If he turns...

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If Batista turns heel, what would you prefer... I think theres a good chance of it happening, but there's two very good possibilities..
Keep in mind, this thread IS NOT abou tif you want or think he will turn heel. This is assuming he does, how do you want it to happen?

Would you want him to reunite with Orton, and reform Evolution? Or would you want him to turn heel by himself and be a dominant heel by himself?

For me, I want Evolution. See, Batista is a guy who needs to be remembered as a face when his career is over. His whole time as a main eventer has been as a face, so that's how he shou;lld be remembered. So if he reforms Evolution, it works for everyone. He will get to be a dominant heel, and team with Orton, adding another heel to Raw. But then, in a few years, he would be able to turn on Orton as he retires or something, andbe remembered as fa face. So I want him to turn heel with Orton.
What about you?


ohhhhhhhhhhhh I like where your going with the Orton thing... but that brings up an argument for me.

Orton is by far my favorite wrestler in the WWE... and with Raw ALREADY stacked enough as it is, they need to move him to SD, only cause they already have like 7 World Heavyweight guys, SD has what like 4 (counting HHH)

A heel move with Orton would be very sweet though, considering how much I loved Evolution and how much people hated Evolution. Evolution was a faction that will go down prolly as the greatest faction of all time (2nd maybe to DX)... if Batista wins the title off of Punk sometime, then loses it to Cena, I could and would love to, see him go heel then


Should Batista turn heel, I suspect it will be when Orton comes and costs Batista and Cena their tag team titles against Priceless. After the match, Orton and Batista shake hands, revealing that it was planned the entire time.

I would have preferred that Batista turn heel down the line, though. Surely the WWE is just going to let the Batista/Kane storyline drop without a reason.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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I wouldn't want Evolution for Batista and Orton, I can't really picture having the two top heels together as a team, I think it would bring the both of them down. If they were to do a stable, younger guys would be better. Having Batista as the big guy that destroys his opponents is better in the long run, having heels break up doesn't go over too hot, especially with Orton and Batista.


Should Batista turn heel, I suspect it will be when Orton comes and costs Batista and Cena their tag team titles against Priceless. After the match, Orton and Batista shake hands, revealing that it was planned the entire time.

Why would Orton & Tista conspire so deeply just to screw Cena of a tag title reign that probably means so little to the pair of them?

...Maybe over the WHC, but the tag belts?

Lose tag belts, Big Dave turns on and injurs Cena... Cena's out for a short while, comes back only to get screwed by Tistsa in a #1 contenders match. Now the heat's REALLY on.

...Or sumthin'.

Wrestling Station

^But I dont think that the Batista/Cena match at SummerSlam will end up with a clean win for anyone. So there might be an interferance from, lets say Kane with the mask on him. This will lead to another feud. I really feel that Batista will turn heel but there has to be something going on to get this. He has been a face for more than 3 years straight. Its not easy to turn him heel in a flick of a sec. I think they will make a back story of his childhood and all that suspense he got when he was young. So from that they can make a somehow a story of some old guy reminding him of his father, or a child that reminds him of his childhood and from there, he turns nuts and become a real heel.

We have seen Batista turning on Undertaker before. So do we really wanna see that with Cena feud? I think he could turn on Cena, but it needs alot of build up. As I said a back story, doesnt have to be like the example I mentioned above; but can be something like that in a way.

Anyway, by turning Batista heel; we can have a new set of feuds and storylines to go along this new gimmick. Batista can form a faction, can be work more in the backstage somehow with this heel turn. Can have new feuds with faces and squash matches as well.


Why would Orton & Tista conspire so deeply just to screw Cena of a tag title reign that probably means so little to the pair of them?

...Maybe over the WHC, but the tag belts?

Sorry, I went back and read my post and it was actually quite unclear. By it being planned "all along," I don't mean that Batista won the tag belts with Cena planning to turn on him. I mean that he and Orton would work together to make Cena look like a bitch, going into one particular match together planning on Orton coming out and the two joining to take Cena out.


I don't see the logic in Orton helping Batista right now. What incentive would Orton have.

I also don't see the logic in Orton screwing Cena. Orton has had his number for the last several months.

I could actually see Orton coming back and screwing Batista, because he knows he can beat Cena.
Feb 27, 2006
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Batista as a heel might be ok. He's the biggest star in the history of wrestling with exactly 3 good matches. Perhaps being a heel might change that.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Should Batista turn heel, I suspect it will be when Orton comes and costs Batista and Cena their tag team titles against Priceless. After the match, Orton and Batista shake hands, revealing that it was planned the entire time.

