Hell In A Cell - Del Rio/Batista/AJ Styles/Desmond Wolfe/Big Show

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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
The Showdown of Dreams arena has only just been set up for a one off blockbuster of a reunion show. The very best in the whole of wrestling history have been invited by the powers that be not for championships, or for an extreme pay-off. But for something that money cannot buy.... Pride. The top three matches, all showcasing the very best that Unified Championship Wrestling had to offer. Maybe one of the matches that the fans are looking forward to more than any other, is a guaranteed bloodbath and thrash-fest, of a five man Hell In A Cell match. Showing they have pulled out all of the stops, Lillian Garcia enters the ring for this one line cameo.

Lillian Garcia:
Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome Alberto Del Rios personal ring announcer.... Ricardo Rodriguez!


The crowd boo, and a lot of kids look shocked and disappointed knowing who is about to make his way out to the arena. The camera shows Ricardo inside the ring await the arrival of his good friend. And as his music hits, and the beeps of the horn, signs of his imminent arrival. The Aristocrat Mexican parks the car to the right of the staging, and opens the car door.


Ricardo Rodriguez: Señoras y señores,
Estoy orgulloso de presentar a ustedes .. aquí en esta noche oscura y Milú
Les presento a tu rayo de luz
Él es un hombre de gran nobleza ... un hombre muy noble que a diferencia de las personas de corazón frío
Él es la esencia de la excelencia y el orgullo de México!
Él es el campeón pesado del mundo UCW!
Es Albertoooooooooo del Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiooooooo!!!!!

Del Rio gets out of his car with a gleaming smile on his face, before throwing his arm in the air, as he looks around at the fans in attendance. He makes his way to his ramp and poses as the flickering pyros fall behind him.


He makes his way down the ramp smiling at the ringside fans before slowing gracing up the steps and cautiously through the ropes. Rodriguez comes to the side of the ring to give Alberto a microphone. Del Rio gives his scarf to Ricardo Rodriguez and waits for the fans to simmer down their chants while he stands in the middle of the ring before he starts to talk.


Alberto Del Rio: My name!

The crowd boo as Del Rio pauses, having the audience in the palm of his hand. He waits for the crowd to get at it's loudest before roaring his signature catchphrase.

My name, is Albertooooooo..... Del Riiiiiiiooooooooooooo! But of course, you already know that. And you know that why? Well, I am the greatest champion, the greatest man that ever graced the hallowed halls of UCW. From beating The Rock within my second month to become the UCW Champion, to regaining it and temporarily retiring The Great One, to scaring off CM Punk from Smackdown and claiming the World Heavyweight Championship, thus retaining it against seven men on the very same night, every simple great moment in UCW's history has my name draped all over it. And these promoters that are putting together the Showdown of Dreams super-show, have realized this. They have realized it and not only invited me to attend, but they have put four men in front of me not only to cement my status as the greatest superstar in UCW history, but to guarantee my destiny, and stamp my one way ticket into the wrestling hall of fame, being the greatest superstar of the twenty-first Century!

The packed out audience are really giving their lungs an exercise trying to boo Del Rio out of the building. Rodriguez claps his employer as he continues to speak.

Now, the only disappointing thing for me, is that they invite me all the way here, and they don't give me the caliber of man that I have already beaten to become champion of te world, they don't give me The Rock, or CM Punk. They have given me a group of men that I have already proven my worth against, and people who can't light a candle to me, and even a man that has never climbed the top of the mountain, and never became a World champion! But, I suppose I can see where the promoters are coming from. It's good for business that I am presented in a match that I am guaranteed to win, because I have proven time and time again that multi-man matches, are my specialty, they are my forte. I won a Money in the Bank ladder match, I won a four way match, after competing in a four on four tag match, getting rid of once thorn in my side Shane McMahon. Batista, Big Show, AJ Styles and Desmond Wolfe may all think that they are coming here to actually prove a point, and show that they still... "got it", they should come out here, stand on the top of the ramp and just look at this...

Del Rio is pointing above him, where hanging above, is the demonic Hell in a Cell structure in which these five men will do their battle in. Del Rio pauses as the crowd cheer for the prospect of seeing the structure lowered in a months time.

