How's Taste My Tweet Tweet? Mixed Martial Arts on Twitter for the 3rd Week of July

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Jan 28, 2011
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A few updates on what's been going on in the MMA Twitterverse


"WM back in the muthaf*ckin house!!!!!! F*Ck JAIL! Sh*t's whack! I'm skinny/fat/pale! Need a tune-up! Can't wait to train monday! ...Thanks to all of you who stood by me sending emails/letters/books etc. It helped a lot! Weird to be out, doesn't feel real. The year=blur" -War Machine, is out after a year in jail... I wonder if he will ever unblock me from twitter. He went on a twitter blocking party a few years back and I didn't even know why I was included.

"I'm having a harder time my 1st day out than I did the whole year in jail. Hard to explain this f*cked up feeling, feel like crying... I have a lot of friends and a career to go to too...can't imagine how hard it is for the guys who don't have shit. No wonder 65%+ go back." -War Machine, maybe he blocked me cause of my beard.

"Last night was rough for me...really emotional: sad, angry, scared, worried..cried like a b*tch too.Coming back from jail=harder than 1yr... hard to explain...weird. Anyway, did some BJJ today felt great to train, got tired as sh*t but it's to be expected. Startin to feel better 2... Gotta see my probation officer Wed. I really hope he isn't a DICK. F*ck. I don't want any problems. I just want to train/teach/fight. LIVE." -War Machine

"Man am I rusty as fuck sparring! Timing is all off..holding my breath.Can't wait to be normal again! It's disheartening feeling so shitty! ...And of course my stubborn ass isn't easing into Sore as hell! Insomnia too...grr! Sparring tomorrow again hopefully do better!" -War Machine

There's a ton of tweets after the jump, but first, don't forget to follow:

The Official BloodyElbow Twitter Account, Luke Thomas, Kid Nate, Brent Brookhouse, Mike Fagan, Leland Roling, Richard Wade, Jonathan Snowden, Chris Barton, Damon O, Scott Broussard, Tim Burke, Matt Bishop, Fraser Coffeen, Dallas Winston... oh and maybe you all should follow that guy named Anton Tabuena


"Today is my mom's 50th birthday. She wanted to me give up fighting, but I think I'll just get her a gift certificate instead." -Danny Downes

"I'm convinced that if everyone was legally allowed to punch someone once a year there would be exponentially fewer jerks." -Ronda Rousey

"Yes sir... Gonna get in the ring Aug 13th and make it happen.." -Kimbo Slice, will finally be making his pro-boxing debut!/kimboslice

"just got to watch the david haye fight. Thought he did well and was treated harshly by the critics." -Michael Bisping, who probably has experience on that sort of thing.

"I just signed the bout agreement today 4 the fight on 9/24/11 I WANT MY BELT BACK!!" -Quinton Jackson

"I'd fight my sister for the appropriate amount of money. That amount? Sixteen dollars... If @DanaWhite asked me to fight my mother, I would guillotine her in the nicest way possible. My dad? Get KO bonus and buy him a truck." -Jason Miller

"Is Joey Beltran @Mexicutioner760 the official UFC greeter? He's welcoming another heavyweight to the UFC at 136" -UFC, just called Beltran their gatekeeper. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

"Damn,I didn't know so many mma fans no nothing about mma training,u guys go right ahead and train everyday,I'm gonna keep doing what I do" -Quinton Jackson


"Mirko, ol' buddy! Strong words from someone who's been carried out more often than Chinese food!" -Chael Sonnen

"Pipe down Mirko and let us just use you for oil like the rest of the dinosaurs." -Chael Sonnen, who's two years younger than Cro Cop.

"Relax people, know your opponent. He is from Croatia, where grey is the national color and mediocrity is the highest achievement possible." -Chael Sonnen

"I find it ironic that Mirko used to be a member of the Anti terrorist unit when he himself is a Weapon of Mass-disinterest." -Chael Sonnen


"I'm an average man with a monster heart. UFC asked me for my help and I'm here for them. UFC asked me for my help and I'm here for them. Just want to show my true character by stepping up. Lets go!" -Tito Ortiz

"Completely eating my words. @titoortiz is GAME & Im very impressed 4 wut its worth. Well done & congrats. Look 4ward 2seeing ur fight" -Matt Mitrione


"Thought I'd share this 2. My shortys friend did's different" -Kimbo Slice

"About to tell ghost stories..what's ur fav one? I need to tell one soon!! :)" -Arianny Celeste, quick, send a 140 character story!

"Carmaggeddon has 405 freeway in la... Equals madness! #localocaloca" -Arianny Celeste


"Sneak peak at todays shoot! Brittney palmer calendar. #boom :)" -Brittney Palmer

"Still brown. Shoot this week.. new pics to come! ;)" -Natasha Wicks

"Maxim Halloween shoot! Ha these pics are wild" -Logan Stanton

"I'm not girly enough to rock this dress on the reg, but it's fun to play dress up @ work :)" -Logan Stanton

"People always tell me I look familiar when I travel..I tell em I'm nobody..or if I want to mess with them I say I'm a porn star. #funtimes" -Arianny Celeste, see what I mean?