Promos Interrupting The Game

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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Interrupting The Game

After the brutal Garden of Eden match, we are joined in the hospital as one of the participants from it, Brian Toogood, is lying in a bed. He is stitched upon his forehead, along with several bandages on his arms. His left arm is in a sling after it being bent over his head from the modified Liberty Lock. There is a machine to check his heartbeat and a needle connected to a bag of blood. He is awake, lying back, more than a little annoyed. His girlfriend, Stacey Keys, is dressed in her normal clothes, with a knitted blue sweater and jeans. She has a cup of coffee in her hands, and she sips it while sitting next to her boyfriend. The television swung on the side is playing back one of the Wild Card Playoff games from the past weekend, and Brian looks at it, having a hard time to focus.

“I think they didn’t have enough foam in my Chai Latte… I always ask for extra foam-”

Brian, knowing his girl, continues, “With vanilla, a shot of espresso, soy, half sweet, and cinnamon and nutmeg on top.” He glances over. “At least you can drink your coffee. The damn doc still says I can’t have any hot liquids.”

“Well, excuse me?” Stacey rolls her eyes.

Pounding his fist into the bed, Brian grunts with pain and complains. “I can’t believe he did it… I can’t believe that guy actually fucking did it. It’s been what, three title shots? At this rate, I’ll never get another for a long time! It’s bullshit!”

“Oh really?” Stacey looks over at her lover. “You’re lucky you’ll even be cleared for another match at this point... Or that LDW is a wrestling company that ACTUALLY provides health insurance.”

“Yeah, yeah, the health care system is shit in this country even if we can afford it, but I will get another title match!” Brian looks to the side. “Maybe I can take out that Cowboy… Take that Anarchy title and make it better than the world title… Or just remove the other contenders for the world title…”

“Brian,” She says while cutting a glare at Brian. “I get it, getting a title is important to you, to us. But after all that, I’d be more worried about getting back at 100%.”

“I will be sooner or later. Even then, at 10% I’m better than almost everyone on that roster!” Brian shouts and winces while grabbing his stomach. “We had it. We freaking had it!”

“You had it, Brian. You have a lot to offer, but rushing won't do either of us a favour. After a loss that big with how ugly that match was, we need to just take things slow-” The Marvel of Manhattan is trying to get her boyfriend to relax, but Brian, raising an eyebrow, questions her.

“What’s with the change of tone, Stac’?” The Golden Traveler blinks. “You were so confident in me. Is it just this one loss?”

Stacey turns her back to her boyfriend and holds her elbow with her opposite arm, looking down.

“Stacey? Come on, answer me.” Brian presses again.

“I get it, Brian. It is just a loss. Happens to the best of them… Flukes happen. And I believe in you… Just…” She takes a long time to continue.

“Just, what?”

“Watching that match was rough, okay?! Rougher than I ever expected!” She slowly turns to Brian. “That match was the most fucked up stuff I’d ever imagined. Like, why would ANYONE, even bat-shit insane Eden herself, think of that? Seeing you, Brian, the guy I love, get brutalized in that match was heart-wrenching! Why couldn’t you have quit sooner? You risked our future!”

Getting a little offended, Brian tries to keep calm but tries to defend himself. “Because it was for the world title. Probably one of my last shots for a while. And you KNOW how much that guy drives me insane! You know I care about this! And you thought it was rough for you? I had thumbtacks, glass, barbed-wire and everything! We knew the risks. But, no, I lost. I lost what may be one of my last shots at the world title for a while. When will I get another title match now, did you think of that?”

“Well,” Now Stacey is getting even more heated, “I wasn’t thinking of a title, I was thinking further, okay? Like, what if I want to marry you in the future, but I couldn’t because you’d be dead or drinking out of a straw in a wheelchair for the rest of your life? What if I wanted you to stay healthy and continue to do something you love? Building our brand is nice, but that match reminded me that there are some things more important! Did you think of that? Huh, Brian!?”

Seeing his girlfriend get more frustrated, Brian, realizing she has a point, sits in silence for a few moments. His tongue is in his cheek and his heartbeat has risen on the monitor.

“Well?” Stacey taps her foot, “Did you?”

