Kayfabe I was robbed!

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The Lunatic Fringe
Feb 1, 2017
Reaction score
Marbella, Málaga, Spain

*Yuri Black's music hits, as he appears he storms down the ramp into the ring with a microphone in the other hand*

Yuri Black: ...
*Before Black begins to speak, chants around the arena are getting louder and louder "You just lost it"*
Yuri Black: What do you mean I just lost it? I didn't lose anything. Are you all delusional? Or are you just plain stupid?
*Crowd lays out with boos*
Yuri Black: You all say I just lost it, I lost the match. Well, correct me if I am wrong, but not only did I carry the whole match and done all the damage, but I also wasn't the one pinned. I have been thieved, I deserved that win. But no, that little puny Kidd stole the pin. But you know what, that's not why I am out here.
*Yuri Black pushes his hair back whilst he takes a deep breath*
Yuri Black: You see, last week with mine and Michael Kelly's little controversy, Mr. Kelly claimed he was the greatest, and how he wouldn't slip yet another triple threat match. What happens then? he gets pinned, he got humiliated by me as we saw, and he got pinned. If it wasn't for him, I'd be the one with my hand raised up high. How do you think this looks on my record now, my debut as a loss? I don't accept that.
*Crows chants "You sore loser"*
Yuri Black: Pfft! continue to chant your little petty words. Even though I did not pick up the win, you saw me dominate that whole match up. *smirks* So Michael Kelly, get your ass out here so I can humiliate you again!
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M Kells

The Showoff
Jan 20, 2017
Reaction score
Toronto, ON, Canada

*Michael Kelly's music hits, only to find no one coming through the curtains. As the music fades we look to the titantron to find Kelly plastered on said titantron, styling his signature quaffed hair and mustache. Kelly sports a white 3 piece suit, shades, and what looks like an engagement ring on his ring finger. Somehow after the painful loss to James The Kidd, Michael dons a smirk, as he looks down the camera, balls his hands up, and begins*

Michael Kelly: You wanna talk about carrying? Really!? You? As I seem to remember I carried your behind outside the ring and dropped destiknee upon your back. As I see it, I was unrightfully and unlawfully placed into a match after being put to the test, after my manlihood was put to test. Enough of that, my guess is you want to know why after the loss, after our loss, why I'm still here, gifting you, and these idiots in the crowd my smile. Ya' wanna know why I'm smiling Mr. Black? Ya' wanna know why I am so happy even after a disgusting lost to an idiot, a moron like James The Kidd? It's because, even after I lost, theres only one person that everyone is talking about. A man, an injured man, coming off of a triple threat match that could've costed anyone else their career. You guessed it... Me,*with a big cheesy grin on Michael's face* I am the one who was robbed after taking you both to your limits, I am the one who was deprived a win because of that... that cheater, James The Kidd.... Me, me me!!!

*Michael takes a step back, turns to the left of him and tries to stay calm, but is clearly still enraged at the thought of losing to the rookie James the kidd. He takes a deep breath and turns back to face the camera*

Michael Kelly: So you can sit there, and cry about how you..... How we lost that match, you can try to take out your frustrations on one of those lackluster idiots in the locker room, you could even go, avenge your loss to that jobber of a man, and find that nothing will scratch the fact that on your debut, you lost!! *chuckling* If you want a challenge, if you want someone of main event caliber, look no further than The Chosen One. *Pointing at himself* I see the fire in your eyes, I see the disappointment in your eyes, your need to prove to yourself that you ain't just another flash in the pan, and I can respect it.*with a honest and sincere look on his face* I can respect the blood, the sweat, and the tears that you gave this business, and the many more you'll be giving to this company. So all of that brings me to what some may say a solution, a conclusion, some may say a head on collision, I say a gift. A gift to face none other than *doing the imaginary drumroll with his hands* me, Michael Kelly.

*The crowd, going nuts for the news slowly quiets down as we see Michael Kelly smiling*
Michael Kelly: At Viewers Choice, I'll be taking all of that blood, all of those tears, and I'll be setting the record straight. For that, is my destiny and come Viewers Choice, you'll see why I am destined, WHY I AM CHOSEN to be the one to take this company to all time heights.*Now pointing a "finger gun", and showing nothing but serious intent* So Yuri Black, its your second time around standing in the way of my destiny, So once again, one final time, You shall meet your destiknee.
*As he shoots the imaginary "finger gun" the screen fades to black as we hear Michael Kelly obnoxiously laughing until a full fade to black*

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The Lunatic Fringe
Feb 1, 2017
Reaction score
Marbella, Málaga, Spain
*Yuri's face full of frustration, moving back and forth trying to hold in his anger. He clenches his fist then throws the microphone on the floor. He leaves the ring slowly walking up the ramp. Once halfway he stops, looks at the ring and storms his way back in there and picks the microphone back up.*

Yuri Black: *shouts* You know what? you've got me, you've got me in your little mind game. I'm triggered, I have never felt so angry and off-guard in my career. Just shut up, no one cares, or even more importantly. I don't care about your stupid destiny. You claimed your destiny was that you'd win last week, that did not work out for you did it. See you and your "destiny" have a lot in common. You're both just as fake and full of crap!

*Yuri begins to crack a laugh, thinking he is in control of Kelly's mind games.*

Yuri Black: So, when it comes to Viewers Choice, I will for a fact tell your true destiny, and that is you on the floor with blood dripping down your face, and only sweat down mine!

*Yuri drops the microphone and walks out of the arena*
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