This... may look like a problem to the other men in this match. It may look like another obstacle that they will have to overcome to become victorious. But not the case, for Alberto Del Rio. Oh no, for me, this four sided, climbable second tiered structure, is a partner for me. It's a device that can help me achieve my goal. whether it's throwing you into it, or throwing you off it, this is going to help me beat the four of you and get the victory that I am destined to come and collect. Four men to take down in a cell like this, I do admit sounds like a challenge... but then again, I have thrived every single time a challenge has been put in front of me.

Desmond Wolfe... the only man in this match that I have never had the pleasure of hyper-extending the arm of. And arguably the only man in this match that speaks in an accent that these people hate more than my own. I have heard the British tone executed perfectly before but you Desmond, I don't know what you do to it, it's like you chew the accent up in your mouth a bit before you let it out, it sounds crooked and just plain wrong. But... the one thing that is not in debate is that fact that Wolfe, the writing is written on the wall, you have never become top of the tree. You have always been a second star in the company, dominating the undercard, but not cutting it to become one of the greats. I don't know if your using this to try and kick-start your career, or just make sure that people still remember who you are.... but in doing that they are just going to remember how you could nearly... NEARLY make it.... but just not quite.

Del Rio pauses before speaking about his next choice of superstar.

And now on to people who have made it at the very top of UCW. The Big Show. You made it to the top, World Champion, dominant for a whole month.... Cute. The problem, I have with seeing your World championship being as anything impressive is simply this. You became, defended and lost the World Heavyweight Championship, before I even joined this company. When I was here, you were milling around not really doing much, until I became the World Heavyweight Champion. You made your big return into the spotlight of the World Championship picture, and in a stunning climax.... You lost. To me. To retain my championship. And then you stayed in tag team obscurity being carried by Dave Batista. But there will be no carrying this time Show, there will be no tag team tactics if I know Dave, the man is too selfish to even divulge in that type of practice these days. Unfortunately for you Show.... your on your own. And that will be your downfall.

Another man that made it to the very top before I got here; AJ Styles. But he done it not only once, but twice. It's not the three times that I achieved but, it's a feat none-the less. But still.... it's hard to judge when you didn't have a champion the quality of Alberto Del Rio around you to test your credentials to the very limit. You got lucky against me one time and that got you a shot against CM Punk.... A shot that you squandered, and your opportunity went begging. When I was given my opportunity to avenge what happened at Wrestlemania... I done it. All-be-it to a disqualification because Punk knew he couldn't beat me so he run and left his championship on Smackdown, and the rest was just simple. AJ, you took me out at Extreme Rules when I was feeling at the lowest in my career. The worst that I have ever felt after losing what I thought to be my destiny match at Wrestlemania. But I was wrong all along Styles.... My destiny was never going to be achieved in UCW..... Because my destiny is this, in a months time! And when you lose in the Hell in a Cell AJ, I wouldn't be too disheartened.... Because it was just my destiny!

Del Rio smiles and the boos start back up. Alberto then talks about the last guy left... the guy he left til last for a reason.

And then we got the last man to ever beat me.... The last man to take a championship off me. The man that needs to be brought back down to Earth. Dave Batista. Dave, you won't catch me talk candidly very often so feel privileged when I tell you this but, you are the only man in this match that I feel I have something to prove against. You took my World championship off me, and you kept it for a while after, but the only reason you were able to keep it is because I left. I felt I had done everything I had needed to do in the space of a year. Plus the only reason you had the second opportunity at the gold was the simple fact that you became Paul Heymans go to guy. So due to unfair technical rulings, you became World Champion. So for that reason Dave, it's time for me to exercise my demons, change my mindset about you, and get another victory over you in an environment that suits me, Hell In a Cell, Multi-man style.

This is what I was put on this earth for people, June the fourth, this is the reason that Alberto Del Rio has been given the array of talent that my father possessed and even more. It's the reason that the man above gave me the determination to walk hard everyday as a young hombre and become the superstar that I am today. It is to cement my legacy, it's to etch my way into greatness..... It is, to secure.... My Destiny!



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Finally, the arrogant Mexican Aristocrat, Alberto Del Rio, has concluded his wonderful speech, which detailed reasons as to why he will be victorious on June the 4th at the Showdown of Dreams, as well as running down his opposition. There isn't a moments rest succeeding his proclamation that he will secure his destiny through victory, because the crowd in attendance have immediately moved on and are now wondering why the lights have gone out. Many cheer the darkness in anticipation of something extraordinary, and sure enough their expectations are fulfilled... or so they thought.


