007: James Bond
Season 1: Live and Let Die
Episode 1: “Bond, James Bond”
Pre-Credits Scene
*9:05 AM June 21st, 2003. New York, New York. The scene opens up at the general assembly of the United Nations, where the President of Ukraine is giving a special presentation. Sitting at the special reserved seat for the country of San Monique is a well-dressed man, beside him a beautiful woman. Close by is a man representing the United Kingdom listening intently into his headset, but watching the diplomat of San Monique. After a while, the gentleman for the UK fiddles with his headset, as if struggling with it. The man suddenly grits his teeth and collapses onto the desk. A commotion is stirred as people look to check on him*
*1:01 PM June 21st, 2003. New Orleans, Louisiana. The scene shifts to a downtown street, on a quiet afternoon. A man, clearly an agent, leans against a post and smokes a cigarette as he surveys the Fillet of Soul restaurant across the street. Suddenly, a funeral procession appears out of nowhere, playing somber dixie music. A noticeably smaller gentleman walks up beside the agent.*
Agent: Howdy.
Gentleman: Good afternoon.
Agent: Want a cigarette?
Gentleman: Sure, why not.
*The two men watch the procession start to pass by, the agent lights up a cigarette to the gentleman as he takes it politely.*
Agent: Say, uh -- you know who’s funeral it is?
Gentleman: Yeah, man… yours.
Agent: Huh--?
*Suddenly the gentleman reveals a flip knife and shanks the agent right between the ribs. The agent has no time to react and immediately drops to the ground, desperately gasping for air. The pallbearers come over with the coffin, looking down somberly at the dying agent. They then set the coffin down, open it, and pick up the agent, who’s trying to scream for help, but can’t as he coughs up blood. They set him in the coffin and close it, picking it back up afterwards. The somber dixie suddenly whiplashes moods and becomes an extremely cheerful song, with the procession breaking out into celebration and dance.*
*10:30 PM June 21st, 2003, San Monique. We get one last scene of what appears to be a cult ceremony going down. A mass of people dance in tune to the banging of drums and chants. Tied to a post is an incredibly out-of-place gentleman. There is fear in his eyes as who appears to be a shaman approaches him wielding a venomous snake. There is a slow tension in the air as the shaman steps closer and closer. The man screams as the snake latches onto his neck, killing him instantly. The screen fades to black as music plays.*
Scene 1
* 7:06 AM, June 22nd, 2003. London, England. We open in a luxurious business office; it is of course the office of M, the head of MI6. A grandfather clock ticks in the corner and a portrait of the Queen stands above the fireplace as we are introduced to the man himself.*
*10:30 PM June 21st, 2003, San Monique. We get one last scene of what appears to be a cult ceremony going down. A mass of people dance in tune to the banging of drums and chants. Tied to a post is an incredibly out-of-place gentleman. There is fear in his eyes as who appears to be a shaman approaches him wielding a venomous snake. There is a slow tension in the air as the shaman steps closer and closer. The man screams as the snake latches onto his neck, killing him instantly. The screen fades to black as music plays.*
Scene 1
* 7:06 AM, June 22nd, 2003. London, England. We open in a luxurious business office; it is of course the office of M, the head of MI6. A grandfather clock ticks in the corner and a portrait of the Queen stands above the fireplace as we are introduced to the man himself.*
M: Bring Mr. Bond in.
*M sits at his desk rummaging through paperwork, in his hands is a document pressed with the words “CIA Classified”. There’s two pictures attached, one of the gentleman at the general assembly, the other of someone surrounded by several gang members. In comes a younger man, striding confidently up to an upset M. The young man extends his hand and smiles; M simply looks up and nods to the man.*
M: About time you’ve made it, I don’t like to be made to wait.
Bond: Ah, forgive me, M. I was just enjoying the view.
M: Let’s hope you don’t enjoy it too much, Bond-- or should I say, 007.
Bond: Sir?
*The young Bond raises his eyebrows quizzically, surprised at the sudden news given before him. M keeps things matter-of-factly.*
M: We don’t have time for celebrations or ceremonies at this particular time, 007. Consider this a trial by fire. Your first official mission as a 00-Agent.
Bond: I must admit, I’m quite surprised. I didn’t expect to be chosen for the 00 program so soon.
M: You’ve had proper training, and Her Majesty sees incredible potential in you; that’s why you were chosen for this.
