IWA: Insane Wrestling Action!

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2008
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Imagination Land! Where hippos laugh, and Pee Wee
Insane Wrestling Action!

Backstory: On June 9, 2008 Vince McMahon bought the IWA and hes looking to make it successful.
The first show begins on Wednesday, June 11, 2008.

General Manager
Eric Bischoff

Triple H
Shawn Michaels
CM Punk
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
The Big Show
Rob Van Dam
John Morrison
Randy Orton
AJ Styles
Matt Hardy
Bubba Ray Dudley
D'Von Dudley
James Storm
Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock
Ric Flair

Torrie Wilson
Beth Phoenix
Kelly Kelly

Tag Teams
Team 3D - Bubba Ray & D'Von Dudley
Hardy Boyz - Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy
Rated RKO - Edge & Randy Orton

IWA Champion - VACANT
IWA World Champion - VACANT
IWA Divas Champion - VACANT
IWA Tag Team Champions - VACANT
IWA Hardcore Champion - VACANT​

Announcing Team
Jim Ross
Jerry "The King" Lawler

Pay Per Views
Judgement Day
One Night Stand
The Great American Bash
No Mercy
Taboo Tuesday
Survivor Series
No Way Out

Evil Austin

looks good, imo a bit of a big roster for only one brand with a roster that size you can split it into two brands but thats up to you... good luck.


Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Memphis, TN.
Looks pretty good, but the backstory is short and unoriginal IMO. Bring on the first show.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
There's no backstory really but the roster is big just like what the others said and there are lots of main eventers lol! I'll check it out.


I don't want to repeat everything they have said so I will say, it looks good and I will check out your first show :p

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Yeah, the backstory is very bland and boring, and the roster has a ridiculous amount of main eventers, with no undercard.


Active Member
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
Imagination Land! Where hippos laugh, and Pee Wee
Sorry for double posting

Insane Wrestling Action!
6/11/08 - Episode 1
Orlando, FL

The stadium is SOLD OUT!

Pyro goes off

JR: Welcome to the first episode of IWA!!
King: I'm so excited JR!! I can't wait for this show to start off!!

Vince McMahon's intro goes on

JR: Here comes the founder of the IWF, Vince McMahon!
King: I wonder what he has to say

Vince enters the ring

Vince: Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly announce the debut of a new successful show

Crowd Cheers

Vince: Tonight is a special show for all of us, tonight is the first episode of the IWA.
All of the matches tonight will be for the titles.

Brock Lesnar's music hits

Brock goes into the ring

Vince: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the future of the IWA, Brock Lesnar!!

Brock: Thank you Vince. I'm excited for the matches tonight, which one will I be in?

Vince: You will be joining Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, Batista, CM Punk, The Rock, James Storm, MVP, and Edge in an Over the Top Battle Royal, for the IWA Championship!

Brock: Thank you Vince, I'm glad that I'm in the Main Event for tonight. I'm looking forward to beating all of their asses.

The Rock's Music Plays

The Rock goes into the ring

The Rock: First of all, Vince, I would like to thank you for putting me in the match tonight.

Brock: Oh shut up Rock, your just kissing his ass so he can give you opportunities like this all the time

The Rock: Who the hell are you?

Brock: I am The Next Big-


Brock: Listen, I don't want to cause any trouble with you. All I want is a good clean match tonight ok?

Brock puts his hand out for the Rock to shake it

The Rock gives Brock a clothesline

Brock gets up and The Rock ends up giving him The Rock Bottom

The Rock's Music hits as he exits the ring

Ross: Wow, what a cheap shot from The Rock!
Lawler: I actually thought The Rock would shake his hand!
Ross: Well, stay tuned! Theres more on the way!!


JR: Welcome back to the shoe everyone! We're just now getting started with our first match
King: I wonder what the next match will be!!

Bell Rings

Lillian: The following match is for the Hardcore Championship!!!

Match 1 - Rob Van Dam vs Big Show vs Sandman vs AJ Styles - IWA Hardcore Championship

King: Its nice to see the show start off with a Hardcore Championship!!

The Bell Rings

All 4 men are standing there looking at eachother. Suddenly Sandman trades punches back and forth with AJ Styles.
RVD locks up with Big Show. Big Show has a lucky advantage and gets Big Show in the headlock. Big Show all of a sudden throws RVD off of his back and RVD lands on the floor!

