House show results - Albany, Ga.

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Lovable Kind of Filthy
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
From Saturday night's Raw house show event in Albany, Ga.

1st Match of the night is Brodus Clay vs Heath Slader. Slader comes out saying he is going to be making a music video and needs some girls. And says he wants Clays dancers. The match lasted about 5 mins
Winner Brodus Clay by pinfall. Then lets kids get in the ring to dance. And one had like a dance off

2nt match of the night is The Primetime Players w/ A.W. vs R-Truth and Kofi for the WWE Tag Team Championship. The match goes back and forth. Later into the match Young hits the gutbuster on Kofi and pins him. When the Ref starts the count Kofi puts his foot on the rope and A.W. pushes it off causeing The Primetime Players to win. Out comes AJ and restarts the match. After that Kofi and Truth take turns hitting their finshers and R-Truth gets the pin.
Winners and still the WWE Tag Team Championship R-Truth and Kofi Kingston

Dolph Ziggler comes out saying later tonight he will be teaming up with The Miz to take on Zack Ryder and Chris Jericho then goes to the back.

3rd match of the night is Alicia Fox vs Layla for the Divas Championship. The match didnt last that long
Winner Layla by pinfall

4th match of the night is Dean Ambrose vs A-Ry. Match was about 4 maybe 5 mins idk didnt pay much attention.
Winner A-Ry by pinfall

Earlier AJ had us text if we wanted to see Daniel Bryan vs Punk in a street fight or a 2 out of 3 falls match. Out comes Bryan saying that no one can say Yes! He then goes back and forth with the crowd with Yes! No! Yes! No! Then out comes CM Punk with a Huge pop and he was back to the old slick hair. Then out comes AJ and shows the results of the votes and 2 out of 3 falls win.

5th match of the night Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk 2 out of 3 falls for the WWE Championship
Punk gets the 1st fall in 18 seconds just like Wrestlemania. Bryan then gets out the ring and grabs a mic and he is angry. He then goes to one fan with a Yes! shirt on and demands he take it off. The fan refuses and along with the crowd and CM Punk chanting Yes! Bryan then gets his 1st fall by roll up. Match goes back and forth with them doing their signature moves. CM Punk then his the G.T.S and gets the pin
Winner and still WWE Champion CM Punk

6th match of the night Santino vs Jack Swagger for the US Championship
The crowd kept chanting Cobra the whole match. And Swagger ran from it. Later Santino hit the Cobra and got the pin
Winner and still US Champion Santino
(During the intermission Justin Roberts told us the WWE gear on sale like Cena and CM Punk autograph pics or buying a Ziggler shirt you can get a free autograph pic. Then the break is over)

7th match of the night. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler(No Vickie) vs Zack Ryder and Chris Jericho. Before the match Jericho takes Miz’s shirt and thows it to the crowd and Miz demanded he give it back but didnt. I could not choose who to cheer for. It was IMO the best match of the night. Ziggler trys to hit Jericho with the Money in the Bank and Jericho hits the codebreaker on Ziggler with the Money and the Bank. Jericho then put the Walls of Jericho on Miz
Winner by Submission Chris Jericho and Zack Ryder. After the match Jericho opens the Money in the Back and pulls out 2 Zigglers sunglasses and a quarter and then gives them to the crowd
(Now the Cage is being put up for the main event

John Cena vs The Big Show in a Steel Cage
Cena comes out to the biggest pop of the night. Cena had Show in a sleeper for like one and a half mins. Cena almost escaped 3 times. And show twice. As show is trying to go out the door Cena climbes over him and as he is going down Show grabs his and throws him back inside. Then Cena yet again trys to escape and Show the climbs and Chokeslams him from the top of the cage. Cena then later hits the AA for the win
Winner John Cena to end the night. Cena then sees the fans and then leaves.

Best pop
1. Cena
2. Punk
3. Jericho

Biggest Boos
1. Show
2. Bryan
3. Ziggler

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CM Punk seemed excited that event was a 2 out of 3 falls match, compared to the street fight it was Friday and Sunday. Following right after the show, he tweeted:

CM Punk ?@CMPunk
2 out of 3 falls in Albany Ga!!! I love it! Great show, great crowd. Off to Dothan Alabama!
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