HIWS: High Impact Wrestling Society

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May 9, 2007
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After the downfall of TNA at the beginning of 2009 and ROH slowly falling apart an unknown business man out of New York, Harry Holson, took the opportunity to hire 2 world famous superstars as managers, a couple match writers and some talent scouts to recruit the falling X-Division and lightweights from both falling companies and make the best Wrestling Society out there, the High Impact Wrestling Society. He got the help of as many sponsors as possible and built an arena just outside of New York which could hold a maximum of 3500 fans. As well with those sponsors he started the signing of superstars and signed a contract with 2 national television stations and 1 international station. As well told the press and various wrestling news sites that there would be 2 shows a month plus one PPV event. Finally, after 3 months of pain staking work he had his rosters made and the Wrestling Society was set to take flight.

Shawn Michaels

Assistant Manager:
Jeff Jarrett


HIWS World Championship:
HIWS Extreme Championship:
HIWS Tag Team Championship:

AJ Styles
Chris Sabin
Eric Young
Jay Lethal
Jimmy Rave
Petey Williams
Shark Boy
Sonjay Dutt
Bryan Danielson
Jerry Lynn
Jay and Mark Briscoe
Nigel McGuinness
Alex Shelley

PPV Events:
Last Man Standing
The Final Stand
Do or Die
Extreme Impact
Full Throttle
Night of Freedom
Reaching the Top

Chris Hero
Kid Kash

Note: All matches for the 2 monthly shows will be done in short form but the promos will be full length to help you with the rivalries, PPV matches etc. The PPV events will be done in full. If possible please let me know if there is 1 possibly 2 people to help write some PPV matches. My first preview will be posted tomorrow.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Well, your backstory is somewhat common here in BTB but I like the fact you have Michaels and Jarrett running the show. You have quite a small roster but there's a whole load of talent in the roster which is great. I'm interested to see what you do with this BTB and I'll be checking back for your first show.

Also, good luck with this BTB.
Dec 14, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Very light roster - I see only 3 main-eventers from the naked eye but I assume you'll be pushing some others.

Backstory is fine - just filling a gap I suppose.

By the sound of things you will not be fully committed to the BTB, which leaves me concern for its longevity already.


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Wednesday Wreck #1 Preview​

An official Introduction to the Society!
Shawn Michaels and Jeff Jarrett will make a grand introduction to the society with some announcements leading up to our first PPV event.

The Tag Team Titles are on the line!
It will be a Tag Team Match for the HIWS Tag Titles between two of the best X-Division tag teams, The Briscoes and Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley. We will finally get to see the Tag Team Dream Match between the two best X-Divsion tag teams ever. Who will come out on top?

The HIWS World Title Tournament Begins!
We will have two matches on our very first Wednesday Wreck to kick off the World Title Tournament. The first match will pit 2 returning TNA superstars Jerry Lynn and Kaz. It will be a battle of two athleticly gifted superstars as one looks to advance one step closer to the World Title. The other match sends Petey Williams and AJ Styles one on one in the squared circle for our Main Event and to puch closer to the World Title oppurtunity.

The Very First Episode of the Lethal Injection starring Jay Lethal!
Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness will be making an appearence!


Decent backstory, could have gone in depth but this gives us all a quick summary of how the company came about. I like the roster, even though there is only about 18 or less guys on it they are all good wrestlers. And with two shows a month with a PPV having less guys should be better and give you a fair amount of time to work on each show.

Briscoe brothers Vs Motorcity Machine Guns

I am really not sure of who will win this one but I have a feeling it will be the MCMGs, them being the tag champs could be good and I would see them continuing to feud with the Briscoes.

Jerry Lynn Vs Kaz

Both good athletes, again I am unsure of who will get the victory but I am going out on a limb and choosing Kaz.

AJ Styles Vs Petey Williams

I would like for Petey to win but I am almost certain AJ will pick up the win and advance, which isn't a bad thing. Looks like a good Main Event.

The show looks pretty good, Michaels and Jarrett opening the show will be interesting and the "Lethal Injection" sounds pretty cool. Welcome BACK to the section (I see you have been here before) and Ill try and check out your upcoming show.


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Wednesday Wreck #1​

Down with the Sickness by Disturbed booms over the speakers throughout the arena and the opening video for HIWS Wreck starts on the screen on the stage. Finally the screen goes black and fireworks erupt throughout the arena and over top the ring. The camera then pans from the stage to the ring where Shawn Michaels and Jeff Jarrett are standing. The ring is covered in a red silk carpet and there is a bright spotlight pointed towards the ring on Shawn and Jeff. Shawn draws the mic to his mouth, but is quickly interrupted by a thunderous ovation from the sold out crowd. Shawn soaks in the cheering and then finally draws the mic to his mouth and begins to speak.

Shawn Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Impact Arena for our very first Wednesday Night Wreck, which we hope will hold many more! (Cheers) Tonight, Jeff and I have the great honor of introducing you to the High Impact Wrestling Society. We have some great matches for you tonight and next week, which includes the first round of our World Title Tournament.

Jeff Jarrett: As well we have the HIWS World Tag Titles on the line this week and next week we will witness and amazing HIWS Extreme Title Match between two of the greatest X-Divsion wrestlers of this decade.

