Kayfabe "JSP: No."

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Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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The Backlash Pre-Show trudges on with Alex Price standing by in the Precision interview area.

Alex Price: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time: the Intercontinental Champion, Jason St. Pierre

A faint booing can be heard from the half full arena as the camera pans out to show the champion standing next to Alex Price.

Alex Price: Jason, since you won your championship, the audience has yet to really hear anything from you about your winning. You kinda disappeared after defeating CRASH. So, what's the deal?

JSP glares down at the small interviewer before chuckling lightly to himself.

JSP: I guess you could say that I've been...busy. There were a few loose ends that I had to tie up before I could come back around here. But now, my business with that is now taken care of, and I am back to handle business here.

Alex Price: And what exactly is that business that you have here?

JSP: That business? The business I have here has been the same business since day one. I want to improve this wretched company. I want to hold the entire world that is Precision in the palm of my hand. I want to raise it, high into the sky...And then I want to crush it -JSP takes his two hands and clasps them together firmly, creating a loud clap- just like that. I want to watch this putrid company crumble at my feet. Everybody will be looking up at me as I continually rain despair onto them.

As JSP talks, the worry in Alex Price's face begins to show, definitely put off by the champion's bizarre desire.

Alex Price: Before you do that, though, you're going to have to get past Joseph Diamond, who is a former Intercontinental Champion. Are you at all concerned about facing him, considering the reinvigorated attitude he had displayed earlier?

JSP: Past accolades mean nothing, Alex. It is not what a man has done before that defines his capabilities. For the only thing that's important is the action he takes in the present that truly matters. Joseph Diamond is broken. He may put on a smile and puff out his chest for those who support him, but I can see beyond that. Behind the fire in his eyes is a puddle of welled up tears, ready to stream down his cheeks... Just like when his brother was picked at like a vulture a few weeks ago.

Alex Price: Regarding that, do you have any remorse for Alexander Diamond and not helping him while Jack Rogue attacked him?

JSP: No.

Alex Price looks a bit perplexed by the short answer.

Alex Price: Just "no"?

JSP: I have no time to waste my thoughts on someone such as Alexander Diamond. He didn't deserve to be in a ring with me, and Jack Rogue did something worthwhile for once, and getting that poor excuse for a man out of that ring.

JSP adjusts the title that rests on his shoulder before looking back at the interviewer.

JSP: Now, pay very close attention, because I'm going to go put his brother in the hospital bed right next to him.

JSP walks past Alex Price, bumping him as he passes by.

Alex Price: A very confident Jason St. Pierre, prepared to take on Joseph Diamond, tonight! Back to you guys.

Alex Price throws it back to the commentators, who are about to call the preshow's first bout.