I Wonder If Storm Is Feeling Alright.

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I'm sure you're all familiar with lance Storm and his rantings on TNA. If you want to see professional wrestler hate on a product, then exit this thread immediately. Storm has nothing but GOOD to say about the latest iMPACT!

TNA Impact
April 17, 2009

I haven’t watched Impact in over a month. I’ve been so busy and for the most part fed up with the nonsensical booking of all pro-wrestling shows of late, that I just had to take a break. I caught bits and pieces of WWE but just couldn’t subject myself to the frustration that is Impact. Well tonight after a refreshing vacation, I jumped back in and gave Impact a try and OH MY GOD, AM I GLAD I DID.

Impact was freakin great. I don’t mean great “by Impact standards”; I mean flat out, straight up, this was a great show. I am SO happy right now as I type this. I think a lot of people wrongly perceive me as a TNA hater. I guess that’s understandable considering how often I rant about the program but the truth is, I love the TNA roster and the venom in my rants comes from my desire to see this company succeed and my frustration when I believe it is being counter productive to that desired success.

Every week that I watch this show I hope that it is great and I will be able to rave about it in some way. That has not been the case very often in the past but man was it the case tonight. This show was so great, I mean even Tenay and West were good tonight. The show on the whole and a few of the angles specifically were intriguing enough that West and Tenay could put over what happened and discuss it with out getting tied up in fake heel/face bickering.

Lockdown is this Sunday, and after not seeing Impact in 3-5 weeks I watched this show and can actually name 7 of the PPV matches for this Sunday and have interest in seeing most of them. That is an absolute HOME RUN, I rant all the time that this show needs to promote the PPVs so they can draw money and after just one show I WANT TO SEE THIS SHOW. Hell I might even order the Damn thing and I NEVER buy PPVs. Way to go TNA.

I don’t want to break down the whole show so I’m going to just look at the three main angles, which I thought TNA got over very well tonight.

Tag Team Domination: This feud has been going on long enough that I was familiar with it before starting this show. The Rough Cut segment was awesome, and really made me think this match and both titles MEANT something. Using Runt and Balls was a solid idea especially considering that the show is in Philly, where these guys are likely most over. Having Beer Money completely destroy these guys did create heat and made them look very strong. Having NO physical contact with Team 3D was paramount so this segment was a HUGE success. Good angle between two great teams; this should be a great match.

Foley – Sting: I didn’t like the Foley interviews Cactus jack bit, and fast forwarded through it but I stopped when Sting came out and from that point on anyway this segment ruled. I’m not sure if a double turn has been in the works or not (last I watched Foley was a full face and Sting was mainly a heel) but this altercation felt heavy and important. Foley came off like a dangerous heel, and Sting is very good in the Baby face role. The bit at the end with Foley having the music play was a great idea, and even added to the intensity of the beat down. It was almost a new twist on the old New Jack gimmick with playing music during the assault. With the music there was no need for Tenay and West to say anything and it made it seem like more was going on. This was very good and hyped this match beautifully. Kudos also to Mick Foley who looks like he’s dropped at least 50lbs since I watched the show last.

The Main Event: This was done so amazingly well I almost can’t believe it. The end of this show was so good it would have salvaged even the worst Impact but tonight it was just icing on the cake. This is how you make somebody a star again. I’ve always been a huge fan of Christopher Daniels and I thought they should have brought him back at the start of the Front Line / MEM feud, but after tonight I have no complaints. This was perfect, and everything fell into place. Christopher Daniels’ announcement as the 4th man was presented as a big deal. Jarrett put it over, they had AJ on the split screen to put it over, the crowd delivered and popped HUGE, and they even cut to Kurt who sold it huge. EVERYONE in the building put this over like it was monumental. I know this isn’t rocket science but not even WWE gets stuff this right anymore. You want to make somebody a star, have everybody in the company react like he IS one!!!

Now you follow that up with the fact that Daniels is a great worker, you put him in the ring with Kurt Angle, another great worker, and you give them enough time to have a great match, and life as a viewer becomes oh so fantastic. If all that wasn’t good enough we get a great finish. This is where things could have fallen apart. The heels have to get the man advantage, giving the baby faces the edge is never a good idea, but you don’t really want to beat Daniels in his return match. The finish tonight gave Daniels the perceived victory and gave the heels the PPV advantage. Kudos to whoever came up with the pin; had this been the same old same old double pin German suplex spot this finish would have fallen flat. This was a creative pin and executed well enough that I didn’t even notice that Daniels shoulders were down on the pin and the way Chris used his arm to brace Kurt up on his shoulders, it didn’t even look like he was trying to keep his own shoulders down. AWESOME AWESOME JOB!!!

