper-The-Horny-Fag-Frog....all of which, jackie would use for his earlier sexual-conquests.....

Chris Dropped Out of School due to sexual intercourse with the public urinal.....

He made a living on the harsh streets of detroit, after he sought after Pennies and Nickles off of the Horny-Drunk Men that would roam the streets late at night after partying up at the Local "Kitty-Kat-Klub".....Chris would give the men sexual-handjobs with his feet for the coinage....

Soon, one late-afternoon...The Owner of The K.K.K Strip Club would accidently stumble upon Chris Jackie In "ACTION" as he saw that Jackie
had 3 Cocks In his mouth-simultaniously.....

The Owner having been completely impressed by the massive-homosexual figure before him decided to open up a new act in his club....
the First Ever-Male-Stripper!


Chris soon made plenty of Cold-"HARD"-Earned Cash....

But, During one of the shows however....Jackie was touched inappropiately by an unknown customer...

Soon, later that night....he would commit his first several Murders!

He went into the back of the club and killed several bouncers with a dagger....soon, he would skin-em alive..and have sex with their intestines before wearing their faces like a mask....

Back at the counter.....

The Man that had "Touched" Jackie was standing there, awaiting a manager to come to his services so as to serve him a drink.....but what came instead was An-Angerily-Horny-Homosexual with a skinned-Face on his own face(wearing it ,kind've like a mask, fyi: it was rell's face) ,with a meat-clever in his hands, he charged and Hacked-Off the man's Hand...


From there on out-Chris would light the bar/club on fire and unplug a near-by gas-line causing the whole place to EXPLODE!!!!


The Kitty-Kat-Klub Burned Down as Jackie Giggled in homo-hysteria.....

What would follow for the next several-months can only be summed up as a slaughter....a bloodbath...

Chapter 2: On The Hunt:

Detective (Jack)Daniels and several of his fellow officers were onto Jackie's Trail....

They Found his appartment room....

Detective Daniels Knocked-and-knocked on the door shouting about the warrants he had....


Chris Jackie realized that his game was up....

But He decided to make a run for it first!


During the intense-chase , Detective Daniels tripped on a Godzilla Action figure while chasing Jackie through the living room...thus giving Chris several key-seconds to escape...


Several minutes later...(try a half hour or so)

forensic officers and cops and local law enforcement had crowded the scene....

A Fellow Officer noticed an odd letter attached to a stuff'ed animal's private parts...
Fellow Officer: " better have a look at this..."
Detective Daniels was quick to snatch the letter outt've his fellow officer's hands....
Detective Daniels read-it-out loud, :"Four-shall surely bleed, one shall surely die, the rest will have no genitals left for when I'm through-with-them....."

Daniels was quick to crumple up the paper, and toss it aside....
one of the Agents there asked: "well-what does that mean?"
Detective Daniels was quick to respond, "IT means, he's becoming bored with his own body-count that he's means!...that this game is near the finish....that we won't possibly-catch him alive...that Several more will suffer....and that he may-stand a good chance of getting away...."

Chapter 3: The Final Four:

Chris Jackie walks into his Control Center...giggling, cause of whats to "CUM" ...


He sits down on a soft-comfy-sofa....he watches several television monitors and speaks into a microphone:
"3 of you will have no penis/or vagina when I'm through with you....but you'll have the choice to live or of you will have no choice at all...cause your cock's too small for my liking....teheheheheheheeheteheheh!"

As he finished speaking into the mic, He flipped on the switch of which sealed the doom of the Four-Victims....

Chris Jackie Jokingly has a name for each of them
"Starting with you mister-electric-penis-enhancer...*homo-giggles*"


Jackie laughs as he sees the first victim suffer in pain...
Chris then speaks into the mic: "And Next mr.hangman...tehe!"


Chris Jackie: "And now we have our last man....*gets abit teary-eyed*...may his penis be in my mouth til thee-end of time....awww.."


Chris Jackie: "And For-My-Master-Penis....errrr! I ma-Mean Thee-Fantastic Dorito-Flavored-DILDO-OF-DOOM!!!!!"


C-J: "Woooo!!!"

Jackie giggles in gayness as all four of his victims suffer in pain, as electricity runs through the black cables that connect the victims together in each other's Suffering....

Chapter 4: Jackie's Fate:

Due to several valuable information, Detective Daniels and several S.W.A.T team members are dispatched to Chris Jackie's new venice-beach appartment TAKE-HIM-OUT by any means necessary...

meanwhile, inside Jackie's house....while he's cleaning the dishes in the sink, He sees several young-muscular men lifting weights near the beach....he giggles, as he begins to masturbate-at-a-slow-smooth-pace ....

But due to him being over-weight, he quickly loses his balence and falls backwards...
The Refridgerator breaks his fall, but something on top of the fridge then thus-falls on top of Chris Jackie's Head...
causing a severe-instant-concussion....
Chris Jackie soon falls forward , and accidently knocks a toaster into the sink , meanwhile at the same time he's erotically-cumming in the dishwater, thus Causing-electrocution....


Resulting in The Epic-Death of Electro-Cum-Concussion syndrome that Killed The Man that we know to-this day as thee-serial killer CHRIS JACKIE Jr......:stretcher:

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Man, I got up to chapter two. It's too long. Tell Kaedon to calm down lol.


Saw this on the other forum, this was fucking awesome. KenFan, you need to make a 2nd one. These are just freaking awesome