The Showdown of Dreams arena has only just been set up for a one off blockbuster of a reunion show. The very best in the whole of wrestling history have been invited by the powers that be not for championships, or for an extreme pay-off. But for something that money cannot buy.... Pride. The top three matches, all showcasing the very best that Unified Championship Wrestling had to offer. Maybe one of the matches that the fans are looking forward to more than any other, is a guaranteed bloodbath and thrash-fest, of a five man Hell In A Cell match. Showing they have pulled out all of the stops, Lillian Garcia enters the ring for this one line cameo.
Lillian Garcia:
The crowd boo, and a lot of kids look shocked and disappointed knowing who is about to make his way out to the arena. The camera shows Ricardo inside the ring await the arrival of his good friend. And as his music hits, and the beeps of the horn, signs of his imminent arrival. The Aristocrat Mexican parks the car to the right of the staging, and opens the car door.
Lillian Garcia:
Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome Alberto Del Rios personal ring announcer.... Ricardo Rodriguez!

The crowd boo, and a lot of kids look shocked and disappointed knowing who is about to make his way out to the arena. The camera shows Ricardo inside the ring await the arrival of his good friend. And as his music hits, and the beeps of the horn, signs of his imminent arrival. The Aristocrat Mexican parks the car to the right of the staging, and opens the car door.

Ricardo Rodriguez: Señoras y señores,
Estoy orgulloso de presentar a ustedes .. aquà en esta noche oscura y Milú
Les presento a tu rayo de luz
Él es un hombre de gran nobleza ... un hombre muy noble que a diferencia de las personas de corazón frÃo
Él es la esencia de la excelencia y el orgullo de México!
Él es el campeón pesado del mundo UCW!
Es Albertoooooooooo del Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiooooooo!!!!!
Estoy orgulloso de presentar a ustedes .. aquà en esta noche oscura y Milú
Les presento a tu rayo de luz
Él es un hombre de gran nobleza ... un hombre muy noble que a diferencia de las personas de corazón frÃo
Él es la esencia de la excelencia y el orgullo de México!
Él es el campeón pesado del mundo UCW!
Es Albertoooooooooo del Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiooooooo!!!!!
Del Rio gets out of his car with a gleaming smile on his face, before throwing his arm in the air, as he looks around at the fans in attendance. He makes his way to his ramp and poses as the flickering pyros fall behind him.

He makes his way down the ramp smiling at the ringside fans before slowing gracing up the steps and cautiously through the ropes. Rodriguez comes to the side of the ring to give Alberto a microphone. Del Rio gives his scarf to Ricardo Rodriguez and waits for the fans to simmer down their chants while he stands in the middle of the ring before he starts to talk.

Alberto Del Rio: My name!
The crowd boo as Del Rio pauses, having the audience in the palm of his hand. He waits for the crowd to get at it's loudest before roaring his signature catchphrase.
My name, is Albertooooooo..... Del Riiiiiiiooooooooooooo! But of course, you already know that. And you know that why? Well, I am the greatest champion, the greatest man that ever graced the hallowed halls of UCW. From beating The Rock within my second month to become the UCW Champion, to regaining it and temporarily retiring The Great One, to scaring off CM Punk from Smackdown and claiming the World Heavyweight Championship, thus retaining it against seven men on the very same night, every simple great moment in UCW's history has my name draped all over it. And these promoters that are putting together the Showdown of Dreams super-show, have realized this. They have realized it and not only invited me to attend, but they have put four men in front of me not only to cement my status as the greatest superstar in UCW history, but to guarantee my destiny, and stamp my one way ticket into the wrestling hall of fame, being the greatest superstar of the twenty-first Century!
The packed out audience are really giving their lungs an exercise trying to boo Del Rio out of the building. Rodriguez claps his employer as he continues to speak.
Now, the only disappointing thing for me, is that they invite me all the way here, and they don't give me the caliber of man that I have already beaten to become champion of te world, they don't give me The Rock, or CM Punk. They have given me a group of men that I have already proven my worth against, and people who can't light a candle to me, and even a man that has never climbed the top of the mountain, and never became a World champion! But, I suppose I can see where the promoters are coming from. It's good for business that I am presented in a match that I am guaranteed to win, because I have proven time and time again that multi-man matches, are my specialty, they are my forte. I won a Money in the Bank ladder match, I won a four way match, after competing in a four on four tag match, getting rid of once thorn in my side Shane McMahon. Batista, Big Show, AJ Styles and Desmond Wolfe may all think that they are coming here to actually prove a point, and show that they still... "got it", they should come out here, stand on the top of the ramp and just look at this...