Michaels: And to top this amazing month of shows off we have our very first PPV event live in the Impact Arena... Last Man Standing, where you will witness the 2nd and final round of the World Title Tournament. As well you will see the World Tag Titles and Extreme Titles on the line, and the huge return of a former X-Division superstar.

Jarrett: I personally am very excited for the first month of HIWS and what is in store for us, but I am looking forward to what will be happening in the long run for this company and I hope that we get the chance to move our PPV events from the Impact Arena to bigger venues. (Michaels nods with agreement as the crowd applauds) As well another announcement to be made tonight is concerning the upcoming PPV and some of the matches involved. It is going to be an exciting month and if we keep getting turn outs like this an exciting year.

Michaels: So without any further a do lets get to the show!

The camera pans to the backstage area as the crowd gives Michaels and Jarrett an applause. In the backstage area John Sampson is standing with Jerry Lynn who is jumping up and down and getting hyped up for his match.

Sampson: Well Jerry you must be very excited tonight to be making your official return to the ring after an almost 3 years of absense.

Lynn: I have been trying for the past 6 months since finding out that I was going to be returning to the ring for this new Wrestling Society. I have been wrestling in small Indy promotions and getting hyped up and finally tonight I get to put all my work to the really test.

Sampson: Do you think that Kaz will be entering the match with the same intensity you are entering the ring with?

Lynn: Well I realize that Kaz is making his return to wrestling after being in the world of crazy for the past couple years in TNA as guys like Suicide, but I feel like after being on the shelf for 3 years I will be coming out with more energy. Although, I am sure I will see a different side of Kaz tonight from the past meetings I've had with him because he finally gets to be himself again.

Sampson: Do you have any certain strategy you are going to use tonight considering what is on the line?

Lynn: Just to work as hard as I can and use my flying moves and speed to beat his power. Also to make sure he doesn't cheat to win the match because I know what Kaz will do to win a title. I've seen him do it before.

Suddenly Kaz walks in and pushs Lynn out of the way and grabs the mic from Sampson's hand.

Kaz: Sorry to interupt your little pitty party, but the fans were falling asleep out there so I thought I might make this interview a little more exciting. (Lynn gives Kaz a disgusted look) Lynn you may think you know what I am capable of, but it has been almost 3 years since you saw what I can do and I may have some new tricks up my sleeve for you this time around. But cheating... thats not one of them that is on my mind! How do you know I don't have speed or flying moves? (Lynn shrugs his shoulders) That's what I thought, but I don't want to hold the show up so I'll see you in the ring.

Kaz shoves the mic back at Sampson and then bumps by Lynn towards his locker room. Sampson and Lynn look at each other with questioning looks as the camera pans back to the ring for the first match.

Match #1
HIWS Tag Team Championship Match
Mark and Jay Briscoe VS. Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley​

Mark Briscoe and Chris Sabin start the match by circling for a couple seconds. Mark quickly jumps in for a hook up, but Sabin moves out of the way and Mark lands on the ropes. Sabin takes advantage and delivers a solid leg kick bringing Mark down to one knee. Sabin then delivers 3 solid punches down on the forehead of Mark knocking him to the mat. Mark slowly fights to get up, but Sabin delivers a huge kick to the chest sending him back to the mat. Sabin tags Shelley. Shelley climbs to the top rope and jumps landing both feet into the back of Mark, who wails in pain. Shelley goes for the pin ...1.. Mark kicks out. Shelley drags Mark to his feet, but Mark delivers 5 solid elbows into the stomach of Shelley forcing him to let go. Mark dives towards his partner, but is cut off by Shelley who grabs his leg. Shelley quickly locks in a Boston Crab and tightens the grip for a few seconds, but finally Mark manages to reach a rope. Shelley continues to hold the submission till the ref gets his count to 4. The crowd erupts into boos as Mark get drug to his feet. Shelley locks in a headlock as Mark's face begins to discolor. Mark finally gets a little strength and lifts Shelley up on his shoulder and drops him into the turnbuckle backfirst. Mark then jumps to the ropes and tags Jay as the crowd cheers. Jay quickly delivers a dropkick to Shelley sending him to the mat. Jay then bounces off the ropes and delivers a huge elbow drop shaking the ring. Sabin jumps to the top rope and goes for a flying clothesline, but Jay catches him and then slams him down with a spinebuster. Jay then turns around and delivers a solid kick to the ribs of Shelley who falls back onto the ropes. Mark jumps into the ring and delivers a few solid punches to Sabin who rolls out of the ring. Jay grabs Shelley by the hair and whips him over the top rope on to a motionless Sabin. Mark then points at Jay as the crowd starts chanting there names. Jay then bounces off the ropes and flies onto Shelley who is fighting to get to his feet. Shelley falls back to the ground as Sabin rolls his way to the announce table. Mark pulls Sabin to his feet and bounces his head off the announce table 3 times and then lets him fall back to the ring. Jay grabs Shelley and rolls him back into the ring before delivering a hard chop across Sabin's chest. Jay then climbs back in and mesures Shelley up who is stumbling around and then charges in and delivers a hurricanrana. Mark and Jay both stand in the ring looking down on Shelley and Sabin who are helping pull each other to there feet outside the ring to a loud cheer from the crowd.

