*The scene opens on Logan Matthews standing in front of a wall that is lit to look red with a metal grating in front of it with a video screen displaying the IWF logo hanging from it. Matthews is wearing a charcoal grey suit with a matching dress shirt with the top three buttons undone. His customary mirrored lens, gold rimmed aviators but they don't fully cover the dark circles under his eyes.
Matthews: Hello boys and girls, it is I, your pro wrestling savior, the hottest thing in the industry today, the “Hardcore Superstar” Logan Matthews. I'm sorry if I don't look as good as you have become so accustomed to, see, unlike you people, I live a busy and fulfilling life. I just got back to the studio from a long night of partying in Los Angeles with my good friends, the artists of Young Money Entertainment. They were having a VERY exclusive bon voyage, that's French for “safe trip” for all you uneducated humanoids out there, party for Lil Wayne and I just happened to get an invite.
*Logan adjusts his glasses and briefly reveals his red, bloodshot eyes.
Matthews: But that's all beside the point. I'm gracing you all with my glorious visage on this video because I'm not done talking about the nine men I will be facing at Inception. As I'm sure all of you know, as loyal followers of the “New Nature Boy” I posted a blog last week and it has gotten A LOT of attention all over the internet, especially on my website where it was originally posted, where it has amassed over one thousand comments. Now, what kind of man would I be if I didn't give my legions of fans their fifteen minutes of fame by reading my personal favorite comments?
*Logan reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out a neatly folded piece of paper, unfolds it and prepares to read.
Matthews: This first one is a fantastic display of spelling and grammatical conventions. It reads.. “Yo boy,” oh, how cute, he spelled boy with an “i” instead of a “y” he truly is a revolutionary, “Yo boy, why did you diss on mah boy Andres like that? When you get to Inception he's gonna mess you up! You're just a pretty boy who can't back up his words in da ring!” I would point out all the spots where he substituted letters for words or just refused to spell words properly, but that would be like shooting uneducated fish in a leaky barrel. Next up is a lovely young woman who goes by the name “Emily Brown-Caldwell.” Hm, I'm surprised he has fans, especially female fans that would want to take his last name! This girl is another in a line of online rebels that posted comments that totally ignored proper spelling. So, Mrs. Brown-Caldwell writes “You don't have any idea how much trouble you are in! When you fight my Sam you will be sorry you ever said anything bad about him! And when he throws you ober teh top rope, all of his fans are gonna laugh at you because you're a LOOSER! Also, I printed off a picture of you from your website and pasted it in my dictionary next to 'worthless' just so my future husband is right.”
*Matthews slides his glasses down his nose and rubs either side of the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger while chuckling.
Matthews: I gotta hand it to you Sam, you attract some top notch fans. That obsessive teenage girl market is a very hard demographic to get a handle on but you did an exceptional job. She must be a true fan because she doesn't know the difference between a gauntlet at a battle royal. Now of course, there is some love for Loki and it is incredibly displayed in this post, now excuse me for yelling, but it's in all caps and I would be doing this young man a disservice if I didn't read the words exactly as he wrote them. “HOW DARE YOU?! LOKI HAS MENTAL ISSUES! DOCTOR HIBBERT IS NOT THE SAME DOCTOR FROM THE SIMPONS! HE IS A LEGITMATE DOCTOR! YOU SHOULD THANK MISTER HIBBERT AFTER THIS MATCH, IF LOKI DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKING FUN OF HIS PROBLEMS!” Ya know, this guy has a point, and clearly a stuck caps lock button. Loki, I'm deeply sorry for poking fun at you. You CLEARLY have some deep seeded mental issues if you think you have even the slightest shadow of a chance of beating me. Sure, you're a good athlete, but you are no Logan Matthews. Loki, I won't say this about very many people, but I respect you, but do not think that my respect will lead to me taking it easy on you. I'm in IWF for one reason and one reason alone, and that is to be the Man and I'll do whatever it takes to get there. Finally, we have a fairly positive comment. This person is clearly a big fan of Pro Wrestling's Messiah because they actually took the time to use their spell check. They wrote, “I don't want to sound like a suck up, but you are my favorite wrestler of all time! I've followed your career all the way from Down Under Pro Wrestling, to Wyoming Championship Wrestling, and now to Impact Pro Wrestling. I know about your history with Ray Morrison, but I'm afraid that a lot of the hate you're getting because of the heat between you two stems from fans not being as educated as I am. Would you please elaborate for the less intelligent fan so that maybe they can see that you are in the right here?”
*The “Hardcore Superstar” refolds the paper and replaces it in the inside pocket of his jacket.
Matthews: Well, since you asked so nicely I think I have to educate everyone out there about Ray Morrison and Me. See, Ray and I started out as a make-shift tag team in the previously mentioned Down Under Pro Wrestling. We were placed in a match on the very first show, Sydney Insanity, against the team of The Koala Kid and “Savage” Steve Hanes and let me tell you kiddies, we tore the house down. From there we went on to win the DUPW World Tag Team titles and defend them from over a year. Now, I'm sure you're all thinking this sounds like a cushy gig and it was, but Ray couldn't hold his liquor on a flight from Brisbane to Sydney and as soon as we landed, we BOTH got fired. After this setback, we started traveling around, first we took over Europe, them Japan, then finally the United States. As I've told you people many, many times over, I found singles success outside of the team and Ray grew increasingly jealous. It finally all reached a head in Pro Wrestling: Crown where I won the World title and Ray won the Heritage title when one day Ray, a man I considered to be my brother, decided having one belt wasn't good enough for him and he wanted mine too. So, after a little backstabbing and shady dealing, he got his wish and a shot against me. What he says is true, we had us a little Ironman match after his initial betrayal in an Elimination Chamber match and yes, we did go to the time limit, but that's because I was taking it easy on him. Ray was family to me, he was my running buddy for several years. We partied like Horseman outside of the ring and took all the titles in any promotion were win. After our epic Ironman encounter, we patched things up in the name of “team unity” but I knew that Ray still resented my success. Now, he's followed me to IWF in hopes of stealing my glory but I have news for you “Bro” that isn't going to happen.
*Matthews rips his glasses off and stares intensely into the camera.
Matthews: No one in this match can hope to stop me, not Loki, not Ray, not Sam, not even this “mystery opponent” who is too scared to stick himself in the spotlight before this match because he knows that he is not good enough to hang with the best in the business. A great man once said “Our destiny is not written for us, but us” and at Inception, I will be taking the pen and writing the first chapter of MY destiny, a destiny that will not be fulfilled until I'm wearing the IWF World Heavyweight title around my waist.
*Matthews replaces his sunglasses and smirks as the scene fades to black.
Sorry to double post but I finished this one up and had to post it.