Crayo said:Completely different federation. In fact, TNA is currently suing WWE, lol.
Lots of WWE superstars have hopped over to TNA over the years though. Some TNA stars have hopped to WWE.
William said:Why is TNA suing WWE? Last I heard they were on good terms?
Leo C said:Something involving a dumbass who was working for TNA, was fired and then hired by WWE. Seems like he revealed informations about TNA contracts that he learned while he was there, and then WWE fired him and informed TNA three weeks later. TNA got pissed off and sued WWE.
Leo C said:Something involving a dumbass who was working for TNA, was fired and then hired by WWE. Seems like he revealed informations about TNA contracts that he learned while he was there, and then WWE fired him and informed TNA three weeks later. TNA got pissed off and sued WWE.