The ever familiar song of "I Walk Alone" by Saliva smacks everybody across the face, waking them up as they realise it's the theme music of The Animal, Batista. Almost immediately, a spotlight lands on the top of the stage as the crowd all groan ahead of the imminent appearance of Batista. Not much more time passes before the man of the moment emerges from the back and stands tall, right in the middle of the spotlight, while gazing out into the darkness. Batista then slightly raises his arms in the air, before jumping up and down a few times and proceeding down the ramp.


The spotlight continues to follow the big man, who doesn't even acknowledge the crowd's existence, as if the darkness surrounding them is natural. By now Batista has reached the bottom of the ramp, as he rounds the corner, slowly walks up the steel steps, walks along the ring apron where he glares at Alberto Del Rio through his sunglasses, before bending down and entering the ring between the ropes. Batista walks over to the opposite side of the ring and reaches through the ropes, where he is then handed a microphone. The Animal steps over to the middle of the ring, seemingly gazing down the barrel of the camera, which cues the ceasing of his music. Before the dust can settle, Batista throws his sunglasses off and glares in the direction of the titantron.


Batista: I don't want anybody turning off MY spotlight until I give the order. Do I make myself clear?

The microphone remains at Batista's mouth while he continues to glare.

Batista: As far as I'm concerned, while I'm standing in the centre of this ring, I'm the only person in this arena. I'm the only person that everybody needs to direct their attention to, and I'm the only person that frickin' matters on this entire planet. So if you really want me to leave MY ring, walk up MY ramp, and walk to the back to beat whoever's scrawny ass has turned MY spotlight off without my permission... then I DARE you to piss me off right now. I DARE you to force me to see every single one of these people's faces, the very same people who always have and always will pay to see me and me only, therefore lining my pockets and contributing towards my already huge back account. Not a single cent of my money will go towards the medical bill of whoever's ass I beat to within an inch of its life if you turn this spotlight off even one second earlier than I ask for it to be turned off. So, do I make myself crystal clear?

While the crowd resoundingly boo Batista for his callous words, there is no real response from anybody backstage, other than the fact Batista's spotlight remains situated on his presence. Batista cocks his head back and gazes up at his spotlight as a small grin then etches across his face. The grin doesn't last long, however, as Batista realises it's time to get down to business.


Batista: Showdown of Dreams, huh? If you ever wanted an example of "flogging the dead horse" then this would be it. It's just an excuse for all these former superstars to make a glorious return and to have one final moment under the sun, before they run back to their dull, uneventful lives without a care in the world. Most of the guys who have been asked to take part have never done a damn thing that's even noteworthy in their pathetic, worthless careers. The only match on this entire frickin' show that even matters is the Hell in a Cell match, and the reason why that match matters is because I AM IN IT! Without me, this match wouldn't even exist, because the company who organised this joke of an event set up my match with the intention that I would be walking out of that Cell with my hand raised, while the other four losers who wasted my time lay in the middle of MY ring beaten, broken, bruised and bloody.

Batista points down to the ring as he continues to stare down the camera with an intense look.

Batista: To put it simply, the moment I stepped foot back into Unified Championship Wrestling last year, I dominated. Anybody I came face-to-face with became a victim, while I went on to become a two-time Tag Team Champion, the longest reigning Television Champion, and the most dominant World Heavyweight Champion in the history of this business. In fact, I would still be World Heavyweight Champion right now if it wasn't for Kane screwing me out of MY championship. The very same championship that I took from and also defended against... against Alberto Del Rio. Lights on!

Batista waits patiently for the arena to illuminate before beginning to search the ring for Del Rio. To Batista's surprise, Del Rio still stands inside the ring, so the big man begins to address his long-time rival. Batista shakes his head and looks disgusted at what he sees.