After about 15 seconds Shelley and Sabin are back in the ring. Shelley and Jay hook up, but Jay pushes him away and delivers a solid uppercut sending him back into the ropes. Jay moves in, but Shelley ducks under his extended arm and drop toe holds him to the mat. Shelley then locks in a Boston Crab, but Mark quickly jumps into the rescue of his teammate throwing Shelley into the corner and landing solid clubbing blows dropping him to the mat. Sabin quickly saves his partner by pushing Mark over the top rope to the outside. Sabin turns around and is met by 4 hard rights by Jay and then one giant uppercut knocking Sabin to the outside of the ring. Shelley delivers a clubbing blow to the back of Jay's head knocking him to the ropes. Shelley then whips Jay off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Jay and Shelley collide in a huge head on head collision. All men lay motionless as the ref begins to count. The ref reachs 6 when finally Jay and Shelley get to there feet and make tags to both partners. Sabin and Mark both charge at each other and hook up, but Sabin quickly locks Mark in a headlock, but Mark breaks it by putting his foot on the ropes. Sabin starts to let go and then pokes him in the eyes sending him stumbling to the ropes. The ref begins to discipline Sabin as Shelley goes and starts to choke Mark with the top rope, but Jay quickly comes to his partners aid by chasing Shelley off the apron. Sabin goes right back to work delivering 3 hard chops across Mark's chest, but Mark counters by backing Sabin off with 3 of his own chops. Sabin jumps back at Mark, but he moves out of the way and Sabin and Shelley collide sending Shelley off the apron and backfirst to the rail. Mark quickly rolls Sabin up for a 2 1/2 count. Mark tags Jay. Jay climbs to the top rope and waits for Sabin to turn around and then plants a huge crossbody on Sabin and holds for a 1 3/4 pin count. Jay pulls Sabin up and over to his corner where Mark and Jay stump him to the ground. Jay and Mark then trade punches off Sabin's face and forhead. The ref finally gets control and pulls Mark and Jay away from Sabin who has blood flowing from his nose and a small cut over his left eye. Jay drags Sabin to his feet and bounces Sabins face off the turnbuckle 2 times and then takes him by the hair and whips him to the mat. Jay pins, but Sabin sticks his foot out at 1 and catches the rope. Jay tags Mark. Mark jumps in and whips Sabin to the other side of the ring and then charges at him, but gets decked by a huge clothesline from Shelley. Jay quickly tries to rescue Shelley, but Shelley blocks a punch and then delivers 2 quick elbows and then a hard left knocking Jay to the ropes. Then Shelley charges at Jay and clotheslines them both to the outside. The ref begins to count as all 4 men lay motionless throughout the arena.

Sabin and Mark both use the ropes to pull each other to there feet at 8 on the refs count. Mark and Sabin both exchange left hands 5 times before Sabin blocks Mark's attempt and hits 2 leg kicks before sending him to the mat in pain. Sabin climbs over Mark and stomps on his injured leg 3 times and locks in a Boston Crab applying as much pressure as possible. Shelley kicks Mark's hands away from the ropes and starts raking at his eyes until the ref realizes and orders a break. Sabin wipes the blood from his face and then flicks it at Jay who tries to get in the ring, but is stopped by the ref. Sabin and Shelley take advantage of the distraction and deliver hard punches to Mark's stomach and face making his nose bleed. The match continues with Sabin dragging a bloody Mark to his feet. Mark tries to throw a punch, but stumbles into a belley to belly suplex from Sabin. Sabin tags Shelley. Shelley goes to pick up Mark, but Mark trips him up into the ropes and Mark tags Jay. Jay charges at Sabin who jumps off the apron shaking his head. Shelley quickly rolls Jay up from behind and almost gets the win with a 2 3/4 count. Shelley starts arguing with the ref, but gets rolled up by Jay who gets a 2 count. Shelley quickly jumps to his feet and goes for a dropkick on Jay, but he ducks out of the way and lands on the mat. Jay gets to his feet and stares down at Shelley. Sabin rolls in the ring with brass knucks on his hand. He hides them before delivering a hard blow to Mark's face who drops to the ground holding his forehead. Sabin then winds up for a punch on Jay, but the ref grabs his hand and goes to ring the bell, but Sabin pulls his arm away and clotheslines the ref. Jay spins around and ducks under a punch from Sabin, Jay then delivers a german suplex sending Sabin into the rail on the outside. Jay goes for a pin, but then notices the knocked out ref. Jay goes and grabs a chair from beside the announcers table and then slams it over the head of Sabin who falls like a sack of potatoes against the rail. Jay then throws the chair into the crowd and rolls into the ring as the ref rolls over to start the pin fall ...1...2.. but Shelley just barely kicks out. Jay tags Mark. Mark comes in and lifts a confused Shelley to his feet and delivers a thunderous suplex. Mark then sizes up Shelley who is slowly and unsteadly getting to his feet and then lifts him up and delivers the Cut Throat Driver! Mark then lays his arm over an unconcious Shelley and gets to a millisecond from the win when Sabin breaks it up! Sabin delivers punches to both men one after the other till Jay stumbles out of the ring holding his bleeding nose trying to figure out where he is. Sabin then lifts Mark to his feet and throws him into the fire sending the ref headfirst into the turnbuckle. Sabin pulls the chair into the ring and slams it over Jay's head sending him to the mat unconcious and then sizes up Mark who is stumbling to his feet and then dropkicks the chair into his face cracing him wide open. Sabin rolls Jay out of the ring and lays Shelley on top of a dazed Mark Briscoe and revives the ref for the 3 count!!!
WINNERS: And New HIWS Tag Team Champions... Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, The Motor City Machine Guns!

