well Kelly qwan'eth tha castrated ne'gro rell; the chocalte rain looking big lipped pussy ass busta pa dar with a zillion accounts and that basically comes here so as to stick to everyone's dick here like a used condom....
tries to get banned....and nothin....tries and acts like he has a life around here...then he goes on about how he left his momma's house....and couldn't get no reception on his "LapTop"(true ne'groz can't afford laptops..Ka-Durrh!!)...then went back to his momma's house so he can secretly hook up with his lil'sister "Shaw-nee-qwa" and all that imbred Kentucky Fucked Cunt stuff...
Koobie BryAin't shit....Shaq Carried tha Lakers....back when Tha Lakers were LEGENDS....now they're just a team full of cunt-criminals and rapists....:bag: <kobe hides in shame cause he needs to forcefully get some instead of playing tha pussyeating game like Shaq
when you're in the NBA section I bet you Probably wank off to Chikara Porn while you jam to alanis moriset on you're huge ass Fucking $900 dolla Laptop while yo momma makes yo supper and buys you new sneakers and shit....
I'm only online for like....20 minutes every other weekend and whenever i'm bored and got time to waste....while you're over there probably in South Carolina or some slave state trying to sound like you're from LA and back when you tried hooking up with Jasmine on msn and on the forums everyone was laughing cause Ni'ggas can't get no latino pussy...haven't cha ever read a book essa?...ya think like leaving her love letters and all that Ne'Gro Brazillion Shit would work......I don't know.....ya know...weird Cyber-Dating shit..it only works for fat people with little penises...and i guess we've got an idea of what yo boy mat looks like:emoticon: ...:lac: thats gay
and i'm 15 by tha way and I ain't a virgin...and being from wisconsin basically means I spend most my Ni'gga days outside cleaning up shit and hunting and all that stuff....not chilling inside playing some pussy nentendo machine shit...I don't even have a fucking xbox...thats for "NIG'GAs"....and stuff
I dunno...
You Probably stick a tweenkie up your own ass cause its tha only cock that'll ever be up your ass...
<that is unless you count kaedon's thumb
so like...:respect: and stuff...