IMPACT Results: #TNAvsGFW, New King of the Mountain Champion and more!

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May 20, 2014
Reaction score

Impact Coverage by Bobby James

August 12, 2015 | TNA vs. GFW

Jeff Jarrett (w/ Karen Jarrett), the founder of Global Force Wrestling (GFW), enters the Impact Zone. Jarrett announces a huge inter-promotional show: TNA vs. GFW.

Jarrett announces an X-Division match between Tigre Uno (TNA) vs. Sonjay Dutt (GFW), a Knockouts’ match between Awesome Kong (TNA) and Lei’D Tapa (GFW), a Tag Team match between The Wolves (TNA) and Trevor Lee & Brian Myers (GFW) and finally, a King of the Mountain match for the KOTM Championship.

Eric Young interrupts, threatening to take Jarrett’s title, dignity and career. Jarrett and Young exchange words. Jarrett names Eric Young the first participant in the first ever King of the Mountain match on Impact Live.

Young jumps Jarrett, leading to a roster collision.


Knockouts’ Match | Lei’D Tapa w/ Royal Red (GFW) vs. Awesome Kong (TNA)

Royal Red announces Lei’D Tapa as the “Queen of Rings,” before instructing everyone to “Bow down!” The Impact Zone chants, “Kong’s gonna kill you,” just before Kong makes her way to the ring.

Lei’D Tapa and Kong trade blows; Kong capitalizes with a big splash in the corner and follows up with a crossbody! Lei’D Tapa reaches her feet and pummels Kong with a big boot to earn a two-count.

Kong drills Lei’D Tapa with a series of a clotheslines followed by a big splash. Kong scores a near-fall.

Lei’D Tapa catches Kong with a high back elbow before hoisting Kong onto her shoulders, moving to the center of the ring and executing a Samoan drop!

Kong battles furiously against Lei’D Tapa, ultimately planting her with a chokeslam. Kong clotheslines Lei’D Tapa over the top rope and just as she’s about to go out after her, Lei’D Tapa trips her and drags her through the ropes.

Kong and Lei’D Tapa battle up the ramp as the official declares a double count-out.

Result: No Contest (Double Count-Out)

Post-match: Kong slams Lei’D Tapa on the stage!

Backstage: PJ Black introduces himself as a challenger in the King of the Mountain match.


Backstage: Drew Galloway vows to impress in the King of the Mountain match.

“The It Factor” face-to-face with Rockstar Spud

Bobby Roode says there are a lot of unanswered questions and unknowns, especially with Jeff Jarett in charge and Global Force Wrestling on Impact. Roode’s angry for not being considered for the main event. He invites Jarrett to the ring – the call goes unanswered.

Roode shifts focus and calls out Rockstar Spud.

Roode mocks Spud for ending Aries’ TNA career. He pats Spud on the shoulder, to which Spud voices his displeasure, calling Roode condescending. Spud says he’s defied the odds his entire life before cautioning Bobby Roode about bullying him.

Roode says Spud defeated Austin Aries with his wrestling ability – he’s that good, but that had he faced him, the outcome would have been different. Roode says nobody can stop his aggression; Spud disagrees while taking a shot.

Roode quickly gains control of the situation and leaves Spud lying in the center of the ring. Roode starts to leave but turns back and tosses Rockstar Spud out to the floor. He drives Spud shoulder-first into the steel steps before locking in a cross-face.


Backstage: Jeff Jarrett confronts Bobby Roode.

KOTM Qualifying Match | “The Man” Jessie Godderz vs. Lashley

Josh Mathews and Pope reveal the winner will advance to the main event, to compete for the King of the Mountain Championship.

Jessie shoves and taunts Lashley before being leveled with a clothesline and press slam. Jessie ducks out of the ring to avoid a spear, but Lashley’s punishment continues as he bounces “The Modern Day Adonis’” head off the apron.

Lashley executes a delayed vertical suplex. Godderz begins battling back.

Godderz hangs Lashley up on the top rope before unleashing his fury. Lashley shifts the momentum once more following a spinning elbow. He connects with a German suplex followed by a release belly-to-belly and a spear into the turnbuckle.

Lashley stalks Godderz with a spear, but Godderz counters with a scoop slam for a two-count. Lashley powers out of an Adonis crab and folds “The Modern Day Adonis” in two with a spear for the win!

Result: Lashley via pinfall

Backstage: Drew Galloway is found unresponsive.


Backstage: Dixie Carter, Jeff and Karen Jarrett wonder what happened to Drew Galloway. They speculated that someone is trying to undermine their alliance. Dixie leaves for the hospital as Jeff vows to find a suitable replacement for Galloway in the main event.

The Undefeated Champion Speaks

Ethan Carter III says he was born and bred to carry TNA on his back into the future. He claims that since he’s World Champion, he’s better than every other wrestler across all promotions and the globe. The fans chant, “You suck!” EC3 disagrees by saying he defends his title in “God mode.”

