How do you feel about homosexuals... oops, I mean religious nuts.

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Yeah, I'm looking at you... all you Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Shintoists, Animists, Wiccans, Pagans of all sorts, and Zoro-fucking-astrians.

You are a malignant cancer on this planet. Everything you do turns to shit and should be punished appropriately. You sit up in your ivory towers and pass judgement on the rest of us, when it often says in your religious texts not to judge people as it is not your place. But that's inconvinient for you isn't it? Sure it is. What's religion without the ability to mak eyourself feel superior to everyone else, right?

But you aren't following your religions. No. You're just as bad as the rest of us heathens. You claim to follow the religion, but you don't follow all of its tenets, you pick and choose as you see fit. Casting judgement on others seems to be the favourite amongst you hypocrites.

Its interesting to sit here and watch you disobey your own Gods to satisfy your own egos and your own personal agendas. Now, I'm not saying that's a bad thing. What I am saying is that you are hypocrites who never seem to fucking learn.

Christians, your respective sects can't even agree on homosexuality. You have some who say, "No!. We must not be tolerant of anothers personal choice! We must fight this as much as we can!", much like the tyrants and bigots they are. Then you have the more progressive groups, who are saying, "hey, you know what. They aren't hurting anyone, and they certainly deserve equal rights" Those groups are at least beginning to see enlightenment. The rest of you though just follow along like the blind sheep you are and I for one cannot wait for teh day that the lambs are led to the slaughter.

Jews, the same. There are those who still pass judgement on others, but then there are those enlightened sects who see that its not a bad thing and move with the times. We're not fucking barbarians anymore. Besides, the Jews more than anyone should know the danger of persecution. I guess history truly doesn't teach anybody a lesson except that the persecutee will gladly become teh persecuter if given half an opportunity.

Muslims, despite their extreme reaction to homosexuality at least regards same sex attraction as natural. Which in the end makes them even more fucking stupid because its natural, and nature comes from God, but yet they are against it. That kind of logic hurts my head, and it should hurt theirs too if they had any inclination to use their own brains as opposed to doing what they're told like good little boys and girls.

Hinduism is a contradiction in and of itself. It recognizes a sort of 3rd gender, and homosexual activities are portrayed in the Kama Sutra, but Hindus are still a very closeted (no pun intended) people when it comes to sexual matters. so they have other problems to worry about, though homosexuality is largely condemned.

Buddhists? Well traditionally buddhists are very accepting of that sort of thing, but deny themselves of the pleasures of sexual activity. So they're fucked up too, but at least they're tolerant about it. Its better than I can say for the last 4 religions.

Sikhs have no laws on the books so to speak, but still some of the Gurus disagree as to who is right.

Most of the rest of the religions I named are cool with it. Including my religion (not listed) which is cool with just about anything.

But this isn't solely about sexuality and choice. Its about the (and I'm borrowing a line from Dogma here) "Do it and I'll fucking spank you" mentality that a lot of these religions have. They are so busy arguing over who's right that they don't bother to think, who gives a shit? Are you doing what's right for you? Good. Is it hurting you that other people who don't believe in what you do seek the same rights as you? No it fucking isn't. But that doesn't matter because you just want to be able to say "LOOK I WAS RIGHT!"

This world would be a lot better off without religious leaders, as far as I'm concerned most of them are sub humans, who have no regard for their fellow man.

I highly doubt that any of you are going to take a step back and think about your positions on this. Its likely that you are far too prejudiced to see the forest for teh fucking trees, and besides, why change and accept when its far easier to hate and heap scorn.

In closing all I'd like to say, is for those of you who have an open mind and see that basic equality is something that we should all practice, I admire you and wish you the best.

To the rest of you. You'll get yours one day, and I hope it is as excruciatingly painful as the scorn that you heap on to those who aren't exactly like you. Also you can go fuck yourselves.


