I still think we're likely getting the expected result (Cena grabbing the WWE Title, Orton grabbing the World Heavyweight Championship) but I'm hoping they go ahead with unifying the titles and be done with it already. I think a cool finish would be teasing this ending happening for real by having them fall off the ladder, each holding a different championship (the opposite of the ones they currently possess, as predicted) but instead of the match ending there, it continues until one of them gets a hold of the other title and has both in their possession. I know it sounds silly perhaps, but it would all be very spur of the moment when it happens. (I can't recall the specific match, but there was a ladder match once that ended this way, where both guys fell off the ladder and the title fell to the mat with them, but neither one was holding it when it fell and the match only ended when one of them got to it first.) Anyway, once they're both on the mat, Orton tries to hit Cena with his title, but then Cena ducks and catches him in a AA, but Orton gets out of it and hits the RKO on one (or both) of the belts, then picks up both and is declared the winner and undisputed champion. Kind of a clean victory for Orton, but I'd like it.