Matt Hardy interrupts.

Hardy says EC3 has a valid claim about being the best. He says EC3 surprised him by defeating him in Full Metal Mayhem, but that he’s not going away until “#MattForChamp” is a reality.

EC3 says he respects Hardy’s humbleness in defeat. Then, he concedes that he truly does feel respect for Hardy. He says the fans can decide if Matt Hardy receives another title opportunity. The crowd goes wild – and EC3 says “No” as Tyrus blindsides Hardy. Tyrus restrains Hardy as EC3 drives through him with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.


Dollhouse Pillow Talk: Taryn Terrell instructs Jade and Marti Bell to destroy Gail Kim – in a cage. The Dollhouse meets Gail Kim in a Six Sides of Steel match next week.

Backstage: Chris Mordetzky announces his participation in the King of the Mountain match.

Tag Team Match | Trevor Lee & Brian Myers (GFW) vs. The Wolves (TNA)

The Wolves exchange rapid tags against Brian Myers for an early advantage. Myers counters The Wolves’ momentum by catching and slamming Eddie Edwards. Myers tags out to Lee. Davey Richards counters a double team attempt on Edwards; The Wolves send Lee & Myers over the top rope.

Edwards and Richards howl before connecting with suicide dives. They roll Trevor Lee back into the ring and are poised to bring down the Hammer of the Gods, when Richards is shoved from the top rope by Myers and Lee counters Edwards.

Lee & Myers take over as Edwards struggles to make a tag. A “Let’s go Eddie” chant erupts as Lee & Myers continue his isolation. Edwards connects with a double hurricanrana, allowing him the space to tag in Davey Richards!

Richards’ flurry earns him a near-fall, but Trevor Lee is out at two. Lee and Richards exchange blows until a double team attack ends in a German suplex to – and pin attempt on Richards. Eddie Edwards interrupts the count. The Wolves send Brian Myers over the top rope and deliver the Force of Nature to Trevor Lee for the pinfall.

Result: The Wolves via pinfall

Backstage: Lashley vows to destroy everyone against him in the King of the Mountain match.

X-Division Match | Tigre Uno (TNA) vs. Sonjay Dutt (GFW)

Tigre Uno drops Sonjay Dutt with a running dropkick, but Dutt comes alive with a hurricanrana that sends the X-Division champion outside. Dutt connects with a dropkick through the ropes and Tigre Uno crashes into the barricade.

Dutt rolls Tigre Uno back into the ring and connects with a springboard splash. Then, he mocks Tigre Uno’s mask and works to remove it. The official breaks it up and Sonjay Dutt places Tigre Uno on the turnbuckle. He connects with a series of chops before climbing the ropes and grinding in Tigre Uno’s face. Dutt delivers a Frankensteiner, but Tigre Uno rolls through for the three-count.

Result: Tigre Uno via pinfall

Backstage: Jeff Jarrett tells EC3 that he’s proud of him; EC3 warns Jarrett to tread lightly. Jarrett announces the winner of King of the Mountain will challenge for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

King of the Mountain | Robbie E vs. PJ Black vs. Chris Mordetzky vs. Eric Young vs. Lashley

Match Rules: To be eligible to win the match – and title, a competitor must make a pinfall or submission. The pinned or submitted wrestler must then serve two minutes in the penalty box.

Match Hightlights:

- PJ Black hangs back while the other four challengers duke it out. Eric Young positions Lashley for a piledriver; Black delivers a super kick and Lashley scores a pinfall, qualifying for the championship.

- PJ Black earns eligibility by pinning Chris Mordetzky.

- Robbie E and PJ Black join forces against Lashley, but their partnership dissolves as they debate who’ll earn the pinfall. Lashley goes unpinned.

- Robbie E slams and pins PJ Black.

- Lashley spears and pins Robbie E; Eric Young and Chris Mordetzky re-enter the match.

- Mordetzky and Young join forces against Lashley. Mordetzky betrays and pins Young; all competitors are now qualified to win the match; PJ Black and Robbie E are released.

- Mordetzky locks Lashley into a full nelson; Robbie E breaks the hold with a crossbody from the penalty box!

- PJ Black loads a ladder into the ring, but Robbie E whips him into the penalty box!

- Eric Young delivers a piledriver to Robbie E onto the stairs!

- Mordetzky and PJ Black square off on the ladder; Lashley tips the ladder and then connects with spears!

- Lashley’s poised atop the ladder; Eric Young tips it over.

- PJ Black springboards onto the ladder to battler Eric Young!

- Lashley leaps from the turnbuckle and spears Eric Young from the ladder!

- PJ Black delivers a 450 splash to Lashley from the ladder!

- PJ Black hangs the title.

Result: PJ Black becomes King of the Mountain

Post-match: Ethan Carter III emerges from the back to see his Turning Point challenger.


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