Sandman goes down the ring searching for a weapon.

He finds a steel chair

JR: Be careful with that Sandman!!

Sandman heads for Big Show first. He hits Big Show in the chest then hits him in the face with it.
AJ Styles sneaks behind Sandman and hits Sandman with a steel lunch tray right in the head!
AJ throws the tray at Sandman and steals his chair. Big Show approaches Styles and delivers a chop to the chest!

Big Show goes under the ring to find a table

He finds a table

He sets it up in the middle of the ring

Big Show grabs AJ Styles into the chokeslam but Sandman comes to Big Show and hits him with a wooden baseball bat!
Big Show puts AJ Styles down and AJ is laying there.
Rob Van Dam gets up and kicks Sandman in the face and also kicks AJ Styles too.

Rob Van Dam does his pose and the crowd chants "RVD! RVD! RVD!"

Rob Van Dam sets Big Show on the table and RVD goes on the turnbuckle

JR: What is Rob Van Dam gonna do!??
King: Hes feeling froggy!!!!

Rob Van Dam jumps off the turnbuckle doing a Five Star Frogsplash and the table is broken!

King: The Big Show is totally out! I'm sure that hes gonna feel that in the morning!

All of a sudden Christian interferes! He comes in the ring and hits RVD with a steel chair!!!

Christian stands there staring at RVD in anger

Sandman and AJ Styles sneak up behind Christian and keep punching him in the back.

Christian trys throwing them off but instead, he exits the ring and runs

Everyone is down except for Sandman and AJ Styles

JR: Its all between these two

Styles and Sandman each have a chair wielded. They trade hits and both of them start bleeding.

Sandman goes down

King: I doubt he will get up after that!

Styles picks Sandman up and gives him the Styles Clash!

Styles pins Sandman


JR: Its over! The Prince of Phonomenal is the Hardcore Champ!
Lawler: It was a good fight, and what a way to kick off the show!!

Lillian: The winner of the match and the newwwwwwwwwwwwww Hardcore Champion...AJ Styles!

Crowd Cheers

Camera shows backstage of Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff talking


JR: Welcome back to the IWA
King: Its been a pretty good show so far, It could only get better!

Vince McMahon's music hits and he enters the ring

Vince: How do you guys like this show so far?

Crowd Cheers

Vince: Its only going to get better because right now, you are going to know who your new General Manager is!

Crowd Cheers

Vince: Our new GM is a former GM of the WCW, he is...Eric Bischoff!!!

Eric Bischoff's music plays as he enters the ring

Eric and Vince shake hands

Eric: Its an honor to be the GM of the IWA! This business will be the best in all of Wrestling since I'm taking over

Vince: Listen Eric, its all about the money. If ratings go down because of you, you will be fired!

Eric: That will never happen because I will success in this business and I will get as many viewers as possible.

Vince: Now lets get this next match set up. It will be for the IWA Tag Team Championship!

Crowd Cheers

Match 2 - Team 3D vs The Hardyz - IWA Tag Team Championship

Team 3D's music goes on and they enter the ring with serious faces

Bubba Ray: D'Von, we are going to get those titles, and if we don't, I will be dissapointed

D'Von shakes his head yes

The Hardyz Music hits as Matt and Jeff enter the ring

Lillian: This match is for the IWA Tag Team Championship!

The bell rings and the match begins

Jeff Hardy and D'Von are starting off. They both grapple and D'Von has the advantage. He puts Jeff in the headlock for 5 seconds and Jeff escapes out of it.
D'Von hits Jeff with the clothesline and pins Jeff
1...Matt comes in the ring and stops the pin.
Bubba Ray comes in and attacks Matt with a clothesline and Matt falls down the ring.
Jeff gets up as D'Von is distracted by whats going on down the ring.
Jeff gives D'Von a dropkick and D'Von is down.
Jeff puts D'Von in the sharpshooter and its in for 10 seconds. D'von grabs a rope and its a ropebreak.
Jeff lets go of D'Von
Matt gets tagged by Jeff and they double team on D'Von
D'Von is set up against the turnbuckle and both of the Hardys run into him
Bubba Ray comes in and tries to stop the Hardys and Matt stops him and holds him

Jeff goes on the top rope

Matt lets go of Bubba Ray

Jeff gives Bubba the Whisper in the wind!

