I noticed this while watching the WWE at different times over the years like in the past The Rock would always punch punch punch then turn around and spit on his hand and then punch his opponent again, clothesline, DDT and the kip up, Sharpshooter, Samoan drop, Spinebuster then The People's Elbow or a Rock Bottom. Stone Cold : punch, kick, Lou thesz press, stomps the guy in the turnbuckle, running elbow drop, Stunner. Or recently with Brock Lesnar against Roman Reigns : German suplex, German suplex, F5, Superman Punch, Spear, Spear, Superman Punch, F5, Superman Punch. Of course John Cena, shoulder tackle, shoulder tackle, spinning powerbowb, 5 Knuckle shuffle and then The Attitude Adjustment or the STF.
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