Hero: I can't believe what I just saw! That was complete disrespect for the rules and this new wrestling society! (Hero stares at Shelley and Sabin in disgust as they celebrate)

Kash: I thought that that was just pure intelligence and smart wrestling. I mean you knew those two men were going to come out and do whatever it took to win them that gold. And it's not like The Briscoes didn't use that chair!

Hero: They didn't use it to cheat there way out of the match!

Kash: Well whatever you gotta do to win I guess!

Shelley and Sabin are hugging and holding there belts to the air as The Briscoes are helped up the ramp by EMT's. The camera pans backstage where John Sampson is sitting in a Leather chair with Nigel McGuinness to his left and Bryan Danielson sitting to his right in identical leather chairs.

Sampson: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Sampson's Office where each month I will interview two superstars that will be in the biggest match of the two Wednesday Night Wreck's in that month. This month I have the amazing honor to present to you two of the greatest Indy Wrestlers in this decade Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson. These two men will be competeing in our first ever Extreme Title Match next week on Wednesday Night Wreck, inside the hellacious Steel Cage!

McGuinness: First of all Mr. Sampson let me tell you that once you have been inside a steel cage once it isn't as bad the next 10 times and this time will be the same as any other time I have had to step into a steel cage.

Danielson: Except unlucky for you, you get the first shot at the new and improved Bryan Danielson! I have been training for the past 6 months constantly trying to improve my speed, power and agility and next week it will finally pay off when I kick your ass so hard you wont feel it for weeks! And to top it all off I will become the first ever holder of the Extreme Title!(Laughs sadisticly)

Sampson: I can see both of you men have alot of revenge that you can't wait to bring out next week. First of all I have a question of how this rivalry has been for the two of you and how it has affected your bodies? I mean you two have been constantly at each others throats and fighting in these brutal matches.

McGuinness: That is true we have had long, brutal matches that took a toll on our bodies, but we are still alive and walking so I think that that explains it.(Danielson nods his head in agreement, but at the same time giving a dirty look in McGuiness direction)

Sampson: Well I see that you two are in an agreement with that answer. (Both men nod there head in agreement) My final question as well with your final comments is, do either of you have a strategy for your upcoming match in the steel cage?

Danielson: Well considering the fact that we are going for the Extreme Title, I think that my one strategy would be to be as extreme as possible without hurting myself or my chances of winning that title. As well I would like to use my new found power and agility and see what it is capable of.

McGuinness: I am going to go out as focused as I can be and use the same strategy I use against Danielson everytime I face him... out wit him and out last him! (McGuinness gets out of his seat and starts staring down at Danielson who jumps to his feet and stares back!)

Sampson: So there you are ladies and gentlemen. Next week on Wednesday Wreck the rivalry will be renewed as Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness duke it out for the Extreme Title in a Steel Cage match. It will be easily match of the month so tune in for that!

As the camera pans back to the arena both men are staring nose to nose at each other.

Hero: Wow you can see the intensity in both of those men and it will probably be close to match of the year next week when those 2 men face off!

Kash: I have to agree with you there partner, but next week I am looking at the matches listed and it is going to be one hell of a week for the HIWS!

Match #2
World Title Tournament Match
Jerry Lynn VS. Kaz​

The bell rings and Lynn goes right on the attack pulling Kaz's leg out from under him knocking him to the mat. Kaz kicks Lynn away and drop toe holds him to the mat and locks in an armbar. Lynn rolls out of that and locks in a Boston Crab which Kaz kicks out of quickly. Both men jump to there feet and hook up, but Kaz gets the upper hand by locking in a hard headlock. Kaz applies more and more pressure till Lynn's face turns purple. Lynn fights away from the headlock driving 3 solid elbows to Kaz's stomach. Lynn then dropkicks Kaz's knee knocking him facefirst into the mat. Kaz quickly jumps back to his feet and goes for a clothesline, but Lynn ducks and then picks him up and his shoulder and drops him hard on his back. Lynn goes for a quick pin but barely gets 1. Lynn drags Kaz to his feet and whips him to the corner and then goes for a splash, but is caught by Kaz! Kaz charges out of the corner and drives Lynn to the mat. Lynn tries to roll away, but Kaz drops a knee into his back. Kaz then puts him on his butt and drives a knee into Lynn's back holding it there. Lynn fights and finally gets both men to a vertical base, but Kaz drops an elbow on Lynn's back sending him into the ropes. Kaz charges at him and gets flipped onto the apron. Kaz and Lynn exchange punches before Lynn drives his head into Kaz's stomach and then flipping over the top rope delivers a neckbreaker to the outside of the ring. Lynn and Kaz both lay on the ground in pain as the ref begins to count. Both Lynn and Kaz get to there feet and in the ring as the refs count hits 7. Lynn quickly goes on the attack delivering a short arm clotheslines and then dropping 2 elbows into the face of Kaz. Lynn goes for another pin, but only gets 2. Lynn drags Kaz to his feet, but Kaz pushes Lynn away and delivers a quick uppercut knocking Lynn to the ropes. Kaz then whips him off the ropes and delivers a flying clothesline! Kaz pins and barely gets a 2 count. Lynn rolls to his feet and starts exchanging punches with Kaz. After about 5 punches Lynn blocks and delivers a quick spear and then starts delivering more punches on the ground. The ref quickly pulls Lynn off. Lynn goes right back on the attack dragging Kaz to his feet and setting him in the corner. Lynn then climbs to the top rope and delivers 11 punches with the crowd counting before letting Kaz fall to the mat. Lynn then climbs to the top rope and waits for Kaz to get to his feet and then goes for a crossbody, but Kaz catches him and then delivers a huge slam to the mat holding for a pin. The ref gets to 2 1/2 and Lynn kicks out. Both men lay on the mat in pain as the ref counts. Lynn gets to his feet first at the count of 5 1/2. Lynn then waits for Kaz to get to his feet and then delivers a belly to belly suplex. Kaz quickly gets back to his feet and goes for a clothesline, but Lynn ducks out and then springs off the ropes and hits a Tornado DDT and then pincs, but Kaz kicks out at 2 3/4. Lynn drags Kaz to his feet, but Kaz pulls Lynn in and then delivers a German Suplex. Kaz takes some time to recover and turns around into a superkick from Lynn sending him flipping over the top rope to the outside.

