IMPACT Results: #WinnerTakeAll, New Knockouts Champ and More!

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May 20, 2014
Reaction score

Impact Coverage by Bobby James

September 16, 2015 | Lethal Lockdown: Winner Take All

The Contract Signing

Jeremy Borash mentions that for over thirteen years Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter have been synonymous with TNA Wrestling. He welcomes the Jarretts and TNA President, Dixie Carter for the contract signing.

JB explains that the Lethal Lockdown main event between Team TNA and Team GFW will be for control of the company. Dixie tells Jeff, “I love [TNA] with every fiber of my being …after tonight, you will have no part in TNA moving forward.”

Jeff reminds Dixie that the first dollar invested in TNA Wrestling came from his back pocket and at the end of the night, “You’re going to be exactly where you should have always been – on the outside of the wrestling business looking in.”

The contracts are signed and placed inside the briefcase controlled by JB. Jarrett cheap shots Borash before leaving the ring.



Singles Match | Abyss vs. Mahabali Shera

Before the bell, Shera attempts to dance with Abyss. He turns his back and Abyss floors him with a shot to the back of the head. Abyss throws Shera from the ring and drives him into the steel stairs.

Abyss mocks Shera, until he rallies back with the crowd fully behind him. Shera takes down Abyss with a shoulder block, but he’s soon overpowered with a chokeslam. Abyss pulls “Janice” from beneath the ring and misses wildly.

Shera chokeslams Abyss and makes the cover; Abyss is out at two and James Storm rushes to ringside with a steel chair. The official removes the chair and Storm takes a shot with a cowbell. He misses Shera and connects with Abyss. Shera sends Storm outside and plants Abyss with a Sky High for the win.

Result: Mahabali Shera def. Abyss (via pinfall)

Backstage: EC3 and Tyrus watch cat videos.


Backstage: Jeff Jarrett rallies Team GFW.

Ladies and Gentlemen…E-C-3

EC3 introduces calls out Jeff Hardy. Hardy walks to the ring in a suit appliqued cut-out faces of EC3. Carter says, “You know they say you can’t shine up a turd, but I’ll tell you what – you slap an EC3 face on it, it looks pretty good.”

Carter instructs Jeff to tell the crowd to stop chanting “Hardy” before billing himself as the greatest World Champion to have ever lived. Carter says no one can stop him; Rockstar Spud disagrees. Spud says Carter berating his assistant seems familiar.

Spud tells EC3 he’s garbage compared to Hardy; the crowd chants, “You are garbage.”

Carter asks Spud if garbage would be the only undefeated TNA World Heavyweight Champion in history; if garbage would defeat Sting, Kurt Angle and Bully Ray; if garbage would be who the company is built around. Carter lays out Spud and instructs Jeff to leave the Impact Zone.

Spud attacks Carter. Tyrus comes to his aid and before long, Jeff Hardy finds himself instructed to take out Spud. He does so, reluctantly.


Backstage: Jeff Jarrett reminds Drew Galloway that Team TNA is down a man, since Eric Young jumped ship.

4-Way Knockouts Championship | Lei’D Tapa vs. Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong vs. Brooke

Gail and Brooke attack Lei’D Tapa and Kong, respectively. Kong and Lei’D Tapa overpower their challengers before colliding in the ring. TNA’s three Knockouts send GFW’s Lei’D Tapa outside.

Lei’D Tapa catches a charging Gail Kim mid-air and drops her across the barricade. Kong fends off Brooke and then leaps from the apron with a crossbody to take out Lei’D Tapa!

Gail scores a crossbody on Kong from the apron and Brooke delivers one to Gail from the top rope! Lei’D Tapa battles Kong up the ramp as Brooke rolls Gail into the ring for a pin attempt. Gail’s out, but caught with a tilt-a-whirl headscissor and side Russian leg sweep; Brooks scores another near-fall.

Gail battles back with a flying clothesline and then sets up for a ring post figure four. Brooke sends Gail backwards before being pulled from the ring by Lei’D Tapa. Kong pummels Brooke as Gail and Lei’D Tapa roll under the ropes.

Lei’D Tapa dropkicks Kong from the apron and begins overpowering Gail. Gail chops her leg and then focuses her attack on the knee. Gail heads to the top rope, but she’s caught and suplexed by Lei’D Tapa! Kong catches Lei’D Tapa with a splash from the ropes and then Brooke nails a diving elbow!

Kong lifts Brooke for a powerbomb, but Gail sneaks in with a school girl roll-up. Brooke falls onto Kong’s chest and the official begins the count; Kong powers out of a double pin attempt!

Lei’D Tapa floors Brooke and Gail with a clothesline before hoisting Kong onto her shoulders! Gail lands a kick to the midsection and Lei’D Tapa drops Kong over the top rope! Brooke sends Lei’D Tapa through the ropes with a dropkick and then counters Gail’s Eat Defeat. Gail reverses a pin attempt and scores a surprising three-count to become the new, 5-time Knockouts Champion!

Result: Gail Kim def. Brooke, Lei’D Tapa and Awesome Kong (via pinfall; new champion)


Backstage: EC3 asks Jeff Hardy why Rockstar Spud has a title match against him next week.

Lethal Lockdown | Team TNA vs. Team GFW

Team TNA and Team GFW trade advantages before the match is officially started. Sonjay Dutt (for GFW) and Davey Richards (for TNA) start the epic encounter. Eric Young (for GFW) tips the scale in GFW’s favor until Drew Galloway (for TNA) storms the ring.

Brian Myers (for GFW) and Lashley (for TNA) are the next competitors. Lashley single-handedly floors Team GFW until Chris Mordetzky (for GFW) enters the ring. Eddie Edwards (for TNA) evens things out; The Wolves double team Brian Myers as Galloway sends Sonjay Dutt into the turnbuckle.

Jeff Jarrett is the fifth and final entrant on behalf of Global Force Wrestling!

Team GFW is in control until a surprise fifth participant enters on TNA’s behalf: It’s BRAM!

The match officially begins as the top of the six-sided cage is lowered. Jeff Jarrett and Sonjay Dutt are the first participants to begin wielding weapons; Team TNA ends up grounded. Team TNA rallies back, after Myers and Dutt accidentally take out Mordetzky with a double super kick.

The Wolves take down Dutt; Mordetzky takes down The Wolves and Lashley ends it all with a spear to Mordetzky. Team TNA surrounds Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett attempts to escape the cage through a camera hole, pleading with Karen to save him.

Each member of Team TNA takes turns with Jarrett and then Team GFW rises to make the save; Eric Young delivers a piledriver to Drew Galloway. Lashley spears Young; Jarrett drops Lashley with a Stroke. The Wolves take out Jarrett and place his head in trash can before connecting with a double dropkick from the top rope!

Mordetzky and Bram collide as Myers assaults Galloway and Lashley. Galloway drills Myers with a big boot before dropping him with a Future Shock DDT onto a trash can. Galloway secures the victory.

Result: Team TNA def. Team GFW

Post-match: Team TNA celebrates with Dixie Carter as Impact goes off the air.



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