IMPACT Results: World Title Match, New World Title Contender and More! (Sep. 23, 2015)

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May 20, 2014
Reaction score

Impact Coverage by Bobby James
September 23, 2015 | This is TNA!

A New No. 1 Contender Will Be Crowned

TNA President Dixie Carter stands in the ring with the victorious Team TNA. The rest of the roster surrounds the ring.

Dixie offers personal thanks to Drew Galloway for leading Team TNA (Drew Galloway, Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards, Lashley and Bram) to victory against Global Force Wrestling. Galloway says he never intended to be a leader, for he views everyone in and supporting TNA as equal. He adds that when TNA calls upon its warriors, they will always “Stand Up.”

As a reward for their victory, Dixie announces a No. 1 Contender’s match to determine who will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Bound For Glory.

Dixie thanks the rest of the roster and says the company has never been closer, but that one man doesn’t fit in any longer – she calls out Eric Young. Young mocks Dixie’s threat of punishment, saying he has an ironclad contract. He says he’s immune to whatever punishment she may have had in store.

Dixie concedes, but says she may not be able to – but the TNA roster, especially Chris Melendez can. “The Sarge” climbs into the ring as Dixie announces a lumberjack match to kick off the show.


Lumberjack Match | Eric Young vs. Chris Melendez

The TNA roster cheers on Chris Melendez as Eric Young tosses him to the outside. Melendez flies back into the ring, connecting with a sunset flip. Young is out at two and quickly in control.

The Impact Zone rallies behind Melendez as Young’s domination continues. “The Sarge” fails to score any offense in the following moments, which culminate with a hard knee to the face. As Melendez begins gaining momentum, Young pulls Earl Hebner in front of him. Melendez stops and Young drills him with the prosthetic leg as he turns.

Eric Young positions Melendez for a piledriver, but opts instead for a turnbuckle assault. Melendez battles out and connects with a missile dropkick and three-count!

Result: Chris Melendez def. Eric Young (via pinfall)

Backstage: Ethan Carter reminds Jeff Hardy that keeping the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is priority – and that Jeff could be fired if plans go awry.


Backstage: Lashley says he’s focused on the World Title.

Knockouts’ Championship | Jade vs. Gail Kim (c)

Jade connects with a big boot before the bell. Gail comes back furiously before being caught with a German suplex and bridging pin attempt from Jade. Jade takes Gail down again with another big boot; she scores a two-count.

Jade misses a rolling senton, allowing Gail to shift momentum. Gail locks in a figure four on the ring post; the official’s five-count breaks the hold. Gail delivers a swinging kick and rolls her in for a two-count.

Jade counters Eat Defeat with a huge powerbomb! Jade misses a missile dropkick; Gail counters a German suplex with the Eat Defeat to retain her title.

Result: Gail Kim def. Jade (via pinfall)

Post-match: Rebel spears Gail Kim and Dollhouse attacks! The Beautiful People make the save. Gail is left lying alone in the ring when Awesome Kong appears. Kong and Gail come face-to-face.

Backstage: Rockstar Spud says he and Ethan Carter keep coming full circle and that he wants to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.


X-Division Championship | Tigre Uno (c) vs. Kenny King

Kenny King repeatedly overpowers Tigre Uno in the early goings of the match. Finally, the X-Division Champion turns it around with a dropkick and springboard corkscrew to the outside.

King catches Tigre Uno with a spin kick as he flies back into the ring. King follows up with a gut buster and rear naked choke. King attempts a superplex; Tigre Uno counters with a huge crossbody. Tigre Uno scores a headscissor and enziguri.

King catches the champion mid-air for a swinging backbreaker that turns into an exploder suplex; it’s good for a two-count. King powers Tigre Uno to the mat with a huge spinebuster, but Tigre Uno charges back with a tornado DDT and springboard frog splash to pick up the win.

Result: Tigre Uno def. Kenny King (via pinfall)



TNA World Heavyweight Championship | Ethan Carter III (c) vs. Rockstar Spud

Ethan Carter extends his hand, but takes a cheap shot at Spud. Spud takes Carter down with a ferocious response. Carter catches Spud with a clothesline and series of shots to the face. Spud counters a cravat hold with a chin breaker followed by a series of stiff running forearms and dropkick!