Lynn hurries to the outside and pulls an almost lifeless Kaz to his feet and drives him into the apron backfirst. Kaz fights him off with a flurry of left and rights and then pushes Lynn into the rail. Kaz then grabs Lynn's head and bounces it off the rail 2 times before rolling him back into the ring. Kaz pulls him to his feet and then starts choking him on the top rope, but Lynn delivers a strong elbow and then grabs Kaz's head and rips it across the top rope forcing blood to rush from his forehead. Kaz pushes Lynn away and then goes for a dropkick, but Lynn moves out of the way sending Kaz to the ground. Kaz jumps to his feet and ducks under a punch and then hits Lynn with a solid uppercut knocking him into the ropes. Kaz bounces Lynn off the ropes and then goes for a Tornado DDT, but Lynn delivers a huge spinebuster holding it for a pin and is a couple milliseconds off of the win when Kaz kicks out. Lynn drags Kaz to his feet, but Kaz fights away from Lynn delivering 3 elbows and then a huge knee in the stomach. Kaz then delivers a DDT and then pins, but only gets 2 1/2. Lynn fights to his feet and exchanges 4 punches with Kaz before Kaz gets the upper hand delivering 2 more punches sending him into the corner. Kaz whips Lynn to the other corner and goes for a splash, but Lynn moves out of the way and then rolls Kaz up and gets 2 3/4. Lynn and Kaz both jump to there feet. Kaz charges at Lynn, but Lynn jumps over Kaz and onto the top rope. Kaz spins around and Lynn hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors sending Kaz to the mat. Lynn then sizes Kaz up and pulls him in for a Belly to Belley suplex, but lifts him up and goes for a Cradle Piledriver, but Kaz squirms out and then spins Lynn around hitting the Back to the Future! Kaz pins and gets the 3 count for the win.
Winner: And Advancing to Last Man Standing in Round 2 of the World Title Tournament... Kaz!

Kash: What a match by these 2 men and in the end I beleive the wrestler that deserved it got the win!

Hero: I agree when Kaz was down and out he fought to make a comback and countering Lynn's finisher and hitting your own that quickly is not an easy task!

Kash: Well right now we are going backstage to our Manager's Office as he will be announcing the current card for next weeks show.

Hero: Then we will witness the very first episode of the Lethal Injection with special guests and new HIWS Tag Team Champions... The Motorcity Machine Guns!

The camera pans to the managers office where Shawn Michaels is sitting with a sheet of paper in hand. Michaels writes a couple more things down and then looks up to the camera.

Shawn Michaels: Well I hope you are all enjoying the show tonight, but I have a couple huge announcements regarding next weeks card and then our first ever PPV event... Last Man Standing! First off next week we will witness the final 2 matches in the first round of our World Title Tournament, where we will be witnessing Eric Young and Homicide going one on one, well Jay Lethal will be battling 'The Guru' Sonjay Dutt! As well as you heard earlier on in the show in Sampson's Office Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson inside a Steel Cage for the HIWS Extreme Title. You would think that one of these was going to be the Main Event, but no, our Main Event will be Jerry Lynn, Jay Briscoe, Chris Sabin, Delirious, Jimmy Rave and Shark Boy will compete in a Chamebr match, which yes, is exactly like an Elimination Chamber match! With the winner going to Last Man Standing for a Extreme Title Match.

As Shawn Michaels ends his segment the lights flicker in his office and throughout the arena. As Michaels stands to go and figure out the problem a man in a cape covering his face kicks open the door and drives a barbwire covered 4x4 into the skull of Michaels! Michaels grabs his skull as blood begins to gush from his head. The masked figure looks into the camera and rips the hood off revealing a face that has burnt, peeling skin on it. The man looks into the camera and begins to hiss.

