*Victor Sokolov's music hits and the crowd boo extremely loud, Victor is wearing his ring gear and has devil horns on his head. He bows on the top of the ramp and starts to make his way down, the crowd erupt into a chant of "Fuck you Victor!" Victor sticks his middle fingers up to the audience and they boo even louder. He gets into the ring and grabs a microphone.*
Victor: Precision.... last week I attacked... no I destroyed Will Neilson. Someone like him doesn't deserve to be in a company like this. In order to fix the disease, I have arrived, I am the devil himself! Last Week it was Will... this week it will be Rhys. The disease has spread, and Rhys Haze, you've seem to have contracted it. Tonight, I will break every bone in your body and spread your blood all over this building! *Crowd boo and chant "Fuck you Victor!" once again.* Yeah... fuck you to. *Crowd boo once again.* The real question is... why did I come here? I came here to one get rid of the disease that is running rampant in this company and two... because I was told to come here. The devil himself told me that this was where I would run about, this is my playground and this is the devil's playground!
*Victor goes out of the ring and pulls out a table and a picture of Rhys Haze, he sets it up in the ring and pulls out a lighter from his pocket, he lights the picture on fire and stands over it.*
Victor: You will burn to the ground! You will kneel before the true reincarnation of the devil himself! You can't beat me, You can't take me... and you certainly can't fucking kill me! *Victor slams his hand down on the table multiple times, he breaks it and there is blood on his hand from the sharp pieces of wood.* This is my blood. *Victor licks the blood of his hand and wipes some of it round his face.* and soon the blood you see on my hands will be yours Rhys! Your friend is dead, your the next victim! Get your little angel ass out here so we can talk face to face!
*It doesn't take long for Rhys's solo music to hit and Victor grabs the table and hurls it at the commentators almost hitting them with it,*
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