Bubba Ray rolls out of the ring
D'Von gets up and gives Matt a clothesline
Matt gets up and D'Von gives Matt a standing neckbreaker
Jeff tries to get into the ring to stop D'Von but the ref stops Jeff
D'Von pins Matt


Bubba Ray gets up and goes into the ring waiting to be tagged
D'Von tags Bubba Ray in and they both double team on Matt
Jeff comes in the ring all pissed off and knocks D'Von down
He gives Bubba Ray the suplex
Jeff picks D'Von up and gives him a spinning DDT

JR: Jeff Hardy is on a roll!!
King: I can't wait to see what he does next!

Jeff gets on the top rope and gives Bubba Ray a Swanton Bomb!
Matt pins Bubba Ray


Lillian: Here are the winners and the NEWWWWWWWW IWA Tag Team Champions, The Hardyz!!!!!!

Crowd Cheers

Matt and Jeff pick up their Belts and raise them in the air

JR: What a quick match!
King: Bubba Ray and D'Von look like they want revenge! I can't wait to see what they do next episode!


AJ Styles and Sandman are in the Locker Room

Sandman: Hey man congrats on your title victory

AJ: Well thank you, we put up a good fight, don't you think so?

Sandman: Yes it was, but this feud will continue. I'm not gonna stop this feud until I get that title.

Sandman leaves the Locker Room

Lillian: Our next match is for the IWA Divas Championship!

Match 3 - Kelly Kelly vs Beth Phoenix - IWA Divas Championship

Kelly Kelly's music plays and she enters the ring showing off her ass too all of the fans

Beth Phoenix's music plays and she enters the ring looking pissed off and wanting that title

The Bell Rings and the match begins!

King: Seems like a pretty good match JR don't you think?
JR: Yes, but I don't think this will last long

Beth and Kelly go face to face looking at eachother

Kelly slaps Beth right in the face!!

JR: Woah! That was cheap!

Beth tackles Kelly and starts choking her
She lets go after the ref counts 3

Kelly gets up holding her throat in pain

Beth picks her up and puts Kelly in the Sharpshooter

JR: Kelly Kelly cannot seem to take The Glamazon in this match!

Kelly tries to escape the sharpshooter but it is in way too tight
Beth lets go of Kelly and starts slapping her
Beth picks Kelly up and gives her the spinning DDT
Beth pins Kelly
1...2...3 Beth wins

Crowd starts to BOOOOOOO The Glamazon

JR: That was a very quick match, I don't think Kelly wants to fight Beth anymore!
King: Yeah, poor Kelly

Lillian: Our winner and the new IWA Diva's Champion...Beth Phoenix!

Crowd BOOOOOO's again


JR: Well, we have got done with 3 matches, 2 to go!
King: Yes and next match is for the most important titles on this show, the IWA Championship and the IWA World Championship

Eric Bischoff's music hits and he goes into the ring with a mic

Eric: Vince left me in charge of this next match. Its for the IWA World Championship

Crowd cheers very loud

Eric: The contenders for this match are Triple H, Goldberg, Sting, and JBL and it will be a Tournament

Crowd cheers

Eric: Ok, this is how the Tournament will be set up, Triple H will go against Sting. And Goldberg will go against JBL in the first round.
Winner of both matches face eachother for the IWA World Championship

Crowd Cheers

Eric: So lets get this Tournament started!!!!!

Match 4 - Triple H vs Sting - First Round

Triple H's music plays and The Game is ready! He goes into the ring waiting for his opponent

Sting's music hits and he comes from behind and attacks Triple H!

Triple H elbows Sting in the face and Sting keeps punching.
Triple H pushes Sting off of him and they stare at eachother from corner to corner.

Half of the fans are cheering "TRIPLE H!! TRIPLE H!!" and the other half are chanting "STING! STING! STING STING!"

The two superstars grapple eachother and Triple H has the advantage and gets Sting in a crossface.
The hold is in for about 1 minute and Sting finally grabs the rope and its a ropebreak.
Triple H starts kicking Sting in the gut and Sting is trying to get up so he rolls under the bottom rope to the ground.

