Most people say Vince McMahon is out of touch with today's WWE product and maybe in some ways he is. But you Attitude Era fans are just as out of touch than he is, if you think LED lights and high definition graphics on titantrons, turnbuckles on the ring curtains, social networking, selfies, texting on cell phones and older and current WWE programming being available to watch on their own Network which is similar to what Netflix is, is the norm nowadays. The stuff that happened in The Attitude Era was back when you didn't have any of that, except for the Internet but you had to deal with really slow connections, the websites were very primitive and we didn't have YouTube yet, no Facebook and Twitter and it even pre-dated MySpace. The quality of the programming may have been better and that's what you really want back, but do you really want to go back to not having what we have right now ? (no cell phones, tablets and no YouTube). If anything this generation allows us to do things that we couldn't just a few decades ago, you couldn't even snap pictures on your cell phones back then, and the pictures we did get looked like crap. Part of me does say I'm glad those years are over.