First off, I would only have announced a handful of entrants and have had all of them made their entrance. The crowd is at a fever pitch begging for DB after Big E enters at number 29. The clock winds down 3...2...1....BRRRRRRR "Flight of the Valkyries" blares through the speakers as DB limps towards the ring after his beating. The match winds down as reigns eliminates Sheamus leaving Himself, DB, and Batista in the ring? DB goes for a running knee on Reigns but eats a spear. Batista then Eliminates Reigns the same lame way as he did irl cause it doesn't matter. Batista lifts DB up and looks at him sympathetically. He asks the crowd to give DB an ovation, which they do. Batista reaches out his hand for a handshake, DB obliges only to get his balls kicked into his throat. Batista then does his best heel smirk, then the thumbs up/down pose, followed by Batista bombing DB out of the ring for the win.
-Batista wins appeasing Vince
-Batista turns heel which is what's best for business
-DB is the most sympathetic face ever
-people leave the arena pissed off for the RIGHT reasons
-Batista wins appeasing Vince
-Batista turns heel which is what's best for business
-DB is the most sympathetic face ever
-people leave the arena pissed off for the RIGHT reasons