I agree with a lot of what seabs said, but I wouldn't fire Sting. He's good in his role as the crazy people's GM. Also not sure how the Heyman hire would work, as I think I've read that he won't come in until Dixie backs the fuck off and stops meddling in the wrestling affairs, which is also the snag in his firing all of the old people plan. I'll assume I can put a hit out on Dixie and somehow keep the funding from her Dad, so Heyman as booker it is. This also spells the end of Russo being a TNA employee along with Bischoff and his no talent son. Tenay has to go, he is awful. Tazz too. Not sure who I'd put on play by play, but I'd move Steiner to the booth to do color.
Wrestlers who I'd 86:
-Rob Terry
-Jesse sorensen
-Ink Inc
With the money saved on not paying Hogan/Flair, I'd raid the shit out of ROH. El Generico, Steen, WGTT, Briscoes, Richards/Edwards (brought in initially as the Wolves but would eventually split), Strong all get offered contracts worth more money then they've made in their lives.
With this you could have the foundation for a possible invasion angle ala after the WCW takeover in WWF back in the early 2000s.
My idea for what the card would look like:
Main Event Scene: Roode, Storm, Steen, Hardy, Anderson, Angle
Upper mid carders to be elevated: Pope, Crimson/Morgan (tag champs for now but will inevitably split and feud), Strong
Upper Mid Card Gate keepers: Jarrett, RVD, Abyss, Bully Ray, Devon
X-Division: Aries (Champ, I'd eventually elevate him because he's too damn good at what he does), Styles, Generico, Kash, Kendirck, Kazarian, Daniels, Zema Ion
Tag Division: Morgan/Crimson & Joe/Magnus has been booked well. Joe/Magnus will take the belts off them and Morgan/Crimson move on to a feud with one another and eventually towards the ME. Along with the teams I've raided from ROH (WGTT, Briscoes, Wolves) you have the MCMGs. Best tag division ever.
Knockouts: They already do a nice job of booking this, no real complaints from me.
Also no more Impact Zone. We are burning that place to the ground and taking our improved product on the road. No more hot shotting big matches on television to try and draw in meaningless ratings, we'll have properly built feuds that culminate in big time PPV matches as it's supposed to be. Oh and stop trying to be a cheap WWE knock off. WWE caters to kids and people who want entertainment.. TNA should try and cater to hardcore wrestling fans. Still have angles and storylines, sure, but put more of an emphasis on in ring action (like they pretended to with 'wrestling matters' but do it for real) That's all I got for now