Figure: This is only the beginning of a long list of assaults where I will leave the whole roster yelling in pain!

The figure walks away laughing sadisticly as the camera pans out to the arena where Jay Lethal is standing in the ring with fancy leather chairs and a coffee table sitting behind him. There are a couple cups of something steaming on the coffee table. Suddenly the entrance music of The Motor City Machine Guns booms through the arena to a sudden loud ring of boos. Sabin and Shelley walk down the ramp showing off there new gold. They both enter the ring from opposite sides and sit in the leather chairs grabbing a quick sip of the drink and a mic.

Lethal: Well ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Lethal Injection and tonight I am very proud to introduce to you our brand new HIWS Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns... Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley! Well I know it has been a little over half an hour since you won these titles, but how does it feel?

Sabin: It feels great Jay! I mean we have been tag team champions before and of course we have both been singles chmpions before, but not in a feder... i mean society that will be the next best wrestling company! (Sabins compliment gets a slight pop from the crowd) What makes this title win even better is that we didn't have to stoop as low as The Briscoes did and try and cheat to win the title! (This time Sabin gets a huge boo)

Lethal: If I may point out it was you guys that were about to use the chair and Sabin it was you that knocked the ref out!

Shelley: Woah, woah, woah Lethal my man. My question to you is... did that effect the outcome of the match? (The crowd boos as the truth is told) That is what I thought! So next time you ask such a stupid question think about if the match ended then and there.

Lethal: (Rolls his eyes) Well if Sabin didn't pull the refs hand....

Sabin: Do you mind doing one thing for me Lethal... Shut Up!

Lethal: Need I point out to you that this is the Lethal Injection.... my show! So I dont think that you have the right to tell me to shut up!

Sabin:(Gets up from his chair and gets in Lethal's face) You know what Lethal we didn't even have to come on your stupid show! We could have kept slurping down the beer backstage celebrating our title victory instead of getting insulted by some wannabee wrestler with a show.

Lethal finally snaps and drives the mic into the side of Sabin's face knocking him to the mat. Shelley is quick to aid his partner by driving the belt into the back of Lethal's head. Lethal uses the ropes to try and fight back, but Shelley starts stomping and punching Lethal knocking him to the mat. Sabin slowly joins the fight chasing Lethal and Shelley outside the ring. As Sabin tries to get come punches in The Briscoes jump them from behind to a huge pop from the crowd! The Briscoes take turns assaulting Sabin and Shelley. After 30 seconds of fighting the lights flicker and then from behind The Briscoes the same figure that assaulted our Manager appears. The figure drives his 4x4 into the backs of The Briscoes and then delivers a baseball like swing into the stomach of Lethal cutting it wide open. Just as he is about to do the same to Sabin and Shelley, Shark Boy grabs the 4x4 out of his hands and delivers a solid swing into the skull of the figure who smiles and then grabs Shark Boy by the neck and lifts him over his head and then slams him as hard as he can onto the ramp. Just as the figure goes for his weapon a swarm of security guards grab him and hold him against the barracade.

Jarrett: (Steps onto the ramp with a mic in hand and a crimson look on his face) Ok buddy I have no clue who the hell you are or what the hell you want from us, but due to the fact that I want my Main Event to go on without disruptions I am kicking you out of the arena! (The crowd cheers) And next week since you seem to love to fight I am going to put you into the ring in the Extreme Championship match between McGuinness and Danielson inside the Steel Cage. Where you belong! (The figure nods and smiles as the security guards drag him up the ramp and out of the arena)

Hero: I have no clue who this man or thing is, but he has just been added into the rivalry between McGuinness and Danielson. I am wondering what those two men are thinking about right now!?

Kash: I bet they are thinking, what the hell are we going to do? I mean he isn't even that big and did you see what he did to Shark Boy? (Plays a replay of what happened to Shark Boy and then shows Shark Boy getting rolled up the ramp on a stretcher) Well here we go now ladies and gentlemen it is time for our Main Event between AJ Styles and Petey Williams.

