He's 55 years oldHe doesnt look as fat as he did back in TNA< nut he still looks much , much older than he did 5 yrs ago
He's 55 years old
He's 48 he'll be 49 in October, I have no idea where you got 55 from, check your facts. Hall really doesn't look half bad for his age, and not as bad as he looked in TNA, I'm actually pretty happy for the guy.
Scott Hall (born October 20, 1958) is an American professional wrestler. In the course of his career, which has spanned three decades, Hall has wrestled for ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Hall - 56k - Cached - Similar pages
Actually, it says he is 49. The one saying he was 55 was just reverted back.According to wikipedia he's 55.
He doesn't look that good in my opinion.