Okay so we have a pre-show to OTL were Ryder faces of against Kane. Kane spent most of 2012 bullying and manhandling Ryder, killing of most of the momentum Ryder had (Yet the guy is still insanely over compared to most midcarders, still getting a decent reaction from the crowds.)
At ER Ryder got some revenge, attacking Kane during his match with Orton giving Orton a chance for a comeback.
How would you have the Pre-show match play out?
Personally I'd go like this: Ryder and Kane makes the most of their time. The match ends with Ryder winning and Eve coming out to announce that Kane gets his rematch later that same night on the main card. This to fill out the very empty match card for the pay per view. The rematch also ends with Ryder winning, reigniting Ryders momentum and giving him a feud with Kane that can go for a while and result in a mid card push that' "sanctioned" by uncreative.
This is needed in a WWE were guys like Ryback, Tensai and Brodus continuously win via squash matches. We need to be reminded that the underdog can actually succeed. And who's better for that then WWE's own rags to riches story?
At ER Ryder got some revenge, attacking Kane during his match with Orton giving Orton a chance for a comeback.
How would you have the Pre-show match play out?
Personally I'd go like this: Ryder and Kane makes the most of their time. The match ends with Ryder winning and Eve coming out to announce that Kane gets his rematch later that same night on the main card. This to fill out the very empty match card for the pay per view. The rematch also ends with Ryder winning, reigniting Ryders momentum and giving him a feud with Kane that can go for a while and result in a mid card push that' "sanctioned" by uncreative.
This is needed in a WWE were guys like Ryback, Tensai and Brodus continuously win via squash matches. We need to be reminded that the underdog can actually succeed. And who's better for that then WWE's own rags to riches story?