Triple H does his pose and half of the fans cheer

Sting enters the ring and tackles Triple H.
He picks Triple H up and gets him in a Master Lock.
Triple H is struggling and he counters the Master Lock after 2 minutes!
Sting gets up and kicks Triple H in the gut and he gives Triple H the Sidewalk Slam!

JR: WOW! What a tremendous Sidewalk Slam from Sting!

Sting goes for the pin

Sting hops up on the top rope and he does his pose up there.
He tries to give Triple H the Diving Headbutt but Triple H moves and Sting lands head first on the mat.

King: That was good timing by Triple H and Sting ended up hurting himself!

Triple H gets up and gives Sting the DDT.
Sting gets up and Triple H Irish Whips him to the ropes and gives Sting the Facebuster!

JR: Oh no! Sting is in trouble!

Triple H picks up Sting, kicks him in the gut and attempts to give Sting the Pedigree!

Shawn Michaels interferes

JR: Its the Heart Break Kid!!! What is he doing!??!

Shawn Michaels goes into the ring and gives Triple H the Sweet Chin Music while the ref was distracted!
Shawn Michaels drags Sting to look like he is pinning Triple H

JR: Sting wins and advances to the next round!
King: Oh come on JR, thats cheating! Shawn Michaels should not do that!

Lillian: Here is your winner, Sting!

Triple H gets up slowly with blood dripping down his face.


JR: Welcome back everyone! The tournament continues!
King: I can't wait for this match to begin, it will be Goldberg vs JBL!

Match 5 - JBL vs Goldberg - First Round

JBL's music plays as he enters the ring

Crowd boo's as loud as they can

JR: I don't like JBL, he is as cocky as they come!
King: JR, cocky is good and if you're not cocky, then you would lose most matches!
JR: Oh whatever...

Goldberg's music hits as he goes into the ring

Crowd Cheers

JR: Goldberg is tough as nails. He eats nails for breakfast.
King: Yeah I wouldn't wanna mess with him, I wouldn't want him to give me the spear!

The Bell rings and the match begins!

JR: The winner of this match will take on Sting in the IWA World Championship.

They both grapple. JBL has the best advantage and gives Goldberg the Powerbomb
JBL picks Goldberg up and gives him the Suplex.
JBL does a pose and the crowd Boo's him.
Goldberg comes behind JBL and gives him a huge clothesline.
Goldberg picks JBL up and gives him a piledriver.

JR: What a tremendous piledriver King! Did you see that?
King: Yes it was, JBL was lucky that he didn't break his neck!


Goldberg picks up JBL again and gives him a backbreaker

JBL Screams in Pain

Goldberg gives JBL some kicks to the back.

Goldberg exits the ring and looks for some weapons.

He finds a pair of crutches and takes one of them

Goldberg goes back into the ring and JBL gets up

Goldberg approaches JBL with the weapon and trys hitting JBL
JBL ducks and Goldberg misses him.
JBL kicks Goldberg in the gut and hits Goldberg in the testicles

JR: Why would you do something like that?
King: Yeah I know! That was a cheap shot!

Crowd gives some more Boo's to JBL

JBL exits the ring to look for some weapons and he finds a bullrope
He goes back into the ring and wraps the bullrope around Goldberg's neck and tightens it.

King: Oh for the love of god, hes choking Goldberg with the rope! He could die!!

Goldberg is screaming and trying to untighten the rope but it is way too tight.
The rope is tight for about 3 straight minutes.
JBL finally lets go of the rope and Goldberg lays on the mat with pain
JBL goes down to look for another weapon

Goldberg gets up and waiting for JBL to come back in the ring.

Crowd Cheers

JBL enters the ring with a garbage can and throws it at Goldberg.
Goldberg catches it JBL tries to run away but Goldberg runs at JBL with the Garbage can and starts hitting JBL with it about 20 times quickly!

JR: He really wants to kill JBL right now, doesn't he!!!!

JBL starts bleeding from the forehead and lays on the mat.

Goldberg does his pose and the crowd cheers very loud

Goldberg picks JBL up and nails him with the Jacknife!

Goldberg stands and waits for JBL to get up

JBL finally gets up after about 9 seconds

Goldberg runs at him and gives JBL the spear!

