I'd Have Brock lesnar win all the titles, form a stable called "Beast Steel Stallions" with a manager of Rob Van Damn and then I'd have Cena Feud with Big E, Ziggler Feud with Big show, Henry joins the shield as a bodyguard----the next thing i would do, is allow 90s kids to have their own stable on interactive TV for 4 weeks obviously against 80s kids in a feud that would "divide the universe" for those generations of course. I would then have The Wyatt family disrupt every single TV interview their is, make them "own the night" on a weekly basis, to show superiority with their own "Wyatt Haunted House" placed in the right side of the entrance way, for the PPVs i would match Brock defend his titles, losing each of the minor titles and holding the major titles for as long as he can, he would "own the competition" as much as possible and reek havoc, being the biggest beast their is. each of the shows would end with a secret promo advertising "something catastrophic----destination R.E.S.T" for an appearance by the undertaker to get eventually put up his streak and lose to............ STING (if i could sign him) or Brock to claim the streak for good, and sell brock like a cena "everyone loves him" but "so few hate him" or something lol i think i got carried away