Aug 4, 2007
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Richmond VA
no regard towards our fellow man?

yeah thats why Christians are so against abortion, but since your opinion is right we should just not care about abortion and actually encourage it...give me a break, phft.

oh and i truly apologize for having faith, sorry for that being my source for peace and happinesses....

yeah im done with this thread


I'm a Catholic, but I don't read the bible literally. I don't think it is meant to be read literally.

The bible is merely a means to aid us in living a better life. Its the lessons that are important not the actual stories.

Otherwise, according to the bible, adulterers should be stoned to death and living with your girlfriend before marriage is an abomination as is eating shell fish.

Times change. The issues they dealt with back then are not the same issues we deal with today. We have refrigerators today and condoms. We don't have to be careful about what we eat and who we sleep with. People need to learn to look for the underlying meaning contained within portions of the bible and not take each and every story so literally.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
no regard towards our fellow man?

yeah thats why Christians are so against abortion, but since your opinion is right we should just not care about abortion and actually encourage it...give me a break, phft.

oh and i truly apologize for having faith, sorry for that being my source for peace and happinesses....

yeah im done with this thread

Marvelous. You're against something. Personal choice. Just because you don't liek it asshole doesn't mean that others shouldn't be allowed to do that.

But I forget myself sometimes. You're religious leaders don't allow you personal choice and personal freedoms. They tell you what to do and you sit there and say yes sir.


no regard towards our fellow man?

yeah thats why Christians are so against abortion, but since your opinion is right we should just not care about abortion and actually encourage it...give me a break, phft.

oh and i truly apologize for having faith, sorry for that being my source for peace and happinesses....

yeah im done with this thread

Abortion has me torn. I don't think people should just go out have have sex and get abortions all the time.

However, where I am really torn is when a women is raped and becomes pregnant. I can just imagine how that women must feel and I can respect her decision of not wanting to have the child of the man she was raped by. On the other hand I think of the potential life that was lost that will never get a chance. There is always adoption, but there are pshychological issues with that as well.

Its definitely a tough subject with no easy answers.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Abortion has me torn. I don't think people should just go out have have sex and get abortions all the time.

However, where I am really torn is when a women is raped and becomes pregnant. I can just imagine how that women must feel and I can respect her decision of not wanting to have the child of the man she was raped by. On the other hand I think of the potential life that was lost that will never get a chance. There is always adoption, but there are pshychological issues with that as well.

Its definitely a tough subject with no easy answers.

I think it should be the last option personally, but still. There is no good reason for people to try and take away anothers freedom of choice because they disagree with something.

Which is what people like Angryphilip do. They're the type who probably think its ok to shoot abortion doctors.


Feb 7, 2007
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This is a satanist saying this? No offense but you guys worship shit, and when YOU do shit your apparently doing good! lol I don't know shit to be honest, talking out my ass hear!


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
This is a satanist saying this? No offense but you guys worship shit, and when YOU do shit your apparently doing good! lol I don't know shit to be honest, talking out my ass hear!


This comedic interlude was brought to you by Pele.

I think we should give thanks to Pele with offerings of greenage.

Fatal 55

May 28, 2007
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WOW Sumhow i think this thread is directed towards me..... Oh Well!

I'm not going to start debating again as it usualy turns into world war 3!

*Leaves Thread & Never Returns*


Jebus died for YOUR sins, MS. He died... Rocking a SUIT! And this is how you repay him?

the dark knight

should i post? i have a headache :(

quick points:

1) monkey, you say that homosexuality is something the queers cant control right? well, killers and rapists cant control what they do too, they just feel like it. so by your standard, if anyone wants to do anything he feels like....he should go for it? and dont tell me "killing people hurt others, queers hurt themselves". the point is, both actions are wrong. and we cant allow anyone to do WHATEVER he wants just because he feels like it.