Goldberg pins him

Lillian: Your winner of the match...GOLDBERG!!!

crowd cheers

JR: He did it! He did it!
King: We are going to have a helluva good match for the IWA World Championship, Sting vs Goldberg. 2 former major WCW Superstars!
JR: I can't wait for that one!


JR: Welcome back everyone! This has been a very good show so far in my opionion!
King: Just wait til next week's show, its going to Kick Ass
JR: IWA World Championship is up next! It will be Sting vs Goldberg
King: This might be my favorite match of the night!

Match 6 - Goldberg vs Sting - IWA World Championship

Goldberg's Music plays as he enters the ring with a bandage on his neck

JR: He got beat up pretty bad on his neck from that bullrope earlier

Sting's music hits as he enters the ring with a baseball bat

The Bell Rings and the match begins

Sting hits Goldberg with a clothesline. Goldberg gets up and Sting hits him with another clothesline.
Sting picks Goldberg up and nails him with a belly to belly.

JR: Sting is very confident, he has the early advantage because Goldberg is still beat up from the earlier match

Goldberg gets up and trades punches and kicks back and forth

Sting goes down after being kicked in the leg several times

Goldberg pins Sting

Goldberg goes down under the ring and finds a steel chair
He takes it and throws it at Sting
Sting gets up and Goldberg tries hitting Sting with the chair but Sting stops it from hitting him.
Sting takes the chair and throws it back down the ring

Sting gets back up and gives Goldberg the neckbreaker!

Sting gives Goldberg the Scorpian Deathlock!

JR: Here is the best Submission Finisher in this business, the Scorpian Deathlock!

Goldberg screams in pain trying to grab the rope

Sting drags him to the middle of the ring

Goldberg taps out!

King: We have an IWA World Champion...Sting!!!!!!

Crowd Cheers

Sting grabs the belt and holds it up in the air with joy

Goldberg gets up slowly

Sting puts his hand out for Goldberg to shake and Goldberg shakes it

Goldberg celebrates with Sting

JR: I'm glad that these two are getting along. They put up a great battle.
King: This almost feels like a Pay Per View!
JR: Up next, is the IWA Championship! Stay tuned, we will be right back!


Match 7 - Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar vs The Rock vs CM Punk vs Batista vs James Storm vs MVP vs Edge vs Randy Orton - IWA Championship

The Bell Rings

Lillian: The following contest is for the IWA Championship! It will be an Over the Top Battle Royal!

Crowd Cheers

Kurt Angle's music goes on and the crowd chants "You Suck" to the beat and Kurt enters the ring looking confident

MVP's music hits and he enters the ring

MVP grabs a mic

MVP: I'm going to win this Battle Royal, and theres nothing that you knuckleheads can do about it! You hear me?

MVP drops the mic

Randy Orton's music plays as the Legend Killer enters the ring and does his pose

Brock Lesnar's music goes on and he goes into the ring looking ready

James Storm, Batista, CM Punk, Edge, and The Rock go into the ring with their entrance music

JR: This is a 9-Man Battle Royal
King: I think it will be an excellent Main Event to close off the show!

The Bell Rings and the match is on!

They all start hitting eachother like a big moshpit riot!
MVP tries getting Batista out but he fails to do it because of Batista's strength!
MVP gets thrown out of the ring by Edge and the crowd cheers

MVP is surprised that he was the first one thrown out so quickly!

Batista and Edge grapple up and Batista gives Edge the DDT
CM Punk delivers strong kicks to Randy Orton in the gut and the thighs.
Everyone is in the middle of the ring hitting eachother back and forth
James Storm goes on the top rope and knocks out all of them by jumping on them

JR: That was like bowling! James Storm was the Bowling Ball and the other 7 men were the pins!

James Storm makes a cocky face like he is going to win it all
CM Punk approaches him and lifts him over the turnbuckle

James Storm is eliminated!!

Crowd Cheers

Batista goes over to CM Punk and gives him a deadly Powerbomb
Batista tries to get CM Punk over the turnbuckle but he fails to do it
CM Punk gets on the top rope and gives Batista a dropkick

Batista is hurt and laying on the mat

Randy Orton runs towards CM Punk and nails him with the RKO!