Batista: You haven't changed a damn bit. You still think you're God's gift to Earth, when in fact you're nothing but a border jumping piece of crap who thinks he's better than he actually is. You stand there in your stupid suit with your stupid scarf and your stupid personal ring announcer and think you're better than everybody else, including me. But history tells a different story, doesn't it Alberto? Yeah, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, and it's what I brought up not too long ago. See I'm the one that ended your pitiful reign as World Heavyweight Champion before disposing of you the following pay-per-view, after which every time we nearly came face-to-face backstage you'd run back to your locker room with your little tail between your legs just to hide from me. You're nothing but a snivelling, spoilt brat who enjoys running his mouth and spewing false claim after false claim, claims like I only became World Heavyweight Champion because you had nothing more to prove, and claims like YOU were the one who scared CM Punk off Smackdown. Really, Alberto? Give me a frickin' break!

Batista shakes his head once more and turns away for a moment in disbelief, before turning back and getting right into Del Rio's face.

Batista: Let me make one thing VERY clear. If anybody ran CM Punk off Smackdown, it was me, so allow me to give you a little history lesson. While I dominated the entire Smackdown roster as Television Champion, I had a match against Paul Burchill and CM Punk to decide Smackdown's Champion of Champions, a match I won after I watched CM Punk literally jump the ring barrier and sprint through the crowd the moment I turned my attention to him. Ever since that match, CM Punk's reign as World Heavyweight Champion was tarnished, so in a dismal attempt to save face he relinquished the title due to having "no competition", but he knew perfectly well that I was right behind him, ready to beat his punk ass into the ground the moment I was given the opportunity. Unfortunately I never received that opportunity, but history speaks for itself, just like how you even became World Heavyweight Champion to begin with. I dare you to go there, Alberto, because I won't hesitate in exposing you as the weasel you are. I can't wait for June the 4th so I can get my hands around your neck again, just so you can experience one last time what it's like to step inside this ring with me.

The two men lock eyes as the arena is draped in silence as a result of Batista's vicious threats against the fearful Del Rio. Batista grins at Del Rio before turning around and facing the titantron again, but this time with a different agenda in mind.


Batista: There's only one other man involved in this Hell in a Cell match that I have history with, but it's someone that actually benefited from my domination of Smackdown other than myself. If any of you even have a frickin' brain than you'll know I'm talking about the Big Show, the very man who held the Tag Team Championships with me on both occasions, where we also became the longest reigning Tag Team Champions in UCW's third era. See Big Show and I had a good working relationship alongside Paul Heyman, but there was always something that bothered me with him. The only reason we even tagged was because Heyman made us, and frankly that's exactly what Big Show wanted. Ever since Kurt Angle beat Show for the World Heavyweight Championship, that tub of lard had done absolutely nothing with his career, so the moment he smelt some sort of success he scurried along and used me to achieve it. I carried the team on my back, I was the reason why he was even relevant in this business once again... and he knows it. Now the only way I can prove that fact without a shred of doubt is by beating the hell out of that useless sack of crap, therefore putting to bed any thoughts he may have of actually achieving something by himself for once.

Batista shows no remorse towards his former tag partner, letting loose and likely infuriating the Big Show. Clearly Batista's cup of care is empty, as he immediately moves on.

Batista: But then we come to AJ Styles, a name that I'm frankly sick of reading about. See I'm obviously a man who enjoys a little history, but every time I took a look back through UCW's history, the same name continuously came up. AJ Styles won this title, AJ Styles won that title, oh look AJ Styles won this too! My point is, this guy was an overachiever, somebody who capitalised on times where the talent pool was at its lowest, which ultimately means I wasn't there to put him in his place. Want proof? Here's proof. Apparently little AJ is a two-time UCW World Champion, which may sound impressive, but really, it isn't in the slightest. AJ Styles cashed in his little Money in the Bank briefcase that he beat the likes of Carlito and The Hurricane to win, on a defenceless Mr Kennedy, who had the crap beaten out of him by some nobody in Sim Snuka, to steal the title and hold it for just four weeks. Then it takes him an entire year to become World Champion again, this time for a month and in frickin' ECW. Nobody gave a crap about ECW, and the fact AJ lost the title to... Evan Bourne, I think, is proof enough of how worthless his time at the top was. Not only that but it's proof enough that AJ Styles is only "Phenomenal" when somebody like me isn't around to flatten him into a pancake and eat him for breakfast!

The loudest boos since the arrival of Batista cover every corner of the arena. The hate rains down upon Batista, who isn't finished quite yet.