Bond: Very well then-- what mission am I to undertake?
M: Right then-- Listen up, 007. Over the last 24 hours we have had a series of incidents that require our immediate attention. Yesterday morning during a United Nations conference, Agent Briggs died mysteriously. At the same time, Agent Calhoun and Agent Winthrop failed to report in, and are presumed dead.
Bond: Well, that’s very strange isn’t it? How did Briggs go?
M: We’re still determining that ourselves. Furthermore, these three incidents are not just coincidence.
*M tosses Bond the communique, who briskly views it, he looks up at M with a slightly confused expression.*
Bond: Dr. Kananga and Mr. Big..?
M: The three agents were investigating the connection between these two men, 007. Dr. Kananga is the “President”, or rather dictator, of a small island nation in the Caribbean: San Monique. He’s for months been stirring up some anti-corporate sentiment in the United Nations. Some badgering about the United States, Britain, and other major countries ganging up against the smaller nations and profiting off of their labor and land, so to speak.
Bond: Sounds like he doesn’t much enjoy our help, hm? What about Mr. Big?
M: Ah, Mr. Big… that’s what the CIA and his supposed gang calls him. He’s a drug-lord based somewhere in the Harlem district of Manhattan. He deals mostly in heroin and cocaine; he’s said to be incredibly powerful, with connections reaching all the way down to Miami and New Orleans.
*Bond nods his head and smirks a little, he looks out of the window to the setting of the London streets below*
Bond: So what does a two-bit drug lord want from a Caribbean dictator? It doesn’t make sense.
M: No… no it doesn’t. The CIA doesn’t know either, but they’ve been keeping tabs on the two men and they’re certain the two are linked somehow. Bond-
*Bond turns his head to M, and leans over M’s desk, much to the boss’s annoyance.*
Bond: Yes, sir?
M: Find out what happened to the two missing agents, and discover the connection between Dr. Kananga and Mr. Big -- and if possible, 007, help the CIA apprehend Mr. Big. Plans have already been arranged, be at Heathrow at 06:00 tomorrow.
*M pushes a button that creates a buzzing noise from the other room*
M: Miss Moneypenny will be in to direct you towards Q-division. Q is our materials and research leader. Of course, I’m certain you’ve met Miss Moneypenny before.
*Bond flashes a grin and chuckles silently, nodding his head. In comes a lovely looking woman, wearing a nice work dress. Bond turns to the woman and smiles even wider.*
M: Ah, Miss Moneypenny-
Bond: Moneypenny; wonderful to see you again.
*Moneypenny shows a smile to Bond and shakes his hand quickly.*
Moneypenny: Hello, James.
M: Ahem… Miss Moneypenny, please escort 007 to Q so he can prepare for his mission -- and for god’s sake no “hanky-panky” on the way.
*Bond and Moneypenny turn to M, who looks quite displeased. The two hide their grins and begin to walk out of the office and into a hallway.*
Moneypenny: Right this way, James.
Scene 2
*Bond is being led down corridors filled with several occupants, members of MI6. The two of them seem very comfortable around one another and appear to have a history*
*Bond is being led down corridors filled with several occupants, members of MI6. The two of them seem very comfortable around one another and appear to have a history*
Bond: Didn’t think I’d ever see you again after all these years, Miss Moneypenny.
Moneypenny: It’s a small world, after all, James. I’m not surprised you joined the service; but they made you a 00-agent, eh?
Bond: I’m a tad surprised myself; didn’t think they would initiate me so soon.
Moneypenny: You’re not the only one who’s been initiated, James. Alec’s been promoted as well!
Bond: Really? What number is he going by now?
Moneypenny: 006 naturally, just above you.
*Bond and Moneypenny share a laugh as they encroach closer to the Q-Division sector*
Bond: He always was better than me, even in college.
Moneypenny: Oh, everyone was better than you, James -- but nobody had the charm and smile quite like you.
Bond: You flatter me, Miss Moneypenny. You’ve certainly retained your womanly wiles and youthful beauty yourself.
Moneypenny: Who’s flattering who now, James? I’m certainly not surprised, you’ve always had ladies falling for you.
Bond: It's unfortunate I never had you falling for me.
Moneypenny: Oh, James.