Del Rio is pointing above him, where hanging above, is the demonic Hell in a Cell structure in which these five men will do their battle in. Del Rio pauses as the crowd cheer for the prospect of seeing the structure lowered in a months time.
This... may look like a problem to the other men in this match. It may look like another obstacle that they will have to overcome to become victorious. But not the case, for Alberto Del Rio. Oh no, for me, this four sided, climbable second tiered structure, is a partner for me. It's a device that can help me achieve my goal. whether it's throwing you into it, or throwing you off it, this is going to help me beat the four of you and get the victory that I am destined to come and collect. Four men to take down in a cell like this, I do admit sounds like a challenge... but then again, I have thrived every single time a challenge has been put in front of me.
Desmond Wolfe... the only man in this match that I have never had the pleasure of hyper-extending the arm of. And arguably the only man in this match that speaks in an accent that these people hate more than my own. I have heard the British tone executed perfectly before but you Desmond, I don't know what you do to it, it's like you chew the accent up in your mouth a bit before you let it out, it sounds crooked and just plain wrong. But... the one thing that is not in debate is that fact that Wolfe, the writing is written on the wall, you have never become top of the tree. You have always been a second star in the company, dominating the undercard, but not cutting it to become one of the greats. I don't know if your using this to try and kick-start your career, or just make sure that people still remember who you are.... but in doing that they are just going to remember how you could nearly... NEARLY make it.... but just not quite.
Del Rio pauses before speaking about his next choice of superstar.
And now on to people who have made it at the very top of UCW. The Big Show. You made it to the top, World Champion, dominant for a whole month.... Cute. The problem, I have with seeing your World championship being as anything impressive is simply this. You became, defended and lost the World Heavyweight Championship, before I even joined this company. When I was here, you were milling around not really doing much, until I became the World Heavyweight Champion. You made your big return into the spotlight of the World Championship picture, and in a stunning climax.... You lost. To me. To retain my championship. And then you stayed in tag team obscurity being carried by Dave Batista. But there will be no carrying this time Show, there will be no tag team tactics if I know Dave, the man is too selfish to even divulge in that type of practice these days. Unfortunately for you Show.... your on your own. And that will be your downfall.
Another man that made it to the very top before I got here; AJ Styles. But he done it not only once, but twice. It's not the three times that I achieved but, it's a feat none-the less. But still.... it's hard to judge when you didn't have a champion the quality of Alberto Del Rio around you to test your credentials to the very limit. You got lucky against me one time and that got you a shot against CM Punk.... A shot that you squandered, and your opportunity went begging. When I was given my opportunity to avenge what happened at Wrestlemania... I done it. All-be-it to a disqualification because Punk knew he couldn't beat me so he run and left his championship on Smackdown, and the rest was just simple. AJ, you took me out at Extreme Rules when I was feeling at the lowest in my career. The worst that I have ever felt after losing what I thought to be my destiny match at Wrestlemania. But I was wrong all along Styles.... My destiny was never going to be achieved in UCW..... Because my destiny is this, in a months time! And when you lose in the Hell in a Cell AJ, I wouldn't be too disheartened.... Because it was just my destiny!
Del Rio smiles and the boos start back up. Alberto then talks about the last guy left... the guy he left til last for a reason.
And then we got the last man to ever beat me.... The last man to take a championship off me. The man that needs to be brought back down to Earth. Dave Batista. Dave, you won't catch me talk candidly very often so feel privileged when I tell you this but, you are the only man in this match that I feel I have something to prove against. You took my World championship off me, and you kept it for a while after, but the only reason you were able to keep it is because I left. I felt I had done everything I had needed to do in the space of a year. Plus the only reason you had the second opportunity at the gold was the simple fact that you became Paul Heymans go to guy. So due to unfair technical rulings, you became World Champion. So for that reason Dave, it's time for me to exercise my demons, change my mindset about you, and get another victory over you in an environment that suits me, Hell In a Cell, Multi-man style.
This is what I was put on this earth for people, June the fourth, this is the reason that Alberto Del Rio has been given the array of talent that my father possessed and even more. It's the reason that the man above gave me the determination to walk hard everyday as a young hombre and become the superstar that I am today. It is to cement my legacy, it's to etch my way into greatness..... It is, to secure.... My Destiny!
The packed out audience are really giving their lungs an exercise trying to boo Del Rio out of the building. Rodriguez claps his employer as he continues to speak.