Batista: Now I come to the only man who can't claim a damn thing, the only man in the Hell in a Cell match who achieved nothing of any note - Desmond Wolfe. I have no idea who the hell Desmond Wolfe even is, but if he thinks for even a second that he's actually a chance of winning this match, he'll soon find out that I don't take too kindly to people who speak out of line. As far as I'm concerned, Desmond Wolfe is only good enough to shine my boots, which will probably be the only thing of any real note he'll ever accomplish. I'll put this kid on the map, but for the wrong reasons, after I smash his face into the steel, break him in half, and toss him across the ring like a rag doll. If he steps out of line, I won't hesitate to do just that, but if I were him I would stay home and not bother wasting MY time. I don't like when my time's wasted, so if I were you, Desmond, I wouldn't be that guy who's dumb enough to do just that. I guarantee you'll never step foot inside this business again if you go against what I'm telling you right now. If I were you, I'd ask Del Rio what happens when you wrong me.

And with that, Batista's arm finally falls to his side. Just like that Batista is done, but now he waits for anybody who's stupid enough to emerge out from the back and step up to the plate.



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Sep 19, 2010
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fans cheer as AJ Styles makes his long awaited return to the ring, AJ gets a warm reaction to the crowd as he looks at both Del Rio and Batista, AJ gets in the ring and he does his trademark pose, AJ grabs a microphone and he begins to speak


AJ Styles: Well, well it feels good to be back. I mean it has been a while since you have seen the phenomenal one in action in this very ring. You know what guys I missed it, and I missed every minute of it. What I did not miss though was talking to jerks like these every single night. Well lets get to business. Alberto hows it going buddy ole' pal. It has been a while since I have seen you. I mean the last time we met... Well I kicked your ass all over the Extreme Rules building, and yes Berto you were right. You were right on the fact I got shipped from Smackdown to Warzone. I pretty much got jipped for my world heavyweight title.

Even though I got shipped Berto, the reason why was because Stephanie McMahon knew I was a star. She knew I could lead Warzone to promise... unfortunately though I got injured and had to force an early departure. Really though it does not affect me, I knew what I did wrong and now I am back fully healed, and boy Berto am I looking to kick some ass. Look at you.. still the same ugly smile, wearing your silly looking scarf. I may have beaten you back to 2010 but boy change it up, Well Berto you know what I think of you, and I know what you think of me... Now moving on Batista.

Boy Batista you are right, we never had a match with one another, we never went one on one. The Phenomenal one never went one on one with the Animal. Well you know what Barista, even though you claim you are big ass kicker. I know you are excited for this, just as I am. You know Batista you and I... we have had beef for years. I remember in a interview you said I was never a good wrestler, that what I do is not actually wrestling. It is just flips and tricks. Well Batista that is not just flips and tricks it is my style. Just like your style is brutalizing your opponent, despite what you think of me, or my in ring style. The thing is Batista it does not phase me, nor affect me. I know I am excited to tangle with you in this hell in a cell match.

It seems that are other opponents are not showing up just yet. They find other things important, and that is fine. Took me a while to show up but I am here and ready to tangle. So how about boys are you ready to handle with... the phenomenal one, the former UCW champion, former Money in the bank winner, former X-Division champion, the first ever Global Champion, European champiopn... and ECW Champion AJ Styles! Because I hope so I know I am are you.

Fans cheer as AJ Styles is ready to continue on

ooc: TBH I am not posting big, really do not want to nor feel like typing, you should see by my UWF post that I do not like posting big. You have all known that for a while that me when it comes to posting is short and too the point, some what. I just want too have fun go back and forward not worry about... omfg 1000 words. I am only addressing the people who care, you two do so lets post short and go and have fun like back in the old days. Don't want this match to get scrapped tbh, and did not like how it will be, so if you don't wanna post small cool, but if I do, don't judge be happy I will post.​


Jun 3, 2010
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We're backstage as former UCW Heavyweight and UWF Hardcore Champion, The Big Show appears on screen, with a mic in hand, by a punching bag. The crowd pops as Big Show begins to speak.


The Big Show
Ladies and gentleman, in just under a weeks time, I will face the toughest task I have ever faced in my career, as I step inside the Hell in A Cell at the ShowDown of Dreams.... Not only will I be trapped inside a massive steel structure, but I will also be facing four of the greatest guys to ever work on the Wrestling Circuit.

