Rain said:
Seabs, as you know when guys get to the WWE they don't keep their indy moveset, and they usually lose that hunger that they had on the independent scene. Those massive WWE salaries kinda get in your head I suppose.
I didn't see much of his ROH work (just enough to know the Kings existed) so just seeing his NXT work you can tell the guy has the talent to make it big (it just pops off the screen, especially with so many other noobs running around there), but he's in a really awkward spot. What's his gimmick, a really intelligent psychotic hobo knockout artist? What? They could easily just make him the "high-impact heel that'll knock you out", but Wade stole that AND his finisher. On the mic he hasn't impressed at all, but don't see why he shouldn't be able to hold his own.
If WWE can get out of the way the guy can be a star, but how many other guys have we said that with?
About the first point I get that but you have guys like Danielson, Punk, Rollins, Claudio even Ambrose have come from the indies and have pulled out good / great matches, Hero hasn't bar one good match with Claudio, heel even Senshi managed it, name me one Hero match which made you think this guy had it from FCW / WWE.
As for his promos they've really been dull IMO, I agree on his gimmick, I mentioned it in the OP he needs to be more arrogant and less about knocking you out IMO, hear me out here but as a Jericho style face he could have that kind of quality, let him be cocky let him tell people he's the best and people will cheer for him.
He was one of my favourites for a while, especially in the KOW he should be outshining Claudio but he just hasn't part of it is booking but mainly it's his own fault, the spark doesn't seem there any more. He's looking similar to Senshi at this time IMO, he's there but the surroundings don't seem to fit him. Admittedly Senshi was shit on the mic and Hero isn't but neither looked like they were willing to bust a gut to get noticed, maybe it's arrogance on the part of Hero? I don't know about you but if I'd travelled the world and perfected my craft like he had to be thrown in a C show for so long would fuck me off too.
This one for example he looks up for it, he builds hype well :
and I haven't seen that in any WWE promo from him thus far.