2)abortion....pffffffffffffffffftt. anyone who is completely against abortion should go rape himself. i know that people mustn't run around fuck, fuck any woman and get her pregnant in the 1st place but....if it did happen, ABORTION TIME!!! if the lay feels like it...

please dont insult me. lol


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
1) monkey, you say that homosexuality is something the queers cant control right? well, killers and rapists cant control what they do too, they just feel like it. so by your standard, if anyone wants to do anything he feels like....he should go for it? and dont tell me "killing people hurt others, queers hurt themselves". the point is, both actions are wrong. and we cant allow anyone to do WHATEVER he wants just because he feels like it.

I will tell you so.

One can choose to do whatever one chooses so long as it is not hurting another, nor infringing on its right to choose what it wishes to do.

When a murderer kills someone, they do it because they choose to. When a rapist rapes a woman or man, they do it because they choose to. However I understand that there are exceptions to every rule, and some people do in fact not have control over their inhibitions.

Also, the action involved in homosexuality is wrong, only if you choose to think so, and as I've said that is your choice to make, and whatever you choose is fine, but the moment you begin to interfere with other people's rights, and the right to choose how they live their life, you go over the line.

please dont insult me. lol

I had no intention of it. I like you and will treat you civilly.

the dark knight

I will tell you so.

One can choose to do whatever one chooses so long as it is not hurting another, nor infringing on its right to choose what it wishes to do.

When a murderer kills someone, they do it because they choose to. When a rapist rapes a woman or man, they do it because they choose to. However I understand that there are exceptions to every rule, and some people do in fact not have control over their inhibitions.

Also, the action involved in homosexuality is wrong, only if you choose to think so, and as I've said that is your choice to make, and whatever you choose is fine, but the moment you begin to interfere with other people's rights, and the right to choose how they live their life, you go over the line.

i understand your point but. but just to clear my what i mean here, im not going to execute queers if i were in charge of any country. i woudlnt really care if there are gay people unless they interfere with my personal life but, all im trying to do is, try to prevent people from being gay because.....ITS NOT SOMETHING RIGHT TO DO. we have to be atleast aware of that...if we kept saying "fiiine...fuck em. let them fuck theirselves all the time i dont care" more people are going to be convinced that its not something wrong and it'll increase the odds of people turning gay...:g:

I had no intention of it. I like you and will treat you civilly.
awwwww :love: that alone cancels whatever i said before. i can be gay for you :)


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
i understand your point but. but just to clear my what i mean here, im not going to execute queers if i were in charge of any country. i woudlnt really care if there are gay people unless they interfere with my personal life but, all im trying to do is, try to prevent people from being gay because.....ITS NOT SOMETHING RIGHT TO DO. we have to be atleast aware of that...if we kept saying "fiiine...fuck em. let them fuck theirselves all the time i dont care" more people are going to be convinced that its not something wrong and it'll increase the odds of people turning gay...:g:

People don't just randomly turn gay. Hell, its not even a choice. Its the way they are. Its no different than race.

Let me ask you a question. Did you wake up one morning and go up to your parents and say "Guess what? I decided I'm going to like girls!"

No, you probably didn't, this was something that you've known since birth, its the same with gay people, they didn't decide to be gay, its the way they are. Trying to change them would be wrong, you wouldn't want a gay man to try and convince you to like the tube steak now would you? So why would you do that to someone else?

I doubt that anyone will heed this suggestion of mine, but having thsi discussion lately caused me to go pick up and old book I hadn't read since high school. Its a book that had a great deal of influence on me in the way I think.

Some of you may have already read it. Its a great book and has a souble pronged message and theme, its very well written. Anyway, its a John Wyndham book called The Chrysalids. Its a bit of a science fiction book, but only in the loosest sense of the term. I won't tell you much about it. If you choose I guess you can wiki it, but I suggest that many of you read it. Perhaps you may see the way you treat your fellow man.

the dark knight

:g: maybe you're right. but still, i wanna ask you a question. being gay is something wrong...right? and what about gay marriges? whats the point of it anyway?

as for the book, might buy the thing...