The camera pans out and shows Big Show hitting the punching bags with some small jabs, which still manage to move the bag a lot. Big Show looks pumped up.

Now, as you know, I'm usually the one who goes and makes jokes out of situations like this, but guys, this is no laughing matter. The Hell in A Cell has proven to be dangerous on many occasions, and with five men inside that structure instead of two, the risk of a serious accident is a LOT greater. Of course, I'm not scared, but considering my age and size, I've got to be careful that I don't do serious damage to myself, because I want to stick around after this show and continue to Wrestle in front of all you fans that supported me throughout my long and successful career.

Show punches the bag once more, but this time with a hook, it swings around and Show has to dodge out of its way a few times, as he looks at the camera and smiles.

Talking of success, it's been a long time since I achieved any major success in my career. Ever since I lost the UCW Heavyweight Title, which was nearly two years ago, I've been on a downward spiral and haven't been able to win regularly for a long time... I've been down in the dumps, contemplating giving up on numerous occasions and things got that bad that I almost turned my back on all of you fantastic fans... However, since this opportunity came a long, I've been seeing things in a better light and feeling better about myself. Even though I haven't won much recently in my career, it pleases me that I'm still held in a high enough regard to be placed in a match like this, against some of the greats of the company. This match has given me a new lease of life, I feel fresher, I'm training harder, eating less, and more importantly I'm enjoying myself. With this said, I'm still upset that I haven't had a huge win recently, so at Showdown of dreams, I'm going to go all out, beat the crap out of all my opponents and at the end of the night, have my hand raised in victory. For those that doubt I can win, or destroy my opponents, this is a message to you....

Big Show whacks the punch back, and knocks it off it's hinges, straight to the floor. The crowd go wild as his music hits and the camera fades...


Shows updated entrance video plays on the screen as he walks out onto the stage to a huge pop. The crowd cheer as Show raises his right fist in the air before preceding to strut down the entrance ramp calmly with his hands by his side. Show high fives a few kids seated next to the titanron with a smile on his face as he nears the bottom of the the ramp. Show then climbs up the steps before climbing right over the third rope. Show takes a mic from a ringside technician before running forward and again raising his hand in the air, after this show begins to speak.

The Big Show
Boy it feels good to be back inside this squared circle, wow, what a feeling, and what a reaction. I honestly didn't think you fans cared for me that much anymore, and hearing you all react for me like that makes me an extremely happy man. Seriously guys, I'm humbled by your support, you've been the driving force behind my successful career, and with you guys on my side I've achieved more success than I ever imagined. I hope your brilliant support continues for me this Sunday guys, because I'm gonna need it. Like I said before, facing someone one in one in a Hell in A Cell match is no easy task, but when there's four people for me to beat instead of one, the difficulty increases massively. I'm not asking you guys to drop your support for AJ Styles if he's your favorite, hell, I don't even care if you support Batista, Wolfe or Del Rio, as long as you keep on your feet during the matches and will us all on I'll be a happy man... For all the support you guys give me, I hope to reward you by winning this match at Showdown of dreams, after a long spell of losses in my career. I want to re live the success I had in UCW, a time which I believe was the greatest in my career. Not only was I World Heavyweight Champion for a month, but I also had a dominant Tag Team Title reign with one of my opponents in the Hell In A Cell match, Dave Batista, until we were screwed out of the titles by management. So at the Showdown of Dreams, I am going to live up to my name, and the shows name, by putting on a big show that is beyond your wildest of dreams.

Show smiles as he turns to face one of his opponents AJ Styles.