Finally, although quietly, Brian responds. “S-Sorry. Okay? I’m sorry, Stacey, I really am.” Words that we never thought we’d hear out of BTG’s mouth, an apology. “I was-”

And suddenly, Brian’s TV turns to static. The feed is cut until we hear the sound of a crowd full of children cheering. The TV screen cuts to black and then fades into a view of a very colourful room and a similar table to what has been seen before in LDW. Then, from below the table a man pops up, the man being Al Blizzard.

“Hello, and welcome to… my Perfected Playground!” Cheering and clapping can be heard from the crowd.

“Today we have a very special episode of the Perfected Playground.” The crowd goes "Ooh."

“Yes… and it is… just… for… you” Blizzard points directly at the camera.

”No not you crowd members… or all viewers! I am talking about you, Brian.” He chuckled

“W-What? Who changed the channel?!” Brian looks at his girlfriend. “This is a weird kid’s show! Not the NFL Playoffs!”

“I didn’t do anything, babe…”

“Oh Brian… come on, you know who I am” Blizzard chuckles again.

“Umm, a bearded reject of the Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.” Brian quips, not losing his wit after the rough loss.

Then, Stacey chimes in. “I thought it was Mickey Mouse’s Clubhouse?”

The couple laughs, with Brian Toogood holding his ribs. “Hahaha, Oww…”

Blizzard places his hands on his hips and in a caring yet cocky tone Blizzard says “Oh Brian… poor little Brian. What happened to you at Garden Of Eden? Did you take a little knock on the head? Maybe some bruised ribs too?” The crowd Awww.

“Cut the sarcasm…”

And, Stacey whispers. “Wait… How is that TV show talking to us and responding to us?”

Brian whispers back, “...I have no clue…”

“I can hear everything you two say… and I would appreciate if you would let me continue with what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by you two…” He frowns.

“I was saying that this episode was dedicated to you, Brian Toogood. I heard you before the Garden of Eden. On how you were saying you were, the perfect champion and the perfect competitor… well, look at you now, lay in a hospital bed, with your gold digger of a girlfriend next to you. And you call yourself perfect? And hell, I recall you saying you are better than perfect… well, I’d love to see you prove that” He chuckles.

“Whoa, whoa whoa…” Brian cuts off Al on the TV. “...You are pissed off over me stating a fact? A fact that Toogood is more than good?”

“And what in the hell does this guy mean by “Perfect?” Stacey questions.

“Perfect like his record until like, 2017 or something?” Brian smirks.

“Oh yeah, a perfect, LOSING record!” Keys says and the two laugh some more.

Blizzard chuckles along with them and then says “We have two comedians here huh? Interesting. Well, you can say what you want about the old me’s record, but I am a new me! I am the PERFECT version of me. And you…”

Once again, Brian finishes by saying something he is not going to say. “Am Toogood. Thanks for noticing.”

“No, no, no, no, no. Once again, you are being rude and not letting me finish my damn sentences. You are talking about my old record? Well, let’s have a look at your current record shall we..” Blizzard pulls out a notepad.

“Wow… a lot L’s huh. Title matches aren’t your thing, are they?

Both Stacey and Brian Toogood glare at Al through the TV screen and Al Blizzard continues to smirk.

“Let’s face it, Brian, you aren’t as Toogood as you say you are, whereas I, Al Blizzard, I… am just Perfect.” He smirks directly at the camera after he does a play off of one of Brian's catchphrases and he hunches his head down but then suddenly his head comes back up and he smiles to the camera “I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Perfected Playground! See you next time!” The crowd cheer and the TV screen fades to black.

Groaning, Brian Toogood puts his good hand on his forehead and sighs. “Greeeaaaat… Now I’m being haunted by Al Blizzard the creep…”

Hugging Brian gently, Stacey tries to comfort him. “We got him. Just rest up and you’ll send him back to the crappy playground where he came from…”

Then, Brian stares forward…. “Still…” before shouting. “HOW THE FUCK DID HE CHANGE THE CHANNEL FROM MY FOOTBALL GAME?!”

And thus, the scene fades.


Brian Toogood
Stacey Keys
@Beavie but in best girl form
Al Blizzard