How to earn forum cash.

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The Boss
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
United Kingdom of Ambrose
As I keep coming up with more ideas to win forum cash, I thought I would make a thread explaining them so all of you know how to become rich. I thought I would keep this thread locked as it will attract questions to off-topic posts, and I want it as neat as possible so it's easy to understand. If you have any cash related questions, don't hesitate to PM a member of Staff or any Administrators. Or you can alternatively make a thread in the feedback section.

Purchasing Cash

I thought I would start off with the easiest way to get a lot of cash. You can purchase forum cash by clicking here and going through the designated steps. Multiple users have already done this and have shot up the richest users list.


The most simple way to earn cash is posting. You can see on this page how much cash you receive per post/thread.


Betting is a method which can result in big money. You can create custom bets and -- if accepted -- can exploit your wrestling knowledge and earn a lot of cash. This is the betting page where all available bets are listed, but you can post a custom bet which needs to be accepted by an Administrator. You will need to bet a lot to win a lot, so gamble with care. Remember, if you lose, you do not get your cash back.

Betting threads are made by Big Hoss Rambler near the PPV date, and we normally display a header announcement so you are aware of it. Previously you could only bet real life money, but now you can bet forum cash, which many people were unaware of. Don't miss up on this easy opportunity.


If you're Irish, this one will be easy. All you need to do is purchase lottery tickets here and if you win, you get a lot. As always though, winning the lottery is quite hard. I advise posting actively and investing parts of that into the lottery each week. Not enough for it to be too damaging, but enough to give yourself a chance. Eventually you'll win, right?

Top Discussion Thread Poster

This one is all down to you, and no luck is involved. If you are the top poster in any official discussion thread, you will win cash prizes. It is a $10 (equivalent of 1000 posts) reward, but sometimes that might be increased by an Administrator at any time. I can guarantee you PPV discussion threads result in more cash per winner, so be alert for those opportunities.

Top Poster Of The Day

This reward requires you to bring it to our attention in the feedback section, as we will require a screenshot of our statistics page as proof that you were the top poster this day. You simply post a thread with your screenshot attached, and an Administrator will grant you your $5 reward. If you are the top poster every day for a week, you have earned an easy $35!

Note: This does not count for discussion thread days.


The People's Champion
Main Eventer
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cash might have to just be reset.

If you have to reset it, just have a lotto for everyone to enter that will give who ever wins a good chunk of money. Like just make it free (for this one only) so anyone on the forum can win but make it that you have to do something to enter so only active members will be in the drawing.
I honestly don't care if the cash it reset, its no biggie.
  • Like
Reactions: David5150 and Crayo

Lady Deathbane

thanks for the unban, lmao
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
Bay Area 51, CA

I am sure they are in the middle of fixing it Gohan. :facepalm:

Shut the hell up. Crayo has already told you today ON THE FORUM that he will get to it. He's busy.

And seriously? They're in the middle of a shitload of problems that they're trying to fix and you're worried about your "hard-earned" cash? Fuck you, dude. Seriously. All you care about is yourself. You're such a little asshole.