Now AJ, I'm honestly a little surprised and a little upset that you didn't mention my name at all when you came out here. Choosing to only address only the opponents who were currently in the ring when you came out, may seem heroic to you, but to some, including myself it looks a little disrespectful. Sure, it makes sense to address those guys first, but don't wait until I come out here, because I want to hear what you have to say about me man, so I can actually respond. Come on, you know I'm an easy going guy, and I'm not going to hurt you if you say something bad about me... Anyhow, I do have a few things to say about you my man and I hope you appreciate that. First of all, it has hit me that me and you have very similar careers. We both reached the top in UCW, but the success we had was short lived and we were soon lost in the shuffle. That's why you have a lot of my respect, and I'm looking forward to facing you, in an opportunity I'm sure you'll be relishing as much as I am. Secondly, I get the impression that your a little lazy, now I know that sounds stupid coming from a fat man, but just hear me out. Every time you returned to a UCW, CWF or UWF, we heard all your big claims about how you were going to rise to the top once more. It's all well and good that you said that, but it never actually happened, because no as soon as you came back, you were quickly out of the door once more, because you were too lazy to show up for your matches, or tell your fans what you felt each week. Now I know some of those things couldn't of been helped man, but come on, you have heaps of potential, but if you continue to be lazy like you so often are, you're going to end up lost in the shuffle once more. Come on man, don't let it be your down-fall, in this match, or any other matches you have following this one, step your game and put on a show like all these fans know you can.

The crowd pops for Big Show's words, knowing that he means well for AJ Styles. Show smiles at at AJ, before turning to face Alberto Del Rio.

Alberto, it's no secret that I've never liked you, my hate for you is so extreme, that I've begun to hate everything about your country, Mexico, as well, that is of course apart from it's food. You see Alberto, I have no problem with cocky, or arrogant people, as long as they back it up. There has been too many occasions where you have been cocky and arrogant, but failed to back it up, and I honestly haven't got the patience for people who talk a good game, but then look like total fools when they fail to back up what they have said. I can't begin to count how many times you have claimed that it is your destiny, to win this, or win that, yet nine times out of ten, you fail, and that's the reason why still to this day going on about your destiny. Sure, I may of lost to you for the UWF Championship, but lets be honest, does that really matter, when I still remain a far more successful man than you will ever be? I don't like to mention other companies that I was with in the past, but just take a look at what I have done over my long and illustrious career, if you take into account all of that, what you have achieved pales in comparison to my achievements. Oh, and another thing, tell me why you feel the need to to come out here each week, in a car, with your own personal ring announcer? This is a Wrestling company Alberto, and unless you're planning on a quick escape from my strong grasp, I see no need for the car what so ever. Sure, it may make you look flash, and classy, but at the end of the day, it doesn't boost your chances of success or make you look better than anyone else. Seriously Del Rio, I'm sick of your stupid little antics and your crappy show each week, I've hated your guts ever since you first set foot in UCW, and at Showdown of Dreams it will be your destiny to be knocked the hell out. You certainly won't be dreaming Alberto, you'll be having nightmares for the rest of your life!

Show looks a little mad, as he tries to calm himself down. He clearly hates Del Rio and makes it known. Show pauses for a second, before facing Dave Batista. The pissed off look remains on his face.


How dare you Dave!.... HOW DARE YOU! How dare you stand there in the middle of the ring, and claim that the only reason the tag team was successful, was because of yourself. Seriously man, it sickens me that you have the audacity to tell all these people that you carried the team on your back, and the only reason we teamed up was because Heyman made us. Are you honestly going to stand there and tell that lie, because if Heyman made us team up, then why the hell did we stay together so long, work coherently as a team and become the longest reigning Tag Team Champions in UCW's third era history? I know it may be a little hard for you to fathom, with a brain like yours, mashed up with all the steroids you take, but a team has, and always will work better when both men work as a unit, and Dave that's exactly what we did, and that's the reason we were Champions for so long. I loved that time in my career Dave, and I know for a fact you did too, but there was no carrying in that team at all, we were both dominant forces of power, who combined well together to destroy our opponents one by one. The only reason you're spewing that crap out of your mouth is because to this day, you remain a big headed jerk, who always wants to be in the spotlight, and can never give credit where credit's due. But that's fine, continue to talk down at others, and dismiss the pure facts, I know the truth, these people know the truth, and as long as that's the case, I couldn't care less what you think. Let's be brutally honest Dave, you're more of a joke than I will ever be. Sure, I may be fat, and I may have spells in my career where I'm not doing so well, but at least I give my all each week, and hold my hands up when I know I've done wrong. You on the other hand, fail to admit your short comings, instead masking them with lies, or promises that you fail to fulfill. For someone that likes being in the spotlight, it makes me laugh that as soon as you lose to someone as big or bigger than yourself, not in terms of size, but star power, you pack our bags and run away from the spotlight as soon as you can... I still have some respect for you Dave, but at this moment in time the respect I have for you is running out. After this Sunday, you won't be seeing your spot light, oh no, in fact, the only light you'll be seeing is the stars, after I knock you OUT!