Kudos also to Cornette for repeating the line that Daniels initiated the move. This was just a little thing but I popped huge for it. It put over the fact that while Daniels shoulders may have been down, he was in no way being pinned by Kurt. This segment gave us a great wrestling match, put Daniels back on the map as a HUGE star, got the heels the edge at the PPV, furthered the question of JJ’s loyalties, and just all around hyped this match for Sunday. HOME F’N RUN!!!!

To everyone at TNA, I may bitch about you guys a lot, but I speak from the heart and am more than happy to give you your due when you deserve it, and My God do you deserve it this week. This was a great freakin show, with some great angles, and great wrestling matches. Please everyone out there TNA Lockdown this Sunday live on PPV, send the message that this kind of programming works and this is what we would like to see more of. ORDER this PPV.

Lance Storm

Source - His blog.


Hidden Blaze

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Like Montana maybe he wrote about it being great because well it was great. This weeks Impact was amazing. I was like blown away by it. Even thought I knew it was the Christopher Daniels I still marked out cause of how well they put it over. Great Job TNA. Maybe they can keep this up and people tune in.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
iMPACT was actually really good this week. The way they build to their ppv matches are great and it's getting better. It's a lot better than the build that WWE did for their biggest ppv of the year.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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and he's bashing ROH on his commentary too. I don't know what the world is coming to.

Bunch-O-Stuff & ROH

April 16, 2009

Okay I’ve got a lot of stuff to get caught up on so I will try to cover it all here. My week long vacation in Hawaii really set me back, but boy was it worth it. It was our (my wife and I) third trip to Hawaii and like the previous trips it was absolutely awesome. All three times we went to Waikiki and I just can’t say enough good things about that place. If you ever get a chance to go jump at it, we had the time of our lives.

I want to also thank those who emailed me birthday wishes, while I was away. For the record I turned 40 April 3rd. I am looking into a possible loophole however. I was flying to Hawaii on the 3rd and I think since I was in the air traveling back through time zones I might be eligible for “age indemnity†and may still be 39. Paul Lazenby is backing me on this theory so if anyone has a problem with it, they will have to take it up with him.

Alrighty then down to business; I covered my WrestleMania predictions on Tuesday but have still not watched the show. Truth be told, I may not and apart from Shawn – Undertaker I don’t really have much desire to anyway. I missed the RAW afterwards as well but thanks to YouTube, I did manage to see the Steamboat tag match on RAW, which was awesome. I am so jealous of Edge for getting to take both an arm drag and cross body off the tope from Ricky Steamboat. It was great to see the Dragon one more time and even better to know he still has something left in the tank. Anybody out there that wants to learn how to sell, WATCH RICKY STEAMBOAT! I only met Steamboat once, back when I was working in OVW. He came down to work with the talent one afternoon, and what an absolute class act, a true gentleman if I ever met one. He was so respectful and polite to me and everyone else; I cannot say enough nice things about this man. Congrats on the HOF Ricky and thank you for bringing dignity, respect, and class to this business.

Speaking of the HOF I got to see that via YouTube as well. I have to say though that I was really disappointed with the brevity of the event this year. I know the show goes way too long most years, and the first one I attended in NY was at times painfully long, but the really good stories make it all worth while. I thought Bill Watts was great and Steamboat was good (got to love the tie up with Flair) but everything else just seemed rushed or clipped. I couldn’t believe how little time Steve Austin ended up getting. Arguably the biggest star of all time and he sums up and says good-bye to his career in 5-7 minutes. WTF? They need to do this show either Friday night or Saturday after noon and then edit it to fit the telecast. You could give presenters a 15-minute max, underneath inductees a 30-minute max, and let the top 2 guys go 45 minutes to an hour if need be. Here’s a crazy idea too, induct less than 8 guys per year, if you don’t want the show going 4 hours.

I need to jump back to Hawaii before I wrap up. I know before I left, I said that it was going to be a Wrestling free vacation, but that turned out to be tougher than I though. My hotel got HD Net, a station I don’t get at home and one morning while my wife was in the shower I was flipping channels and came across ROH. As you know I’m a big ROH fan so with time to just sit around and wait anyway (my wife takes way longer to do her hair in the morning that I do) I watched ROH on HD Net. I’ve got to say I was really disappointed. Production wise I thought the show looked very bad. The venue and crowd looked small, and the ring looked so small I just couldn’t take the show seriously. I’ve talked to two close friends who have seen the show and both echoed my disappointment, one summing up best: “They've somehow managed to use the increased production values to remove almost everything that made ROH feel unique and special.â€

I don’t have all the answers and I don’t know the specifics of the HD Net deal but something has to change. ROH just can’t be done with the usually wrestling TV show format. You can’t get these guys over with short TV matches and attempting to do so is just destroying the atmosphere, emotion, and work rate that is ROH. If it were up to me I would completely change the format of the show and post produce and edit matches like ECW (The Original) used to do. I’ve always thought TNA should try this and I think even more so with ROH.

