How's Taste My Tweet Tweet? Mixed Martial Arts on Twitter for the 3rd Week of June

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Jan 28, 2011
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A few updates on what's been going on in the MMA Twitterverse


"I'm amused by the threats, meus amigos. If you are really so brave, ride your little scooters over here and say it to my face." -Chael Sonnen, who apparently, was in Brazil with Yushin Okami.

"40 minutes and not one tatted up tough guy. Come on Sao Paolo, send anybody you want. Just don't send anybody you like..." -Chael Sonnen

"Hey Anderson, stick to what your country does best; like soccer or harboring infectious disease. Oh, and tell Lyoto that I'M CALLING HIM OUT" -Chael Sonnen

"Yushin and I go back to civilzation tomorrow. Thanks for everything, Brazil. It was like camping in Compton." -Chael Sonnen


"I love when studies like that confirm what we all know. Next thing you know they'll be a study confirming that many black people don't tip" -Joe Rogan

"I bet no one likes to f**k black guys more than racist white chicks from the deep south. The forbidden fruit that they hate to crave." -Joe Rogan, (I had to bleep that one out)

"I braced for a PC sandy vagina twitter reaction that never came. I'm honored to have so many cool people following me." -Joe Rogan

There's a ton of tweets after the jump, but first, don't forget to follow:

The Official BloodyElbow Twitter Account, Luke Thomas, Kid Nate, Brent Brookhouse, Mike Fagan, Leland Roling, Richard Wade, Jonathan Snowden, Chris Barton, Damon O, Scott Broussard, Tim Burke, Matt Bishop, Fraser Cofeen... oh and maybe you all should follow that guy named Anton Tabuena


"ahhaa is rainning in montreal rain is good for the flower but bad for F1 lol im only happy when it rains .....lalalalalalalla" -Ivan Menjivar

"waoo i thing he cellphone here in quebec is too much i 45$ no internet fido... my contract whit fido finish a sept haha so fido you have to make my a deal or you out Fido be a nice dog .." -Ivan Menjivar

<i>"@bloodyelbow Someone just approached me, knew my face from somewhere "oh yah, an mma site called Bloodyelbow always post pics of u" ;)