IMPACT Ratings & Viewership Are Up Drastically For 1/3/1 3
A lot of people smoke meth. Doesn't mean it's a bright idea. People who complain about none live shows just strike me as people with no self control. If you want to watch the show and enjoy it why are you even entetaining the idea of reading spoilers? I mean, if you were going to see a new movie that came out on Friday, would you read the plot on wikipedia just because it was posted on the Internet?
Also, your plan of action would be to randomly decide to switch back to live shows after seeing this 1.1 rating, to try and 'piggy back' off success? I mean, come on man. TNA 100% knew the ratings would rise to start 2013 after the holiday season, it's common sense.
They advertised going live during the summer, went live and ratings were unaffected. Thinking it would be any different this time is a logical fallacy. If TNA wants better ratings they need to keep the steady hand on the wheel that has been, keep producing entertaining material and start ADVERTISING so some people may actually KNOW ABOUT THEIR PRODUCT. I know there are a few of us who are constantly harping about the ad thing, but it is too damn true.