Kayfabe I'm sorry...

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First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
This promo is late, it was meant to go up before my match *last week*, vs Apex and Wardi. Suspend your disbelief and act like you don't know the result, aight? :p

*After the first match of Precision, music that hasn't been heard in some time plays in the arena*

*The reaction to the music Jack Rogue used before the onset of his psychosis after Hell In A Cell is strange. The crowd appear to be split between confused silence and rapturous jubilation. It takes almost ten tense, uncertain seconds before Rogue emerges slowly from behind the LED board and walks nervously to the centre of the stage. His half mask is missing, as his blackout attire: he is wearing his old ring gear and "ROGUE" tee. His boots are notably dulled in colour and a rip is visible on his shirt, but he is dressed as the people's champion he once was. Jack has a thin-lipped, anxious smile, which he widens a little as the cameraman walks slowly up to him. Rogue nods and beckons him closer to talk into the lens*

Jack: I... I can explain.

*Slightly muted, unsure cheers are heard as Rogue walks to either side of the stage as was formerly his habit, though without his usual bouncy demeanour. He then returns to the top of the stage, pauses, and sprints to the ring. After sliding in under the bottom rope, he pauses again, looking guiltily at the packed arena around him. Jack walks across the ring, then thanks the timekeeper as he is handed a microphone. His music cuts out, and the audience is suddenly deadly silent. Rogue noticeably closes his eyes, inhales, breathes out, and begins to speak slowly*

Jack: I know... that I have an awful lot to explain. I understand that I've... done a lot of bad things - scratch that, awful, atrocious things - recently... the first thing I'd like to do is ask if you'd, please, give me a chance to explain myself.

*The crowd seem not to react at all to this request, they are as hushed as they were before*

Jack: This isn't something I can be totally sure of but I think that, for the most part, this me is back. The real Jack Rogue: the wrestler, the man, the human, not the vicious dog. I say "for the most part" because... well, I went to see a therapist after Backlash. I lost to a one-armed Jordan Bull, who gave a heart-filled, heroic performance. And in that moment the arrogance that this vicious evil fed me came crashing down and I felt hopeless... but I'm glad of it because it led me to go and get the help I needed. So I went to the therapist and... it's an early diagnosis, they still have to confirm things and work out details, but they think I’m suffering from some kind of dual personality or bipolar-related disorder.

*Rogue pauses, assessing the reaction to his revelation. The quiet is broken by low level but excited chatter*

Jack: It seems that my fall from Hell In A Cell had an impact on me more redeemable than it appeared. What I thought was an epiphany turned out to be a traumatic event that put this animal in my mind, but at very least it seems to be something I can learn about and be helped with. I'll be going back in the coming weeks, probably for a long time, to make sure I get the proper help that I need to get through this. But for now... I can see clearly again. That sounds like good news but... I've woken up to the scene of a massacre, and looked down to see a gun in my hand. I’m as horrified as everyone else has been by the things I've done recently and make no mistake, I don't expect them to be forgotten. I don't expect to be forgiven, either, at least not yet. There are some people who may never forgive me for the attacks I've carried out but... I’d like to reach out to some of them.

Jack: Alexander Diamond, Joseph, the whole Diamond family. I came so close to committing murder in this ring that that moment will haunt my dreams until my dying day. I apologise deeply and profusely to Alexander, and to all his loved ones. I've caused damage I can never fix, but if there is ever anything I can do to help for any of the Diamonds, I owe a thousand favours for what I did. I hope you can understand that that wasn’t the man speaking to you that committed that atrocity, but it is me that will repent for it. I'm sorry.

*Some of the crowd are supportive of this apology and applaud and cheer Jack. While he doesn't have everyone's support, he is encouraged by what he does have*

Jack: Thank you, guys. The other person I owe a specific apology to is Jordan Bull. At TLC, I... took a championship shot from him by assaulting him with a chair and doing serious elbow and shoulder damage, and then after I beat him in an aggressive, vicious fashion that I'm not proud of, I held on the Rogue Lock out of a sadism that isn't me, and did more damage. I'm sorry, Jordan. You got some measure of revenge at Backlash but there’s no reason why you should forgive me yet. Although... we are at a win apiece in a best of seven and as far as I’m concerned, that series still stands.

*Now the crowd cheer fully for the promise of more action between Rogue and Bull*

Jack: Yeah! And I hope I can regain some of your respect by continuing it, the right way. We will find who the better competitor is in our next 3, 4 or 5 matches, but what I want even more than victory there is to prove to you, Jordan – and to all of you – that I am still a competitor, and a respectable one. But our next match is next week on Precision... this week I am set to face David Hunter and the Golden Dragon under triple threat rules.

*A pop fills the arena for Jack's opponents, who have already begun to earn the respect of the crowd*

Jack: Tonight, I start to earn back the respect I had. And in doing it... Dragon, Hunter, I will kick your heads...

*The build towards Rogue’s old catchphrase is again split between unsure and excited, and Jack himself appears nervous*


*Jack’s music hits once more and the cheering is slightly louder than for his entrance. He looks into the crowd with a small smile and a look of determination as Precision cuts to commercial*

-End of segment-


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