Now, the only disappointing thing for me, is that they invite me all the way here, and they don't give me the caliber of man that I have already beaten to become champion of te world, they don't give me The Rock, or CM Punk. They have given me a group of men that I have already proven my worth against, and people who can't light a candle to me, and even a man that has never climbed the top of the mountain, and never became a World champion! But, I suppose I can see where the promoters are coming from. It's good for business that I am presented in a match that I am guaranteed to win, because I have proven time and time again that multi-man matches, are my specialty, they are my forte. I won a Money in the Bank ladder match, I won a four way match, after competing in a four on four tag match, getting rid of once thorn in my side Shane McMahon. Batista, Big Show, AJ Styles and Desmond Wolfe may all think that they are coming here to actually prove a point, and show that they still... "got it", they should come out here, stand on the top of the ramp and just look at this...
Del Rio is pointing above him, where hanging above, is the demonic Hell in a Cell structure in which these five men will do their battle in. Del Rio pauses as the crowd cheer for the prospect of seeing the structure lowered in a months time.
This... may look like a problem to the other men in this match. It may look like another obstacle that they will have to overcome to become victorious. But not the case, for Alberto Del Rio. Oh no, for me, this four sided, climbable second tiered structure, is a partner for me. It's a device that can help me achieve my goal. whether it's throwing you into it, or throwing you off it, this is going to help me beat the four of you and get the victory that I am destined to come and collect. Four men to take down in a cell like this, I do admit sounds like a challenge... but then again, I have thrived every single time a challenge has been put in front of me.
Desmond Wolfe... the only man in this match that I have never had the pleasure of hyper-extending the arm of. And arguably the only man in this match that speaks in an accent that these people hate more than my own. I have heard the British tone executed perfectly before but you Desmond, I don't know what you do to it, it's like you chew the accent up in your mouth a bit before you let it out, it sounds crooked and just plain wrong. But... the one thing that is not in debate is that fact that Wolfe, the writing is written on the wall, you have never become top of the tree. You have always been a second star in the company, dominating the undercard, but not cutting it to become one of the greats. I don't know if your using this to try and kick-start your career, or just make sure that people still remember who you are.... but in doing that they are just going to remember how you could nearly... NEARLY make it.... but just not quite.
Del Rio pauses before speaking about his next choice of superstar.
And now on to people who have made it at the very top of UCW. The Big Show. You made it to the top, World Champion, dominant for a whole month.... Cute. The problem, I have with seeing your World championship being as anything impressive is simply this. You became, defended and lost the World Heavyweight Championship, before I even joined this company. When I was here, you were milling around not really doing much, until I became the World Heavyweight Champion. You made your big return into the spotlight of the World Championship picture, and in a stunning climax.... You lost. To me. To retain my championship. And then you stayed in tag team obscurity being carried by Dave Batista. But there will be no carrying this time Show, there will be no tag team tactics if I know Dave, the man is too selfish to even divulge in that type of practice these days. Unfortunately for you Show.... your on your own. And that will be your downfall.
Another man that made it to the very top before I got here; AJ Styles. But he done it not only once, but twice. It's not the three times that I achieved but, it's a feat none-the less. But still.... it's hard to judge when you didn't have a champion the quality of Alberto Del Rio around you to test your credentials to the very limit. You got lucky against me one time and that got you a shot against CM Punk.... A shot that you squandered, and your opportunity went begging. When I was given my opportunity to avenge what happened at Wrestlemania... I done it. All-be-it to a disqualification because Punk knew he couldn't beat me so he run and left his championship on Smackdown, and the rest was just simple. AJ, you took me out at Extreme Rules when I was feeling at the lowest in my career. The worst that I have ever felt after losing what I thought to be my destiny match at Wrestlemania. But I was wrong all along Styles.... My destiny was never going to be achieved in UCW..... Because my destiny is this, in a months time! And when you lose in the Hell in a Cell AJ, I wouldn't be too disheartened.... Because it was just my destiny!
Del Rio smiles and the boos start back up. Alberto then talks about the last guy left... the guy he left til last for a reason.
And then we got the last man to ever beat me.... The last man to take a championship off me. The man that needs to be brought back down to Earth. Dave Batista. Dave, you won't catch me talk candidly very often so feel privileged when I tell you this but, you are the only man in this match that I feel I have something to prove against. You took my World championship off me, and you kept it for a while after, but the only reason you were able to keep it is because I left. I felt I had done everything I had needed to do in the space of a year. Plus the only reason you had the second opportunity at the gold was the simple fact that you became Paul Heymans go to guy. So due to unfair technical rulings, you became World Champion. So for that reason Dave, it's time for me to exercise my demons, change my mindset about you, and get another victory over you in an environment that suits me, Hell In a Cell, Multi-man style.
This is what I was put on this earth for people, June the fourth, this is the reason that Alberto Del Rio has been given the array of talent that my father possessed and even more. It's the reason that the man above gave me the determination to walk hard everyday as a young hombre and become the superstar that I am today. It is to cement my legacy, it's to etch my way into greatness..... It is, to secure.... My Destiny!