Bobby Lashley vs. James Thompson
Lashley with a straight and drags him to the ground. Thompson tries to wall walk, and gets back up to the feet. Lashley drops to a double leg by the fence and Thompson defends. They clinch and Lashley lands a few punches before getting another takedown. Lashley lands a few punches before Thompson gets back up. Lashley with good dirty boxing, and yet another takedown to side control. Thompson gets back up. Lashley looks to have slowed a bit already. They clinch on the fence, and Thompson lands a good knee then another that hits low. Looks like Lashley is wisely using most of the 5 minutes given to recover a bit and get his second wind. They go back at it. Lashley lands a left hook, Thompson clinches and tries to takedown Lashley. They're clinching in the fence and as they separate, Lashley lands a big punch and flurries. Bell rings as Thompson looked like he was still hurt. 10-9 Lashley
Round 2. Let's see how much these guys have in the tank. Thompson clinches in the fence. Lashley eats a knee to the belt and pretends it was a low blow. Ref has nothing of it. More knees to the midsection from Thompson and Lashley seems to be wearing down. More knees. Lashley returns the favor with a big knee. Lashley tries for a takedown, More clinch work in the fence and they get restarted in the cetnter. Lashley throws haymakers and shoots but gets stuffed. Lashley looks tired. Dirty boxing in the fence from Thompson. Another knee to the body. Lashley lands a big punch, but they're back in the fence. Lashley turns, and lands in the clinch. Lashley pushing him to the fence, and flurries, but misses most of it. Both of them are slolwing down. Mostly cage work this round. Round ends and Lashley looks to be worn out. Very close round which could go either way, but I'll score it 10-9 Thompson I guess.
Round 3. Lashley's hands are low, and looks tried as hell. He still lands a good combination though. Thompson with another low blow. Lashley is still on the floor. He's using up most of the 5 minutes again. Not sure how much of this is him being tired, cause that illegal knee did look to have landed hard. Baroni calls out Lashley says it wasn't that hard and he should get up. Now that he gets up, it kinda looks like he's just using the time to recover cause he looked gassed a while ago. Thompson stuffs a shoot from Lashley. They clinch and Thompson lands an elbow and a few punches from the clinch. Another elbow from Thompson, and Lashley has been constantly pinned to the fence. Elbow again from Thompson. Lashley looks bad here. He's got to get off the fence. Lashley lands a big knee from a Muay Thai clinch that backs up Thompson. Both look tired. They're back in the fence. Few dirty boxing from Thompson. Lashley is able to separate and lands a good jab and left hook. Can he steal the round? Both guys slug it out and flurry until the bell ends. Lashley got the better of that exchange, but I still have it 10-9 Thompson. Close fight on the last 2 rounds, but on my card it should go to Thompson 29-28.
Judges score it 29-28 to James Thompson.
Here's the full results for this show
James Thompson defeats Bobby Lashley via Unanimous Decision(29-28,29-28,29-28)
Joanne Calderwood defeats Lena Ovchynnikova via Unanimous Decision (30-26,30-26,30-26)
Anup Kumar defeats Chatmongkhon Simma via TKO (punches) at 4:55 of Rd1
Kultar Gill defeats Quinton Arendse via KO (punches) at :51 of Rd1
Trevor Prangley defeats Baga Agaev via TKO (punches) at 2:03 of Rd3
Lakwinder Sekhon defeats Vladimir Biandov via TKO (Retirement) at 5:00 of Rd2
Gurdarshan Mangat submits Si Cong Liu via Rear Naked Choke at 2:37 of Rd2
Zelg Galesic defeats Doug Marshall via KO (flying knee) at :34 of Rd1