You have to be different to stand out and doing the same basic format of a “live†wrestling show featuring TV matches doesn’t work IMO. You can’t get young new guys over with short TV matches. Even WWE has a hard time with this, which is why so few new guys get over in that company. Paul Heyman was so damn brilliant with what he did on ECW TV. Our show was different it covered and showed highlights of great ECW events, it wasn’t just a TV Show with wrestling matches.

When you have 3-8 minute matches its near impossible to hook the crowd enough to make these matches seem important. When you have super established stars like The Undertaker of Shawn Michaels it can be done to an extent, but when you are trying to introduce audiences to new characters you can’t; the match is over before they get emotionally attached. Matches come off as unimportant and worse yet the guy who loses a 3-5 minute match comes off like such a jobber. Even the guy who wins short matches on TV doesn’t truly get over because how big of an accomplishment is it, if it took so little effort to achieve?

With Heyman’s ECW format guy’s fought long and hard battles and guys who lost put up one hell of a fight, and those who won really accomplished something. Matches were given the time they needed to hook the crowd so by the end crowds were super hot, which made everything seem so much more important and OVER. Paul then edited the matches down to show the best stuff and the parts of the matches where the crowd was really going nuts and on TV everything seemed so unbelievably over. Perception is Reality in this business and viewers perceived the ECW product as being very hot and very over so that became their reality, and shit got over.

Paul got so many guys over by beating them it wasn’t even funny. I won my debut in ECW, and then went on to lose several big matches, which actually helped get me over. I lost a great match to Chris Candito at “As Good as it Gets†and another hard fought battle to Shane Douglas at “Born to be Wiredâ€. These two CLEAN loses really helped me get over because I went toe to toe with established top stars, who had to go all out to beat me. The match length and quality got me over and the loss earned me respect from the hardcore fans. I was paying my dues, and not getting pushed down their throats, and by airing the highlights of the match and the back and forth finish I came out looking like a million bucks and everyone got over. Jerry Lynn lost clean to RVD so many times it’s almost absurd, but because they were such long even matches the fans got so behind Jerry that they renamed him the “New-F’n-Showâ€. None of this could have been done if ECW used the ‘live’ TV show format and aired 3-8 minute matches in their entirety.

Guys got more over losing in ECW than guys are getting over with wins on TV today. In my opinion post producing the show and airing highlights from great ROH events would give this show a completely unique feel, better encapsulate the ROH experience, provide a better opportunity for guys to get over, and as an added bonus better promote ticket and DVD sales. Airing 7 minutes of an amazing 30-minute Bryan Danielson match will make me wish I was their live when it happened, as well as make me want to order the DVD of the event so I can see the whole match of this amazing wrestler. Seeing him wrestle a 7-minute match in front of a not overly excited crowd in what appears to be a 14 foot ring, makes me think he’s a very small time wrestler who seems to wrestle well.

Had I not already been a huge ROH fan, and this show was my first look at ROH I would have no desire to see ROH again, which I think is very sad. ROH has a great talent roster and the ability to put on some of the best wrestling matches in the Country and I don’t feel this TV show makes that clear to the viewing public. Then again the same can be said for TNA Impact. I’ve been told Impact has actually improved greatly of late, so I intend to tune in tonight and see first hand, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.


New Member
Apr 18, 2009
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Wow, Storm! TNA is bringing all the stops because it's Lockdown, one of their biggest PPV's of the year. It will go downhill again when it comes to Sacrifice.


New Member
Apr 18, 2009
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Wow, Storm! TNA is bringing all the stops because it's Lockdown, one of their biggest PPV's of the year. It will go downhill again when it comes to Sacrifice.

TNA was awful building up to BFG so I doubt there's a direct connection.

Sounds like they finally got a clue of how to book.


TNA was awful building up to BFG so I doubt there's a direct connection.

Sounds like they finally got a clue of how to book.

What do you mean awful booking at BFG? 2006 and 2007 were very well done, and 2008 was pretty good too. I'll just assume you meant 2008, because i didn't think that was as good as 07-06.

You still had:

Sting vs Joe (Throwing Sting in the Main event for a drawing factor, good face vs face matchup)

Jarrett vs Angle - Great match, great buildup.

Booker T vs AJ vs Cage - This was a little sloppy, but it was AJ vs Booker in the fued, with Cage in the middle. Still a good first time matchup.

Tag Team Monsters Ball and Steel Cage X division match.

Please explain to me how these shows were Awful, and how you would make a Great PPV with their roster.