IWA Wrestling

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Who do you think will win the Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match

  • Abyss

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Samoa Joe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CM Punk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Jarrett

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Oct 30, 2007
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Wensday Night Xplosion

The Wendsay Night Xpolsion Opening video plays

the show starts with Eric Bishoff , James Cornette , and Paul Heyman in the ring. Eric Bishoff says that this is the new face of wrestling. That tonight will begin a revolution. He says above me is a cage designed to end carrers , desroys bodies , and bring upon destruction. This is Wrestling , this is the IWA.


Ring Announcer Jeremy Borash announces the following match will be for the IWA World Tag Team Championships.

IWA World Tag Team Championship
LAX (vs.) Team 3D (vs.) James Gang (vs.) Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman
Winners : LAX
Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman get taken out the match because Team 3D double powerbombed them threw the announce table. James Gang then start bralling with Team 3D arround the Entrance way. Brother Devon hits Kip James with steel chair. Then Team 3D 3D's BG James on the stage. After that the come back into the ring LAX beats Team 3D with metal pipes. Then Homicide Powerbombs Brother Ray and wins the match.

LAX celebrates their win in the ring


Main Event Promo
Ring Announcer says the next contest will be for the IWA Womens Championship

IWA Womens Championship
Karen Angle (vs.) Gail Kim (vs.) Candice Michelle (vs.) Awsome Kong (vs.) Beth Phoinex (vs.) Mickie James
Winner by interference from Kurt Angle : Karen Angle

The final two combatents are Karen Angle and Awsome Kong. Awsome Kong elimanates everybody while Karen stands outside the ring and waits. Karen runs in after Kong elimantes Gail Kim. Karen four arms Awsome Kong. Kong turn around and grabs Karen picks her up for the powerbomb.Kurt Angle runs in and nails Awesome Kong in the back of the leg with a steel chair. Karen lands on top of Kong. 1, 2, 3 Karen wins the IWA Womens Championship.

Kurt and Karen Angle celebrate walking up the ramp.

Officals come in a help Awsome Kong out of the ring.

Michael Cole conducts an interview with AJ Styles. AJ garentes that the Phenominal one will come out on top.

IWA Televison Championship
#1 Contenders Match for IWA World Heavyweight Champioship
Jeff Hardy (vs.) Tomko (vs.) Christopher Daniels (vs.) AJ Styles
Winner by pinfall of Christopher Daniels: AJ Styles

Jeff Hardy gets his head almost taken off by a big Boot by Tomko. Christopher Daniels get hurnacaruna off the turnbuckle. Then Jeff hardy tries to Twist to Fate Aj Styles he reverses it and throws Jeff out the ring. AJ Styles gets to the top rope and does a shooting star press and pins Christopher Daniels.

Junior Fatu (vs.) Umaga /w Armando Elehandro Estrada
Winner by pinfall: Junior Fatu

Junior Fatu does a side kick to Umaga. Umaga falls back on the bootom turnbuckle Junior Fatu looks back and signal for the stink face. Umaga moves out the way and starts to choke Junior Fatu. Armando Elehandro signals for the somoan spike. Umaga wins the match and keeps attacking Junior Fatu. The referee tells Jeremy Borash that he as reversed the descison and Junior Fatu is the winner. Umaga snaps and somoan spikes the referee.


Larry Zybzko and Mike Tenay predict who they think will win the Barbed wire steel cage match. Larry picks Jeff Jarrett and Tenay picks CM Punk.

Promo for Barbed Wire Steel Cage

Jeremy Borash says this contest is the IWA Main Event. Which is for the IWA World Heavyweight Championship. And it will be contest in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match.

Barbed Wire Steel Cage
IWA World Heavyweight Championship
Somoa Joe (vs.) Abyss (vs.) CM Punk (vs.) Jeff Jarrett

Abyss and CM Punk Brawl Abyss picks up CM Punk and throws him into the cage head first.
Somoa Joe muscle busters Abyss off the top turnbuckle and Abyss holds his neck in agony. CM Punk and Joe double teams Jeff Jarrett and they make him bleed then Joe gets Punk in a rear naked choke. Jeff Jarrett strugles to get up Scott Steiner runs down with the guitar and tosses over the top of the cage. Jarrett catches it and hits Joe over the head. Jarrett then covers Joe and wins.

The Cage is Lifted

Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner celebrate in the ring with the IWA World Heavyweight Championship

Then the lights go off and come back on and Sting is standing behind Jarrett and Steiner Jarrett turns around and jumps out of the ring. Steiner gets hit in the stomach with the baseball bat and hit in the head.

Jarrett looking out at the ring in total shock and Sting is pointing the bat at Jeff Jarrett.

International Wrestling Alliance

Shows Next Week on Wensday Night Xplosion:
Wendsay Night Xpolsion IWA World Heavyweight Championship
Saturday Night Hazard AJ Styles/w Sting (vs.) Jeff Jarett/w Scott Steiner

Awesome Kong as suffered a fractured knee and will
be out from 2-3 months.
Eric Bishoff ( President )
Jim Cornnete ( Head of Talent )
Paul Heyman ( Executive Assistant)

Writing Team:
John Bush
Jake McKinley

Wensday Night Xpolsion Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Larry Zybzko & Jerry Lawler
Saturday Night Hazard Announce Team : Jim Ross & Dusty Rhodes & Tony Shiavone

AJ Styles (TV Champion)
Samoa Joe
Jeff Jarrett (IWA World Heavyweight Champion)
Kurt Angle
CM Punk
Junior Fatu
Jeff Hardy
Chris Harris (AMW)
James Storm (AMW)
Brother Ray
Brother Devon
BG James
Kip James
Armando Elehandro Estrada
Black Reign
Cody Rhodes
Christopher Daniels
Rob Van Dam
Tommy Dreamer
The Sandman
Mr. Kennedy
Kevin Nash
Karen Angle ( IWA Women's Champion )
Gail Kim
Awsome Kong
Mickie James
Candice Michelle
Matthew Harrison
James Mitchell
Marcus Cor Von
Masoto Tanaka
Chris Jericho
Christain Cage
Homicide ( IWA Tag Team Champion)
Hernandez (IWA Tag Team Champion)
IWA World Heavyweight Championship:
Jeff Jarrett

IWA Televison Championship:
AJ Styles

IWA World Tag Team Championships:
IWA Womens Championship:
Karen Angle


New Member
Oct 30, 2007
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Needing to get the message across

I posted to thread to hopefully to get everyone attention towards the IWA. Especially for our main event wich the first show will be October 31, 2007. It will be hard to keep posting every 4 days with my shool work and all but the IWA will change the face of wrestling.


Sep 7, 2007
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Well I am interested to see som,e of the matches you have. Of courtse the main event but also to see how Karen Angle is going to be in a wrestling match. Well I will keep my eye on this BTB. And will be reviewing your show

cheap plug: Check out the SWA sometime and give a review


Interesting to see how you'll use Mrs. Angle lol. You didn't have to make 2 threads though

Cheap Plug - Check out ECW, Unleashed. And, of course reveiw.


New Member
Oct 31, 2007
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Wow some awesome matches with huge and unexpected names in there. I look forward to reviewing your first show! Hope it won't be a long wait!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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This looks pretty good and I'll be checking out your first show but just a heads up, you don't need to make two threads to advertise and bring attention towards your BTB. Eventhough it's only one other thread it still pushes other BTB's down the line. If you want to advertise a show or new post simply go to the "Advertise Your BTB" thread and let us know that you've updated your BTB.