Match #3
World Title Tournament
AJ Styles VS. Petey Williams​

The bell rings and Williams and Styles hook up. Styles gets the upper hand and delivers a solid knee to the stomach and then delivers a DDT. Styles drags Williams to his feet and whips him off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Williams ducks under it and delivers a kick to Styles gut and then pulls him into a reverse DDT. Williams goes for a pin and gets a 1 count. Styles stumbles to his feet and starts exchanging punches with Williams, but Williams gets the upper hand again delivering a solid uppercut knocking Styles to the mat. Williams climbs to the top and waits for Styles to get up and hits a huge crossbody. Williams holds for the pin and gets a 2. Williams drags Styles to his feet and whips him to the corner and then goes for a splash, but Styles ducks out of the way and then hits a dropkick sending Williams over the top rope to the ground outside. Williams is quick to get to his feet, but Styles flies over the top rope and lands on top of Williams sending them both crashing to the floor. The ref quickly jumps out to check both wrestlers before starting to count. The ref hits 4 as both men get to there feet. They start exchanging blows again, but Styles blocks a punch and then bounces Williams head off the rail and then grabs his head and tosses him into the crowd. Styles then climbs to the top of the rail and jumps hitting a splash on top of Williams. Styles pulls Williams back to a vertical base and throws him shoulder first into the rail, breaking the rail apart. Williams grabs his shoulder in pain. Styles climbs over the carnage of the broken rail and then tosses Williams back into the ring. Williams get to his knees, but Styles stops him kicking his hurt shoulder sending him back to the ground. Styles then locks in an armbar forcing Williams to yell out in pain. Williams fights out of the armbar after almost 30 seconds by delivering 3 hard punches to the side of his head. Williams struggles to his feet holding his shoulder. Styles is quick to go on the attack delivering a knee to the sternum of Williams. Styles then drops an elbow into the back of Williams dropping him to his knees. Styles then delivers a stiff kick into the hurt shoulder of Williams. Williams quickly pulls the legs out of Styles and then jumps on top delivering punch after punch until Styles kicks him off. Styles jumps up and goes for another kick, but Williams rolls out of the ring. Styles bounces off the ropes and goes for a crossbody, but Williams pulls the top rope down and Styles lands hard on the ground outside. Williams drags a hurt Styles to his feet and whips him hard into the rail and then charges in and then clotheslines him into the crowd. Williams is quick to follow Styles into the crowd. Styles pushes Williams away, but Williams charges in and clotheslines Styles to the ground. Williams then starts climbing up the stairs and gets on a rail 7 feet up. Williams jumps and lands a perfect flying clothesline sending both men to the ground in pain.

After almost 1 minute both men drag themselves back to the ring. Styles climbs to his feet and goes for a kick, but Williams grabs his leg and flips him. Williams quickly gets to his feet and delivers 3 elbow drops sending Styles rolling out of the ring. Williams grabs into the top rope and flips himself out on top of Styles. Styles and Williams both lay down in pain as the ref counts. The count hits 9 before both men finally get to there feet. They begin exchanging blows, but Williams gets the upper hand by pushing Styles off balance and then hitting a huge dropkick.

Suddenly the camera cuts to the backstage area where a pile of 7 security guards are laying on the ground bleeding and moaning in pain.

The camera returns to the match where the lights flicker. Then the burnt figure jumps out and gets ready for an attack on Williams, but he delivers a huge superkick sending the figure stumbling and rolling into the ring. Williams quickly pursues the figure delivering kicks to the ribs and stomach. Styles takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Williams up grabbing his trunks for leverage. The ref counts out 3 and then calls for the bell. As Styles and the figure roll out of the ring from Williams who is freaking out and yelling at the ref.

Hero: What the hell is going on here? Williams just got screwed out of his match by a man who has wreaked havoc on this for Wednesday night Wreck.

Kash: I am confused and I hope that next week we will be able to finally find out who this man is.

Hero: Well appearently AJ Styles knows who this figure is, but next week I have a feeling we will finally find out the true identity.

The crowd is booing as Styles and this Burnt figure back up the ramp holding there hands in the air. The credits start rolling up the screen as the show ends.


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Any comments and criticizm would be nice. Will comment on other BTB's if ask as well. I can use all the advice people would be willing to give. I will be posting my news bulletin and preview for next show by the weekend. So thanks in advance to everyone who comments.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Mark And Jay Briscoe vs. Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley- I absolutely loved reading this match. I was into it from the beginning and I had high expectations for it and I have to say I think those expectation were fully met. With Sabin and Shelley winning the HIWS Tag Team Championship, it looks like the feud between these two teams will continue.

Worst Match: Jerry Lynn vs. Kaz- This wasn't a horrible match by any means but I feel it was overshadowed by Briscoes/MCMG and Syles/Williams. I think having Kaz win was good. It's nice to see him advance in the tournament.

Best Interview/Segment: Sampson's Office- I think this was the best interview segment due to the interaction between McGuinness and Danielson. I think the match between those two inside the steel cage is going to be great.

Worst Interview/Segment: Opening segment with Michaels and Jarrett- I feel like this segment was the worst because, to me, it seemed as if Michaels and Jarrett were reading off of a teleprompter. There wasn't very much interaction between the two and I felt like this could've been better with just one of them making the announcements or there at least having the two acknowedge one another.

Additional Feedback/Comments: I'm very curious as to who this burnt figure is. He's been showcased throughout the whole show so it's obvious he's getting some kind of a push. I think adding him to the steel cage match with McGuinness and Danielson is interesting. I'm curious as to how you'll write out a triple threat steel cage match. Apparently, he's in cahoots with Styles so it could be someone from his past? I don't know but I'm definitely into this storyline and I can't wait to see how it progresses. This is a very good BTB and I'll be sure to stop by when you have your next show posted.

Just a word of advice, please don't use bright green and yellow as colors for your show. They make it hard to read especially the yellow. And you don't have to use all different colors for your matches and segments. You can use a pattern like dark blue for matches and dark red for segments. Just a thought. Also, and it's just a suggestion, you should try getting a logo for your show. It's a minor detail but I think it would make the show look a bit more appealing to those who just stop by.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
Opening Promo:
It was an introductory promo, and told us what we could expect for the coming weeks. That much is good. Overall though the feel of the promo is very bland. I saw no distinction really between personalities between when HBK and Jarrett were talking. Otherwise solid opener.

