IMPACT Results: World Title Stipulation, GFW Takes Over? More!

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May 20, 2014
Reaction score

Impact Coverage by Bobby James
August 26, 2015 | Title TBD?

The Carter Ultimatum

Jeff Hardy says Matt Hardy needs one more shot – one more chance to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. If granted another shot, Matt vows to become the champion that leads TNA into the future.

Ethan Carter III recalls watching the Hardys as a child. He says competing against two legends couldn’t be more…disappointing. EC3 says he went into God Mode and stood atop Matt Hardy like Zeus on Mount Olympus.

Carter and the Hardys trade barbs. EC3 says if the crowd chants “Matt for Champ,” Matt will have his title match, with one condition: If he defeats Matt, then Jeff becomes his personal assistant. The Hardys decide later.


Singles Match: Leg on the Line | Eric Young vs. Chris Melendez

Melendez explodes with a clothesline early. Eric Young connects with a belly-to-belly suplex, opening the door for a lopsided encounter. Young’s domination continues until Melendez rallies support from the crowd and scores a jawbreaker.

Melendez catches Eric Young with a full nelson sit-out slam. Young rakes his eyes and charges toward him. Melendez leaps over Young and rolls him up for a two-count.

Young drives a boot into Melendez’s midsection and motions for a piledriver. Melendez counters; Young rolls through into a schoolboy. He secures his feet on the ropes and steals the victory.

Result: Eric Young def. Chris Melendez (via pinfall)

Post-match | The crowd chants “You Suck!” as Eric Young demands the prosthetic leg. Melendez surrenders his leg and Young screams, “This one’s going on the mantle.”


X-Division Championship | DJ Z vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Tigre Uno (c)

DJ Z locks up with Tigre Uno; Sonjay Dutt attacks both. DJ Z and Dutt drop the champion with a double team hip toss; Tigre Uno is sent from the ring. Dutt catches DJ Z with a hurricanrana and then sends him over the top rope, into Tigre Uno.

Dutt connects a rolling senton from the apron. Tigre Uno sends Dutt into the ring post.

Tigre Uno and DJ Z return to the ring; Tigre Uno misses a springboard corkscrew. DJ Z flips him overhead, driving his knee into Tigre’s face. Tigre drives DJ Z into the ropes and Dutt connects with a sunset flip. DJ Z is sent overhead with a suplex; Dutt scores a near-fall.

Dutt scores another near-fall after a tornado DDT. Dutt dropkicks Tigre Uno before colliding with DJ Z in a double clothesline. DJ Z sends Dutt into the corner; Dutt counters with a pendulum kick. Dutt is sent outside and Tigre Uno German suplexes DJ Z into the turnbuckle! Tigre Uno delivers a springboard frog splash to retain.

Result: Tigre Uno def. DJ Z and Sonjay Dutt (via pinfall)

Backstage: James Storm instructs Manik and Abyss to bring The Revolution some gold.


World Tag Team Championships | The Revolution vs. The Wolves (c)

Each team trade tags until Manik winds up alone against The Wolves. The Wolves connect with a massive flurry of offense and score a quick pin attempt. Manik is out and a cheap shot by Abyss helps Manik shift the momentum.

“The Monster” Abyss is brought into the match to flatten Davey Richards. Manik returns to the ring where he scores a suplex/reverse suplex combination and pin attempt.

Richards kicks out and sinks into an inside cradle for a two-count. Manik is out to connect with a dropkick quickly after. Manik tags Abyss who misses wildly with a splash. Manik quick-tags back into that match, but it’s too late: Richards makes the tag to Eddie Edwards.

Edwards storms across the ring to connect with a suicide dive to Abyss. He lands massive offense against Manik that culminates with a Chin Checker! Edwards is into the cover; Abyss interrupts. The Wolves counter a double chokeslam with twin enziguris!

Abyss falls into the corner and The Wolves deliver missile dropkicks. They ready Manik for the Force of Nature, but James Storm rushes to ringside and pulls Davey Richards from the ring. The official is distracted by the action as Manik counters Edward’s powerbomb with a hurricanrana!

Mahabali Shera attacks Storm; The Wolves deliver the Force of Nature to retain!

Result: The Wolves def. The Revolution (via pinfall)


The Hardys Decide

Jeff Hardy accepts Ethan Carter’s challenge. He says Matt Hardy can’t lose. The match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship takes place next week.

Knockouts Championship | Velvet Sky vs. Brooke (c)

Velvet and Brooke shake hands to start. Velvet whips Brooke across the ring several times before planting the Knockouts’ Champion with a clothesline. They trade blows until Brooke takes Velvet down with a side Russian leg sweep followed with a flying forearm.