Randy Orton does his pose but The Rock throws him over the ropes and Randy Orton is eliminated!

JR: There is now 6 Men in there fighting for the IWA Championship

Kurt Angle constantly throws punches at Brock Lesnar but nothing seems to hurt him so he picks Kurt Angle up and F-5s him!
Brock throws Angle over the ring and Kurt Angle is eliminated!!

King: Kurt Angle is nothing to Brock Lesnar, and now there is 5 men in the Battle Royal!

Brock Lesnar turns around and Edge goes at him with the spear!
CM Punk goes at Edge and kicks him in the gut, leading to a GTS!
But Edge reverses it and flips CM Punk over his back and CM Punk goes over the top rope (isn't eliminated yet)

Edge cheers thinking that he got Punk out but he turns back and sees that CM Punk isn't out yet
So Edge tries to give CM Punk a clothesline but he counters it and Edge accidentally gets himself eliminated!

King: Now its between these outstanding 4 Superstars, only 1 will take the prize!

You can hear chants from all parts of the stadium


CM Punk runs at Batista but Batista gives him the Spine Buster!!
The Rock gives Brock Lesnar a Rock Bottom!
At the same time, The Rock does The People's Elbow on Brock Lesnar and Batista does The Batista Bomb on CM Punk!
The Rock picks up Brock Lesnar pushing him toward the ropes trying to get him out. But the strength of Brock Lesnar makes it hard to eliminate him.
Batista gives CM Punk a Clothesline over the top rope and CM Punk is Eliminated!
Batista goes over to help The Rock get Brock Lesnar out but its still impossible!
Brock Lesnar finally goes over the top rope but his feet has not touched the floor yet
The Rock and Batista cheer and they go at eachother while not knowing that Brock is still in!
Batista and The Rock keep delivering chops to eachother.
The Rock had the best advantage and gave Batista the Rock Bottom!
The Rock picked up Batista and threw him over the top rope and Batista is Eliminated!
Brock Lesnar gets back in the ring and while The Rock thinks he won, Brock Lesnar gives him a STRONG Clothesline over the top rope and The Rock is Eliminated!!!

Brock Lesnar wins the IWA Championship!!!

JR: BAW GAWD!!! The Rock must be pissed off!!!
King: Yes he is, and it was smart of Brock Lesnar to do such a thing!

Lillian: Here is your winner and the IWA Champion...BROCK LESNAR!!!!!!!!

Crowd Boo's

King: Wow, what a show!
JR: This is a start of a new beggining!
King: Tune in next week, and thank you for viewing the IWA! So long, and we'll see you next week!

AJ Styles def. Sandman, Rob Van Dam, and The Big Show
Hardyz def. Team 3D
Beth Phoenix def. Kelly Kelly
Sting def. Triple H (1st Round)
Goldberg def. JBL (1st Round)
Sting def. Goldberg (Finals)
Brock Lesnar def. The Rock, MVP, Kurt Angle, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Batista, James Storm, and Edge

IWA Champion - Brock Lesnar
IWA World Champion - Sting
IWA Divas Champion - Beth Phoenix
IWA Tag Team Champions - Hardyz
IWA Hardcore Champion - AJ Styles


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: The battle Royal- It was really good near the end.
WM: Pheonix vs. Kelly Kelly- Squash
BP: I'm sorry to say, you really need to work on promos.
WP: The commentary- it was annoying to read.
AC: I think that you use the enter key way too much. Like I said before promos need a lot of work, they just don't seem to be in character. There was some stuff in the matches that didn't really make sence. In the end I will continue to read because your stories are shaping up good.
Plug: I welcome you to check out my BTB POI Wrestling, feel free to drop a review.


bm: The main event battle royal title match, it was the best of the night...

wm: alot of them were to short and the matches were sort of scattered over the computer screen, you were having like one liners...


wp: I really don't know what to choose...

AF: Well I havent seen you do a BTB before so if this is your first try then its alright. Your matches could have been good if you had just put a fullstop and then continued to write insted of pressing enter everytime. Your promo's werent really in character either...I think if you keep trying you could get good, try and get a bit more length into your matches and promo's. I suggest you should go and check out a BTB by CMS, XBA, Anigma or Leviathon and see how they do their shows...

overall: 5/10 for a first go.