Jerry Lynn/Kaz Promo:
The back to back promos does make it feel more like a real show and less cookie cutter structure like I tend to do with my shows. So that’s good. Jerry Lynn is a pretty generic promo guy so his dialogue once again being kinda bland is understood. Kaz comes in and creates some confusion, obviously angry, obviously turning heel, but with some face connotations still in there. It will be interesting to see which road Kaz takes, even if I’m not his biggest fan.

MCMG Vs. Briscoes

Shelley and Sabin try to do the heel tactics early isolating Mark Briscoe, but the psychology of that part of the match is proven rather short as The Briscoes take control and dominate for a bit of the first block of text. More dominating from the faces in the second block, with more heel tactics by Shelley and Sabin with little or not effect. So far puts over Briscoes huge, but almost makes MCMG’s look weak in comparison. Last block of text shows more of the same really, except with the match itself heating up with greater action via hardcore weapons. The referee would of thrown this match out after getting decked by Sabin but “Meh” lol. MCMG win’s via several cheating tactics, which helps build huge heel heat, because it almost makes you pissed off how much better the Briscoes were obviously displayed as being, and thus being screwed by the champions.

Winners: MCMG

Danielson/McGuiness Promo
So Nigel is a pompous douchebag and Danielson is apparently a sadistic hardcore enthusiast. Lols. If I were that interviewer just after the first response from both men I would be wondering what the hell I am doing here. Lol. Both men talk about their steel cage match, and stare down at the end.

Jerry Lynn Vs. Kaz

I’m not really a fan of either man and the promo earlier didn’t entice me too much to be curious of the specifics of this match. You seem to have psychology in the singles matches down pretty well as we see plenty of set up strikes, before the end of the first block starting to really pick up the pace with high impact moves like the tornado ddt. Overall I actually like how you say the exact number of strikes and ref counts, its fresh and gives you a better visual than what I usually do and just say “they exchange some rights and lefts”. Kaz actually wins fair and square without cheating, which was a surprise for me regarding the promo earlier. But either way, just not overall interested in these guys, but at least you put effort into them.

Winner: Kaz

Shawn Michaels Promo:
We are told by Shawn Michaels that next week for the world title tournament that Eric Young will be facing Homicide, and I am definitely looking forward to that match. Then we hear about Sonjay Dutt Vs. Jay Lethal as I groan, because I am really tired of seeing these two facing each other. But it’s a new fed and I will see what you can do with them. Other than that we get an elimination chamber match up between Jerry Lynn, Jay Briscoe, Jimmy Rave, Shark Boy, Chris Sabin and Delirious in an Elimination Chamber match? Whoa there nelly, lol. I take it Jimmy Rave will win this one. I literally bust out laughing as the Phantom Of The Opera comes in and blasts the general manager randomly with a barbed wire bat. Glorious. Best. Heel. Ever. We need more of that.

Lethal Injection Promo:
Some generic heel promo by the Guns, at least its got personality. Lethal randomly snaps on them and drives the microphone into Sabins face, man your roster is ANGRY! Lol. Briscoes come out and we get some more brawling, til the PHANTOM comes out and lays out all the faces, but NO! Shark Boy appears from literally out of NOWHERE and clocks him with his own 2X4. The Opera Ghost goes “Oh no you didn’t!” and destroys Sharky, ruining any chance he may have of winning the Chamber. Lol. Security finally comes out to restrain him, DAMN I love how fucking random this show is. Jarrett apparently comes out with a crimson look on his face, he must of ran into the phantom. Other than that, he rewards all the Phantoms hard work apparently by giving him an Extreme title match, adding him to Nigel Vs. Danielson. Glorious. And now its main event time!

AJ Styles Vs. Petey Williams
Unlike the psychology of the other matches, this one got hot and heavy in a hurry. I’m not sure what makes this match more personal than the rest, but apparently they are looking for quick finishes. Some nice spots in this one, with Petey getting a lot of offense, which is a good thing. We cut backstage and we see all seven security guys busted up and on the ground, damn is this guy on Roids or what? No better yet, he’s the fucking Phantom, you don’t restrain the Phantom. Petey Williams unfortunately doesn’t hold his hands to the level of his eyes as he gets distracted by the Ghost and Styles picks up the holding of the tights pinfall.

Winner: AJ Styles

Best Match: Gonna have to go with the opening tag team contest. Just because it seemed to have more effort into it than the rest. Although all were decent enough quality.

Worst Match: The Main Event, shockingly enough. While the others had flow this match seemed to just be a random series of convenient spots. And the Phantom of the Opera interfering really doesn’t help matters in screwing up the first ever main event of a brand new show.

Best Promo: Definitely Lethal Injection, I lolled so hard at this that I would give it Promo of the month if I had the balls.

Worst Promo: Gonna have to say Lynn/Kaz promo. Jerry was kind of made to look like a fool by Kaz, who isn’t clear on whether or not we should consider him good or bad.

Overall: Nice quality show, probably keep that format of match writing that you are doing, its different and makes it at least interesting. Other than that, the promos are bit bland to the point of hilarity, so try to develop some personality or maybe draw out the big actions a little more than just having Lethal randomly snapping on Sabin due to a few insults. Lol.


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
i am sorry to say that i am shutting this fed down to start and focus on my wwe in one which will be coming out at the start of next week. stay tuned the next one i will stick wit because i have more to work with and i wasnt very prepared for this one.