How long do you think she'll hold the belt? Also, who do you think will beat her for it when the time cums?
Discuss and whatnot.
Discuss and whatnot.
In 2 years. The scene is set at WWE Divamania, a new event created by the recent new CEO of WWE, Stephanie McMahon. It's AJ Lee vs Eva Marie. Both competitors use all their ability when...lights go out. Everyone is confused. IT'S HULK HOGAN. People start screaming. Michael Cole keeps saying "whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa" like a broken record. King has near heart attack. Backstage the shield triple powerbomb themselves through a table. Cena turns heel then back again. Fans are still marking out. Some ladies water just broke. Dogs and cats living together. RVD comes out backed as shit. Eva Marie wins.
4/10. Nice effort though.
You're telling me that wouldn't pull in ratings.
I don't know, but this is the greatest gif.
It'd be Meltzer if I had said maybe a few months, maybe not.'sup Meltz
It'd be Meltzer if I had said maybe a few months, maybe not.