I like the idea, but I would rather have it end with Orton and Batista joining up with Rhodes and DiBiase and forming a new stable. Obviously it would Evolution-esque, but they shouldn't use that for a name.

I don't see the logic in Orton helping Batista right now. What incentive would Orton have.

I also don't see the logic in Orton screwing Cena. Orton has had his number for the last several months.

I could actually see Orton coming back and screwing Batista, because he knows he can beat Cena.

You're thinking logically. Here's what you do, go get a hammer, hit yourself with it a few times, and then read Axis' idea again. If it still doesn't make sense within the story's continuity, pick that hammer back up and keep hitting until it all clicks in. You now all know the biggest secret the WWE writers have.


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
If Batista turns heel, he shouldn't remake evolution with Orton.

1. The original evolution meant past (Flair), Present (Triple H), and future (Orton and Batista). Okay, so the new evolution would be Orton and Batista (Present), who would the past and the future be. Team Priceless may work but then you have two ME who want the same thing, the World title. That's just a fall out waiting to happen. You also have to throw in that most factions have a ME, a mid carder and usually a tag team to make it work. Like I said having two ME going for the same thing just wont work. The Four Horsemen had Flair (ME), the Andersons (tag team), and Tully (Mid-carder),. DX...after HBK was out had Triple H (ME), The New Age Outlaws (tag team), and X-pac (mid-card), and Evolution Triple H (ME), Orton (stepping up to be Mid card) and Flair and Batista (tag team). And then you got La Familia Edge (ME), Chavo (? mid card i guess), Rated R Entourage or whatever they are (tag team). And then you usually have somebody who takes over or wants to be the ME and take the title...SOMETIMES. But the New Evolution is a break up waiting to happen.

2. Okay so even if they didn't reform evolution, but just teamed with each other it still wouldn't work. Like I said two ME in a team wanting the same thing wont work. But besides that. We got 2 heel ME in a team. Who would the fued with. Cena and who else? CM Punk? Yea right. HBK? Tied up with Y2J. Kane? What is he face or heel? Nobody that's who. Remember when DX reformed in 06, had Triple H and HBK, two ME. Who did they fued with...the spirt squad. And it was sqaush after squash. Just DX humiliating them. And then Rated-RKO was formed. They had two other ME to fued with. There's no other face ME for them to fued with. It wouldn't work.

3. So Batista turning heel, we'll have him, Y2J, Kane????, JBL, Orton as heels in the ME. And then the ME faces Cena, CM Punk, HBK i guess but that's it. So I think if Batista turns heel somebody may need to turn face, and that could be Orton. Or have him as a tweener. How many people have came back from an injury or time off and changed status. Triple H, Kennedy, Y2J to name a few. So why not Orton. He sucked as a face before because he was too young but he maybe able to pull it off this time. Im sure when he returns he may get a face reaction by some anyway. So I say have him turn face. But don't have him be a sissy face. Have him come out during the Tista/Cena match and instead of doing what every body thinks he'll do and attach cena, he attachs Tista. Or something. I duno but I think they should try him Orton as a face, and Tista Heel, so they can fued. Tista could maybe join up with Dibiase and Rhodes or something but not along with Orton. Somewhere down the line Team Priceless could turn on Tista. Orton Cena and Tista in a #1 Cont. match. Tista hits the bomb on Cena, Priceless comes out, and distacts the ref., Tista is like "what the hell are yall doing," Orton knocks him out the ring, Cena gets up groggy, Orton from behind RKO!! 1, 2, 3. Ortons, heel turn, and the beginning of the Next Generation stable. Orton (3rd), Dibiase and Rhodes (2nd). I think that'd be better than another Evolution stable at the moment.


There is that possibility of Batista turning heel, teamin with Orton, and employing Rhodes and Dibiase, that new Evolution rumor we heard about a while ago. I want one of them heel, face vs. face doesn't work, especially for HBK vs. Cena at Mana, that sucked.

Great One

Praying for Evolution... seriously, would single handedly get me back into wrestling. Guessing something similar to what Axis said, and CenaMark, think about what you said. Orton JOINING with Batista would be even better than screwing him, since he DOES know he hasn't beat him, hence why he would form an alliance with him.


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Aug 13, 2007
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TBH i'm not that fond of evolution mark 2 its like DX there is only 1. IF Orton and Tista team up and get a couple of others to join there faction fair enough, But don't call it evolution 2 or evolution anything Coz there is only 1 Evolution. And anything reduplicated just wouldn't cut it. So make a new Faction but just keep it and the name well away from evolution.
Feb 27, 2006
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In 2003 and 2004 quite a few message boards were flooded with anti-Evolution sentiment. Justified gripes too. They did make RAW boring and redundant. Why would anyone ask for that shit again?