If I actually got to sit at the table with them, Vince is a great shout.. without a doubt the most experienced person in pro wrestling. Second person would have to be, as obvious as it is, Triple H because he's a pretty cool dude but also very smart when it comes to the business. Maybe I just wanna be part of this family idk.
And if I was just the person who picks the names and doesn't actually sit at the table with them, I'd also throw Brock in there (I mean we'd have to pay him double to do it but still). I just wanna see how Brock does business with them. Is he really worth that much or does he beat them up until they open the vault with the company's budget in it?
Would also love to talk to AJ Styles, Asuka and Michael Cole, out of all people, but the more I think about it the more I'd just keep on adding names, so I'll just keep it with the big boys: Vince, HHH and Lesnar