Spud pulls down the top rope to send Carter outside; Spud connects with a suicide dive!

Carter rolls into the ring and Spud scales the turnbuckle for a flying forearm. Carter counters an Underdog with a schoolboy that he turns into a powerbomb; Spud kicks out a two! Carter attempts the One Percenter, but Spud bites his hand and delivers an enziguri!

Spud drills Carter with a second enziguri and stalks him for an Underdog; Carter counters with a facebreaker and One Percenter for three.

Result: Ethan Carter III def. Rockstar Spud (via pinfall)

Post-match: Carter asks Tyrus to heart punch Spud. He tells Jeff Hardy to end Spud’s career with a Twist of Fate. Hardy defies him. As Tyrus and Carter close in on Hardy, Matt Hardy makes the save. The Hardys stand tall after Jeff takes out EC3.




Backstage: Ethan Carter threatens to fire Jeff Hardy.

The End of a Revolution

James Storm, Manik and Abyss are front and center. Storm says over the previous weeks, he’s lost faith in a lot of things, including people who can’t get the job done (he looks to Manik) and people who’ve failed him (he looks to Abyss).

Abyss resists Storm, claiming to be a TNA original, responsible for helping to build TNA from the ground up. He says he created “The Monster” and that he’ll no longer stand in another man’s shadow. Abyss quits The Revolution.

Storm dismisses Abyss and turns to address “Khoya.” Manik interrupts, contesting the name Khoya. Storm repeatedly shoves Manik to the ground. Manik resists and then removes his mask before leaving the ring. Mahabali Shera enters the Impact Zone with a challenge for Storm; Storm retreats.




Backstage: Matt Hardy apologizes to Jeff.

Elimination Match | Bram vs. Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Drew Galloway vs. Lashley

Team TNA enters an elimination match to determine a No. 1 Contender for Ethan Carter’s TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

The Wolves team up against Bram as Lashley-Galloway spill outside. Bram sends The Wolves out of the ring with a double clothesline, then he and Galloway come head-to-head; Bram gains the advantage. Lashley sneaks back into the ring and powers Bram into the turnbuckle with a huge shoulder block and standing vertical suplex.

Bram sends Lashley over the top rope. The Wolves regroup and attempt a double suplex to Bram; Bram counters. The Wolves connect with a suicide dive to Lashley and Galloway before honing in on Bram with a double dropkick.

The Wolves eliminate Bram. Lashley catches Davey Richards with a gut buster and a huge vertical suplex attempt. Eddie Edwards makes the save! Then, The Wolves send Lashley over the top rope before teaming up against Galloway.

Eddie Edwards locks Lashley into a half Boston Crab; Davey Richards locks Galloway into a Texas Cloverleaf. The Wolves turn on each other and an enziguri from Edwards sets Richards up for a spear! Edwards turns into a Future Shock DDT and The Wolves are simultaneously eliminated!

Galloway and Lashley come to blows. Lashley grounds Galloway with a chin lock; Galloway battles out, but he’s caught with a running powerslam. Lashley delivers a German suplex followed by an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Lashley sets up for the spear, but Galloway sends him into the ring post. Galloway connects with a running boot to become the new No. 1 Contender!

Result: Drew Galloway def. Lashley, Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards and Bram



Firing Jeff Hardy

Ethan Carter begins with, “I am not a villain…”

Carter invites Jeff Hardy to the ring – for one last chance. Hardy answers the call and climbs into the ring, inviting Carter to fire him. Carter warns that he can take it all away.

Carter instructs Hardy to drop to his knees, beg for his job and to kiss the TNA World Title as if it were a king’s ring. Hardy drops to one knee and says, “You can’t fire me because I quit! You can take this job and shove it – I ain’t working here no more!”

Ethan Carter screams, “You’re fired! You’re fired, Jeff! Camera, look at me – this show is over!” Impact goes dark.



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