It's the WrestlingInc podcast. What Court Bauer, a former WWE writer says about the 3 hour RAWs. Could a restructuring off how RAW is done help make the 3 hours more interesting? Like maybe do something special with one hour.
Stopspot said:First ten minutes is all you need to listen to. He discusses how he feels that WWE needs to do something to make it worth watching the 3 hours of RAW since they have now just stretched out the two hour formula. He also discusses how the 3 hours have benefited them with getting new talent over (his examples are Sandow and Cesaro) who he thinks would have gotten lost in the fray on 2 hour shows.
Cloud said:They need to do something more with the extra hour. I mean i personally think the NXT belt should be defended on RAW sometimes for exposure for those guys.
Lady Deathbane said:I'd rather have Cruiserweight back to be completely honest.