Scene 3
*Bond and Moneypenny enter a busy research laboratory, filled with chaos abound. In the background several scientists work on all sorts of technology. A few gunshots and explosions can be heard in the distance. The two of them tip-toe around the mass carnage and enter into an office, where an unkempt gentleman sits at his computer and observes, casually from a distance, a piece of technology on fire. Moneypenny and Bond look confused and befuddled regarding the scene before them.*
*Bond and Moneypenny enter a busy research laboratory, filled with chaos abound. In the background several scientists work on all sorts of technology. A few gunshots and explosions can be heard in the distance. The two of them tip-toe around the mass carnage and enter into an office, where an unkempt gentleman sits at his computer and observes, casually from a distance, a piece of technology on fire. Moneypenny and Bond look confused and befuddled regarding the scene before them.*
Moneypenny: Uh… Q?
Q: Not right now. There’s a fire.
*There’s an awkward silence in the room as the three stand there and just watch the fire. Bond steps out of the room and comes back with a fire extinguisher, and immediately puts out the fire. Q just watches and doesn’t even flinch. Bond sets down the extinguisher on Q’s desk and extends a hand.*
Bond: Alright, no more fire. I’m Bond, James Bond.
*Q stands and shakes Bond’s hand and grins*
Q: They told me about you. A man of action. That much is… obvious.
*Q turns and glances at the smoking ruins of whatever it was he was working on.*
Q: So you’re heading off to New York, is it? Lovely this time of year, a rich culture, wonderful people--
Moneypenny: I never knew you’ve been to New York, Q!
Q: Actually, no, it’s in this pamphlet here.
*Q pulls a pamphlet from his pocket, advertising the sights and sounds of New York City. Moneypenny isn’t sure how to respond, whilst Bond is merely amused.*
Q: Right, well -- follow me, 007.
Moneypenny: Good luck out there, James.
*Q leads Bond out of the office back into the main lab as Moneypenny stays behind and surveys the carnage in front of her. Q and Bond run over to a counter with a few bits and bobs. Q grabs a small case and flips it open, pulling out a Walther PPK.*
Q: Here we are, Bond. This is your standard-issue gun. It’s a Walther PPK; 590 grams, 155 millimeters length, 25 millimeters width, 100 millimeters --
Bond: I know what a Walther PPK is, Q.
Q: Oh… You sure? What kind of ammo do you need?
Bond: .32 ACP. straight blowback action, fires 280 meters per second.
Q: … Okay, you know what a Walther PPK is.
*Q hands Bond the Walther and reaches into the case again, grasping a smaller tube that appears to screw into the gun*
Q: Silencer… makes things a lot quieter since you may have to shoot in public, right?
Bond: That would be rather handy, thanks.
*Bonds takes the silencer and begins attaching it to his gun, and finally holsters it within his coat. Q turns to the table and grasps a watch, presenting it to Bond*
Q: Alright, 007. Here is--
Bond: A watch, yes, I see that. No thank you, I already have one.
*Bond lifts one of his cuffs to show his own watch, which is a Rolex. Q looks rather unimpressed and twists the top of his watch. Suddenly Bond's hand shifts right against Q's watch, as if against Bond's will. Both watches collide with one another, before Q twists the top of his watch again, freeing Bond's hand*
Q: Magnetic watch. Figured it could be useful in case you're in a bind. Not only that, lemme show you something else -- Johnson, hand me that rope, will you?
*A generic researcher comes over to Q and hands him a length of rope, walking away. Q grins and looks over at Bond motioning him to watch closely*
Q: Now, Bond, should you find yourself in quite a pickle, all you need to do is push this button here --
*Q pushes a hidden button on the watch, suddenly the watch’s head rotates violently, small saw blades protracting from the side. Q presses the watch against the rope, which is cut apart quickly. Bond looks slightly impressed by this device.*
Bond: Rather handy… can it at least tell time?
Q: … It's a watch, Bond -- Anyways, that's not all I have for you.
*Q hands Bond the watch. Bond grins and takes his own watch off and places his own on. Q reaches for the table, clasping a noticeably smaller gun, and showing it off to Bond.*
Bond: One of your personal guns, Q?
Q: Oh grow up, 007. This is what we in the Q-Division call an “emergency exit”.
Bond: It’s a derringer, Q.
Q: I know, but it sounds more exciting calling it the other thing. If you’re ever in a situation where you need an escape or something, y’know, you just whip this out and “Kapow”!
