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The Patriot

New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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Impact Wrestling Forum, The Patriot needs YOUR HELP! It will take about two minutes tops to vote. I thank you all! Just click on the link below and click, "vote for entry"...this is a contest that will help me pay for college if I win! YOU CAN VOTE AGAIN EVERYDAY! Elect me as President of the United States of America and end the lies. Let's form one nation that is truly focused on the truth. Plus, you'll help me pay for college. :)


Here is a copy of my actual entry. I thank you all for your support. Reviews here are cool, but it'd be even better of you wrote one at the Brickrfish site.

The lies must end now. The lie that this country is destined to be divided between left and right, conservative and liberal, Republican and Democrat, must come to an end. From this point, on the threshold of a truly marvelous new beginning, we rebuke that lie.

I’m not lifting a banner only Democrats can rally under. I’m not singing an anthem only liberals can sing. From this podium, I propose we close the clenched fist that has divided this country, and replace it with an open hand. The lies must end now, America. Division has not made us the most powerful nation in the world.

Lies have not propelled us to this point. We stand for the truth, because we stand united as one. We will not accept anything less, because this is our mission. Together, we can end the lies. Together, we can have our new beginning. Together, we can realize truth. The war in Iraq, our efforts against terrorism, healthcare, the economy, immigration, reform in Washington, the environment, and every other issue we face today, I will address, and if we stand together in truth, we will succeed in overcoming the challenges that face this great nation.


To come to truth, we must erase any preconceptions. I challenge you to clean the slate, and examine what makes America great. Let us forget what divides us temporarily, and remember what unites us. To face the challenges at our doorstep, we cannot merely talk change. We must be the change we wish to see. I’ve seen too many people adopt a gang mentality. We’re so concerned about our party, our circle, our people, that we forget to face issues with an open mind. Too many politicians in Washington are lining up like ducks in a row. Too many are simply falling in line with a Republican or Democratic way of thinking. The most important thing we can do is throw all of that away, and realize we are all in this pursuit of truth together. Let’s not cater to a political party. Let’s be done with all the stereotypes. The lie that is division in this country can only come to an end when we appreciate our neighbor’s opinion. We may not agree with it, but we have to respect it. Only then can our road to truth begin.

I see a young lady in the front row looking at me with a smile. She’s probably thinking to herself, “I didn’t come here to get a philosophical frothing at the mouth,” but hey, I guess we have to start somewhere. Let’s talk about the issues. There, I see that young lady relaxing already. Four and a half years ago, in March of 2003, the Bush administration launched this nation into an unnecessary, unjust, and ill-advised campaign in Iraq. Now, I’m sure our President wasn’t counting on any criticism from his own state of Texas when he made this decision, but I criticized him anyway.

The war was sold to the American people due to false intelligence, manipulated information, and faulty logic. This administration has crafted a strong web of fear, and ladies and gentlemen, fear has no place alongside our truth. Men and women are being killed in Iraq while our President continues to watch an ineffective Iraqi government squander any chance of unification. The plan I propose to you today is a plan of peace, tolerance, and security. As many of you know, Iraq is divided into three groups. The Sunnis occupy central Iraq. The Kurds occupy northern Iraq, and the Shiites occupy southern Iraq. This geographical allocation provides us with an opportunity. Instead of establishing one stable Democracy in the Middle East, we have the opportunity to establish three. If we allow the Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites their own countries, we eliminate the number one cause of violence in the region. If we establish three countries, the civil wars gripping the region will be eliminated. The division of Iraq is easily possible. Basra to the south and Mosul to the north provide alternative capitals, along with the current capital, Baghdad. Three major cities allow the geographical division to be fair and balanced, unlike my critics at FOX News.

As for our efforts against terrorism, we must continue to be strong, but we cannot be the strong America needs to be if we resort to the tactics of this previous administration. Our arsenal of Democracy must not be propelled by torture. Waterboarding must be stopped, and Congressional committees must be created to ensure we do abide by the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention. We must focus our efforts on the de-escalation of violence in Afghanistan. I know some you will agree with me when I say our ultimate goal needs to be the actual capture and punishment of Osama Bin Laden.

Healthcare in this country is something I take very seriously. I consider this issue to be the most important issue in our election. All over this country, people are unable to afford medical care, or insurance, simply because they cannot afford them. Healthcare is being used by a select group of elite few as means of profit, and the heath and well-being of my friends will not be seen as means of profit. As President of this country, I intend to break the chains. I intend to establish universal healthcare, and the multi-million dollar corporations that are fueled by working citizens of this country will pay for it. The truth that we are our neighbor’s keepers, the truth that a few elitist men do not have power over America, that truth begins to manifest itself with this issue. Healthcare will be our focal point, and our truth will begin in the hospitals and operating rooms of the United States of America.

The men and women that cross into America illegally must be dealt with. The corporations that hire them must be penalized, and the path to citizenship in this country must be streamlined. The nation of America is truly a nation of immigrants. We urge the world to send their poor, to send their destitute, to send their downtrodden, and in America, they have a chance to arrive at the American dream. We must keep this dream alive, but we must also protect our citizens who are losing jobs to illegal immigrants. We must stand tall against the corporate interests that keep immigration on the board. We must not be divided. Our enemy is not the lowly farmer who is desperate for a second chance in America. Our enemy is the elitist band of financiers that keep this issue on the table. We find our truth, by helping immigrants find America.

I leave you with a plea. United we will stand. Divided we will fall. The power of love is incomprehensible, and no matter your stance on social issues that are used to divide us, we must all strive to love our neighbor. The power of love must usurp the love of power. Until that day, America will stumble about in darkness. We must find the light. We must find our truth, and to find our truth, we must be our truth. We are America, and we are the truth. We are progress. We are change. We are the future. We can succeed, and if we all stand behind the banner that is our truth, WE WILL SUCCEED


Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
Richmond VA
the page could not be found....

feel for you though seeing as i just got accepted to college about 20 mins ago

Wrestling Station

u want us to vote for you and we barrely know you? or to say the truth, nobody have seen any posts from you before.. That is a 3rd world kind of vote T_T

you cant buy my vote, unless you deserve it. I guess there are like 100 better projects than urs, so i guess find another campaign for you to get votes from. :p

The Patriot

New Member
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Considering my project was just started yesterday, and I've already climbed the ranks from 80 to 39, I'm doing something right. I'm not very active here, but I have been a supporter of this site. Life keeps me from getting a high post count. Read the entry. You will surely see mine is deserving.