Velvet comes back with a neckbreaker to score a two-count. They trade blows before catching one another with facebreakers. Brooke sends Velvet outside; Velvet drags Brooke under the bottom rope. Brooke reverses a whip into the steel stairs, leaving Velvet writhing in pain. Brooke sends her back into the ring and Dollhouse attacks!

Result: Brooke def. Velvet Sky (via disqualification)

Post-match | Jade and Marti Bell send Brooke face-first into the ring post before attacking Velvet Sky. Rebel rushes to the aid of Velvet. She and Velvet stand against Jade and Marti Bell. Rebel takes Velvet out with a kick to become the newest member of Dollhouse.

Taryn Terrell appears onscreen and tells Velvet she made the biggest mistake of her life by aiding Gail Kim last week. She cautions Velvet to “Remember – this is our house, the Dollhouse.”

Backstage: Bobby Roode says he’ll prove why he’s “The ‘It’ Factor” of professional wrestling in the main event: A four-way match to determine the King of the Mountain No. 1 Contender.

KOTM No. 1 Contender 4-Way | Mr. Anderson vs. James Storm vs. Bobby Roode vs. Lashley

The winner will face PJ Black for the King of the Mountain Championship.

Anderson and Storm square off, while Lashley and Roode battle on the opposite side of the ring. The actions spills to ringside. Lashley counters a suplex from Bobby Roode onto the ramp and Anderson spews beer into the eyes of James Storm.

Anderson and Lashley team up against the leader of The Revolution; Lashley sends him over the top rope. Anderson and Lashley come to a stand-off. Storm and Roode storm back into the ring and change the complexion of the match.

Roode and Storm clear the ring before coming to blows. Storm connects with a neckbreaker; Roode comes back with a diving neckbreaker. Anderson sends Roode from the ring and Storm into the corner. Lashley catches Anderson with a clothesline that he follows up with a shoulder block to Storm in the corner.

Lashley sets Storm up for a superplex; Roode catches Lashley with a powerbomb that drags Storm into the superplex!

Roode sets up for a Roode Bomb, but Lashley grabs the top rope. Roode breaks his grip, but before connecting, Storm is there with Closing Time! Lashley catches Storm with a running powerslam and Mr. Anderson drops Lashley with a neckbreaker. Anderson makes the cover; Roode breaks it up.

Anderson delivers a Mic Check to Roode. Storm breaks the count. Anderson gives Storm a Green Bay Plunge and on the rise, Lashley catches him with a spear! Lashley charges Roode with a spear; James Storm connects with a Last Call!

Roode interrupts Storm’s count. They again come face-to-face as the crowd chants for Beer Money! Roode and Storm team up against Anderson and then Roode counters a Last Call with a Roode Bomb to become the new No. 1 Contender for the King of the Mountain title.

Result: Bobby Roode def. James Storm, Mr. Anderson and Lashley (via pinfall)



Who’s the Cover Girl? 2016 Knockouts Calendar Cover Reveal

The Pope and Josh Mathews reveal that all three women – Gail Kim, Brooke and Velvet Sky – in the running for the cover of the 2016 Knockouts Calendar will grace the cover.

Dixie’s Decision | Will Jeff Jarrett Run Impact Wrestling?

Dixie Carter says she was one of the few people who knew about the opportunity for Jeff Jarrett’s return to Impact Wrestling. Even though, when it happened, she was just as shocked and surprised. She says it made her the happiest person.

Dixie invites Jarrett to the ring.

Jarrett says he’s still surprised to have received the call to return. He says that after founding and spending ten years with TNA Wrestling, he’s now excited to be joining Dixie Carter in a Global Force Wrestling and TNA Wrestling alliance.

Dixie says that when she and Jarrett work together, they’re unstoppable. Drew Galloway interrupts!

Galloway says he’s made an important discovery: Jeff Jarrett’s name was on the getaway rental cars identified after each of the backstage assaults (on Bully Ray and Galloway). Galloway accuses Jarrett, saying he stood to gain the most.

Jarrett denies his involvement.

Galloway threatens Jarrett while demanding answers. Karen Jarrett enters the Impact Zone taking full responsibility. She claims to have acted in the interest of Jeff Jarrett, their family and GFW.

Karen tells Jeff he deserved it – that TNA is his company. Then she warns, “One little spark can cause a giant inferno!”

Jarrett low blows Galloway and says, “Sometimes a man’s got to do, what a man’s got to do” as the GFW roster floods the ring against Galloway. The Impact roster tries to even the odds, but the show goes off the air with the Impact Wrestling roster fallen and Dixie Carter looking on in disbelief.



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