Ok, people! June is Clown History Month and my intentions are to run down the Clown of the day here on the ACW interactive! And, HELL, I'm already behind.
But ya gotta understand! Me and the boys opened our favorite month with a bang! A helluva party that brought the cops down on our painted asses several times!
SO, I thought I'd share a few tidbits and pics from the shindig!

Here comes some of the guys from my graduating class!
Bongo there ridin' shotgun looks to be lit already! The writing on his hands are to 'get rid of the ugly chicks'...his own words! WOW!

Shifty, Rango (still has a serious ketchup addiction), BONO (was forced to turn the N on it's side due to copywrite infringement/don't think it worked), Stanky, Grizzy (refuses to THIS DAY to shave that beard), Nik Nak Paddy Wack (Yes, he's a toker), Cookie (YUM!) and Joe.
These are my homefries from back in the day. We all shared the same clown car back at school. Ah, that Clown Car was like home....because it was home. And that made COOKIE there up front right the most popular clown in our fraternity car!

I'm not sure who the hell this was, but just about anybody with facepaint on was welcome!

Well, the party wasn't a total bust! I mean, Paddy Wack brought in some awesome CLown Hookers...or where they strippers? Ya know, maybe he said they were his neices...Could explain the massive fight before he left.

Ya know, I said all with facepaint were welcome. This crowd showed up out front...
HELL NO!! NO JUGGALOS!!! Inane Clown Pussies!!

Ah, the token black clown from our old school, Coonie. Never could handle his Malt liquor!

Well, it's not a party until cousin Bif sets his hair on fire...then the gazebo out back...then the house...

Well, that pretty much shut her down. But it wasn't a total bust! We got to spend the night back in our old Fratcar!
Good seein' ya again, Cookie!!

(BTW, that's not a hood ornament, that's Uncle *uck, don't ask....