*As he says this, he poses awkwardly and holds the gun out as if he’s pretending to fire it. James is remarkably less than impressed.*
Q: You'd look great in this pose, 007.
Bond: Let’s hope I don’t need to use it then.
Q: You should have it concealed, preferably in the cuff of your shirt.
*Q hands the derringer to Bond, who takes it and lifts up one sleeve of his shirt to survey the logistics of such a feat. Q finally takes a card laying on the table and hands it to 007. The card is an official government issued license, which Bond surveys closely.*
Bond: License to Kill, hm?
Q: M mentioned something about you being careless in your tests -- probably why 006 ranked higher than you --
Bond: Rub salt in that wound why don't you.
Q: -- so M had this sent to me to give to you.
Bond: Give M my regards, Q. I must admit, this has been fun, but I must get going.
*Bond begins to walk away but Q steps forward to block his path*
Q: Now just a moment, 007! There's one last thing!
Bond: What is it? Another of your brilliant inventions?
Q: Actually, no. I need your advice; you seem like someone who’d be pretty handy with the ladies…
Bond: Or so I’m told --
Q: Would you happen to know any great restaurants or locales for uh -- impressing the opposite gender?
*Bond unfurls his eyebrows in slight bemusement, but grin and pats Q on the shoulder and walks with him to the entrance of the laboratory.*
Bond: Q, my new pal, why don’t you bring them here? They’ll always be in for a surprise and plus you’ll feel right at home among the menagerie.
Q: Gee, thanks, Bond.
*A hint of sarcasm rolls off of Q’s voice as he walks back into his office, leaving Bond to roll his eyes with a smile and exit the research facility.*
Scene 4
*6:35 PM June 22nd, 2003, London, England. The scene opens in a private quarters; Bond’s home in London. He’s sitting at home, looking through many of the documents that MI6 had prepared for him on the situation, as well as a plane ticket for 6:00 AM. A knock comes on the door. Bond rises to his feet and opens the door. Before him stands a man of similar age to Bond.*
Scene 4
*6:35 PM June 22nd, 2003, London, England. The scene opens in a private quarters; Bond’s home in London. He’s sitting at home, looking through many of the documents that MI6 had prepared for him on the situation, as well as a plane ticket for 6:00 AM. A knock comes on the door. Bond rises to his feet and opens the door. Before him stands a man of similar age to Bond.*
???: Hello, James.
Bond: Alec, it’s great to see you!
*Bond welcomes his best friend Alec Trevelyan into his abode and closes the door behind them. Alec has a bottle of Bond’s favorite champagne: Dom Perignon ‘53. Bond goes into the kitchen to fetch two glasses as Alec removes the cork. The two share a drink together and chat it up like old times.*
Alec: Can you believe it? The two of us-- 00-Agents. Who would have thought?
Bond: Certainly not me, Alec. I always figured you were destined for this program, not myself.
Alec: Nonsense, “Commander”.
Bond: Please, please… no need to be so formal… “Captain”.
Alec: Still haven’t lost your cheek, have you Bond. Just like you.
Bond: Well you know what they say: “that Bond lad never turns down a good woman, or a good wisecrack.”
Alec: They also say, “That Bond fellow is bound someday to talk his way into trouble with that mouth.”
Bond: I don’t remember them ever saying that.
Alec: Oh they did, just behind your back.
*The two share a small laugh. Bond grows a little more serious as he looks down and sees the communique on San Monique.*
Bond: So Alec, you have a first mission prepared for you?
Alec: Aye, they got me going to Taiwan; something to do with some smugglers bringing an illegal cache of weapons over.
Bond: Hm… sounds rather exciting. I’m going to the United States and then to San Monique.
Alec: San Monique? They got you going on vacation Bond?
Bond: I wish. Drug lords and dictators--
Alec: Are you sure you can handle it, Bond? You and I both know sometimes your recklessness can hamper you severely.
Bond: Don’t worry about me, Alec. Care about yourself for once instead of others.
*The two chat for an hour or so, before Alec looks at his watch and sighs. He rubs his eyes and shakes Bond’s hand.*
Alec: It looks like it’s that time, Bond. We’ll be sure to see each other some other time. For England, James?
Bond: For England, Alec.
*Alec leaves behind the bottle and glass and leaves the flat, leaving Bond alone to think for himself and wonder if he’s really ready for this. He’s going to need to be ready, regardless. His first mission is coming in mere hours.*