Chris was fired the first time from the E due to steroids and wasn't really that good back then, but once he returned he had slimmed down (still kept his massive build though) and had gotten better in the ring. Yet he was relegated to Superstars after a while despite working some of his best matches when on Superstars and being fairly over.
Obviously some time has passed since then and Chris has kept working indy dates, improving in the ring some more. Do you think Chris could ever return to WWE and get a decent run out of it? He seems to have all the tools for it, nice build, decent in the ring (especially for a guy his size) and a good look with a fair amount of charisma (not John Cena levels but okay).
I figure he could be a staple of the mid card, possibly a gate keeper for the main event if booked right.
Could you see Chris Masters make a WWE return? Or could you see him debut in TNA?
How do you think such a run would go? Mid card? main event or just back to jobbing?
How would you personally book him? Would you change up his character?