if You were a wrestler,how would you plan your career?

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Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
I just wanna know,what would your plans be on making it be?
Like what would your gimmick be?
What promotions are you willing to work for?
Whats your finishing move?,and what would you rename it?
What would your in ring-name be?
How much($cash) would you ask for per appearance?
What kinda match style would you choose to have?
(^could be High-flyer,technical,etc.)
what song would be your theme music?
I just want to know. and I'll just think of what my personna would be,so whatever.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Downtown Atlanta
Name: Chris Krilla, C. Abernathy, or Preach.
Gimmick: If I wrestled under Krilla/Abernathy, I'd be almost EXACTLY like Christian Cage's attitude. If I wrestled as Preach, I'd be like D-Von Dudley when he was in Singles competition (with Batista).
Promotions: I'd work for CZW first, then try for TNA. I would prove myself in CZW as a great competitor, and hopefully be scouted by TNA or WWE. I would most likely sign a 3 year to WWE to start out, in the contract I would HAVE to have the Cruiserweight/Tag Team Titles over 3 times in the three year period. After making a name for myself in WWE, I'd most likely go to TNA, because I like it more.
Finisher: If I wrestled under Chris Krilla, it'd be called the Krilla Killa (Shooting Star Press). If I wrestled as C. Abernathy, it'd be called the Cab Crash (Cage's Unprettier). If I wrestled as Preach, it'd be called something like "Redeemed" or "Testify", and it'd be a moonsault from the top ropes.
Cash Wanted: Flexible.
Styles: HIGH HIGH HIGH Flyer. Every time I'm in the ring, there's a 100% chance of "Holy shit! Holy shit!" and "This is awesome! This is awesome!" chants.
Entrance Music: I dunno. I'd probably get someone to do a song for me.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
-My Gimmick:
Well My gimmick would be an Annoying Potty Mouth Pretty Boy punk, cause I get pretty good heat from seniors at my school by being myself,so I guess thats pretty much just being my self.
-What promotions/indys will work for:
I'd go to as much indy-shows as possible, so as to pick up more experiance,but I'd try and stay under the radar,until I believe I'm ready to impress higher ups in WWE And I wouldn't try to be an indy star at all,cause most who are, pretty much remain a big-fish in a small pond.
-My finishing move:
would be the J-Drop-PoP!(Elbow From the Top-rope.),cause it rhymes and sounds silly. The J stands for the letter from my first name.And my second finisher would be The Figure-Four leglock,so as to represent the Naitch.
-My ring name would be my real name.("JWAAKEEVER"<gotta Unscramble it.)
-I'd ask for whatever they're offering,since my main goal is experiance.
-Match Style:
I'd wrestle a pretty basic match, some submission moves,kicks,Punches whatever I feel like doing during the match.
-My theme music would be Ken Shamrock's old wwf theme song.


My character would be named Jon Sceena. I would debut as a face on SD agaisnt an established wrester such as Edge. I would lose, but put up a good fight earning the respect of the fans.

I would move onto some other low profile feuds for awhile until I unvealed my new persona....A white suburban rapper. I would play the heel for a while, coming out and cutting freestlyes on babyfaces like Taker and Batista.

Eventually, the crowd would learn to love my in your face heel stylings. I would start to call my following the Link Gang. The Link Gang would follow my every word. They will especially love my catch phrases "Yo, Life!" and "Damn Skippy!" Eventually, I will rise up the ranks and get my first big break. A US title match at Wrestlemania agiasnt the 7 foot giant The Great Khali.

The road won't be easy though, I will have to endure ruthless heel attacks and a stabbing at the hands of some Latino superstar. Eventually, I will becomes too big for the US title. It will be time for me to challenge for the World title currently held by a big ex tag team star from one of the southern states who become a wall street big shot. I beat Trevor Murdoch at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight championship.

Several months later, I will be drafted to Raw. I will dominate the competition on Raw, holding the belt for most of 22 out of 25 months. Only losing it due to cheap heel tacts by the opportunist Cody Rhodes. It will be a trying time for me. The smarkish crowds will start to turn on me, but I still have my share of Link Gang soldiers who "Never Step Back and Never Give up". I end up defending the title in the main event of back to back Mania's. Making the 10 time World Champion, "The Match" Randy Orton tap to the Crippler Crossface and doing the same to the backstabbing semi gay face "The Brokeback Kid" Kenny Dykestra the following year.

The crowd will continue to turn against me. The internet fans will call for my death if I don't drop the belt and turn heel. But chairman Stephanie McMahon would not relent to the moronic fanbase. Instead I will sign a new 20 year contract that will call for me to hold the belt 18 out of 20 years as a face.