How awesome are Jericho and Christian?

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Easton, Maryland
Aside from some spots at the finish, the entire Chris Jericho vs. Christian match from last week's edition of ECW was called in the ring.

I'm not 100% sure on what this means. But I'm thinking that it means that these 2 just went out there and "freestyled" until the ending. If so, that's awesome. You got guys that telgraph matches that suck the big one, yet these two just go in blind and do whatever at the top of their head and pull of a good match.


I agree, that match was fantastic. You don't get matches like that alot. Plus, it wasn't even advertised, that match should have been hyped. "Can Christian hold his own and represent ECW and make ECW's presence felt as the WWE rolls into Bragging Rights by facing Chris Jericho?"

It could have been so much more.


Yeah that match was awesome. Hopefully this will open eyes............ hopefully..........


I'm not 100% sure on what this means. But I'm thinking that it means that these 2 just went out there and "freestyled" until the ending. If so, that's awesome. You got guys that telgraph matches that suck the big one, yet these two just go in blind and do whatever at the top of their head and pull of a good match.

It means that alot of it wasn't pre scripted, and they told each other what to do and they just worked off each other to produce the match. Only very good wrestlers can do this, and I don't think that it's done all that much anymore.


I still haven't seen this match, I'm gonna DL it now and see if I can see them talking to each other on what theyre going to do next lol. Christian and Jericho are awesome.


Aaaaaah, using the ways of the force. :y: / :sigh:

@ XBA: Spot on.... WWE wastes so many matches by not hyping them the week before (particularly mid-card title matches on free TV)...


It means that they didn't have a clue what was going to happen (what moves, except the closing moments.)


Christian is the only properly (and strongest) booked champion in the company on the best show in the company facing the best wrestler in the company...did you expect any different? No matter how many incredible matches Christian has Vince is always going to look at him the same way. The furthest up the card he'll get outside of ECW is the reunion with Edge whenever that happens. And I'm going to say it people...sorry...

Christian > Edge (I prefer Edge, but Christian is far better in the ring)
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Vince thinks Christian is a good top star but he doesn't think he's poster mterial (as we know WWE is just about entertainment.) Come on Vice Christian seriously please.

The Rated R CMStar

Lol, I love it how just because Christian isn't fucking main eventing Raw or SD Vince is down on the guy.

How about the fact that Vince has always wanted a veteran with star power in ECW? It's a fact he has always tried to have one. He sent Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Kane, wanted King Booker in there, all names that could go for a main title to that show so they could work with younger talent. For one reason or the other they didn't last in there, so I just see it as Vince milking the only veteran he has managed to get in there for a long time.

He'll be back to a main show eventually. He has just exceled in the role given to him.


Lol, I love it how just because Christian isn't fucking main eventing Raw or SD Vince is down on the guy.

How about the fact that Vince has always wanted a veteran with star power in ECW? It's a fact he has always tried to have one. He sent Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Kane, wanted King Booker in there, all names that could go for a main title to that show so they could work with younger talent. For one reason or the other they didn't last in there, so I just see it as Vince milking the only veteran he has managed to get in there for a long time.

He'll be back to a main show eventually. He has just exceled in the role given to him.

Exactly. You can't just have young guys. How bout Tyler Reks being the face of ECW? It's not going to work. It's not like Christian is losing week in, week out. All the brands need a bit of star power. Even the third brand needs someone to build around, and they have two veterans in Christian and William Regal currently.


Well I'm not completely buying into the rumor of Vince not liking him either. He's one of the strongest booked people in the entire company. Successful titles defenses, wins week in and week out, victory over Jericho... really doesn't seem like a person Vince doesn't like. I'm just kind of questioning whether or not he'll ever be put over guys like Cena, Undertaker and Triple H. It's clear who was favored out of the E&C tag team, just saying... same feelings may still remain.


What's more, he carried Zack Ryder and Yoshi Tatsu t 4* title matches. I'm not saying they're bad wrestlers, but when they wrestle with him their game is elevated.


I don't think he 'carried' them... they're simply just good competitors who happen to have good in ring chemistry.
His defenses against Ryder were some of the best title matches this year.