Big Show shakes his head as he turns to address the fans.

As for Desmond Wolfe, I don't know much about that guy, but I do remember him being a cocky nobody, who needed his mouth washing out with soap. I'm interested to hear what he has to say about me, and my opponents, but I am not going to taking kindly to him if he continues with his foul language and disrespectful behavior. I'm certainly ready for all four of, my opponents, and I'm looking forward to using that cell to decapitate both Del Rio and Batista for disrespecting the hell out of me and my legacy. Ladies and gentleman, be prepared for a great show this Sunday, and look forward to seeing me knock some heads out!

Big Show smiles, before lowering the mic and awaiting someone else to speak.


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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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The crowd as intense after Big Shows speech, suddenly they are interrupted by the titantron, the crowd suddenly erupts into a hugemous series of cheers, as it's revealed to be Desmond Wolfe and Chelsea in a sports bar.


The Only Thing that Matters,
Desmond Wolfe

Oi, yer mugs, did ya think, I wasn't gonna join the celebrations!?

The crowd pops as they all turn their attention to Desmond Wolfe, whose seemingly having a good time, chilling the backstage in a suit looking entirely confident.

Ya know, I've been watching all you muppets go on about how each and every single for you are gonna win this five man Hell in a Cell match and well, I ain't impressed. Ya see, I've been treating my lovely bird Chelsea to some chilled martinis while watching you wankers on the big screen 'ere and well, all the chit-chat stops 'ere! With ME, DESMOND WOLFE!

Desmond Wolfe smiles as he takes a sip on his Martini and smiles before unloading on his opponents.


This is the showdown of dream but I'm looking at each and every single one of you mugs and I'm thinking to myself "Who the bloody hell are these wankers?" and then hit like a ton of bricks, they are bunch of washup hasbeen World Champions, clinching to their past glories like they matter! Like I give a damn how many times ya boys have been World Heavyweight Champion, because sunshines, it ain't how many you won, it's how long ya held it! It's like this to me, if ya lose the championship then win it back, then you gotta haveta a few ole loses to your names and I'm looking at ya all and I'm thinking, I'm the BEST in 'ere! In my entire UCW career, I only lost four matches and all four times, I was injured! I went out there and gave it less than 100% and I lost! But this time, I'ma win because there ain't no excuse, there any reason for me to lose, my win lose ratio is the best UCW has ever seen and that's because I'm in it to win it! Ain't that right, Chelsea?

Chelsea gives a smile and nods her head, as she wraps her arm around that Desmond Wolfe.

The Sexy Bitch,

Oh yes, Desmond! I mean, look at boys, they are ugly and there swords are small, they ain't real men, they are boys and this is a man's game and the only man in this match is, you... Desmond Wolfe!

Desmond Wolfe chuckles as he takes off his sunglasses and looks straight at the camera.


People are chit-chatting about their history and there chances, well let's take a look at the facts shall we? Lemme tell ya about my chances in this match are fairly obvious, I have a one in five chance of winning this match and a one in five chance of being pinned but that ain't gonna happen is it? Ya mugs thinking you got a chance of pinning, it's gonna take a lot more for me to get me pinned that ring, back before UCW restarted I was the UCW United States Champion, I defended that belt all around the World, Mexico, Japan, Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, ya name it; I won there! I defended that belt at house shows, I was unstoppable Sunshine! So I think my chances of winning the match from my point of view are very high, ya mug! Now now, I'm sure people are gonna call me an arrogant sod but I really don't give a damn, I had one of THE best records in UCW. Nor am I whiny little chav when I lose a match, it happens but the fact of the matter is this sunshines, I will not be beaten in the big match situation; it's a bit like the Champions League final in the footy, or soccer as you yanks call it; you can almost bank on the British team winning it because it means that much to us, this is my last match and I ain't going down without a fight! But it's time to check out the muppets I got to face.

The fans go nuts as the Desmond Wolfe's Howling Wolf hits the PA system before Kasabian's Doberman plays Desmond Wolfe out.



The fans are going bonkers as Desmond Wolfe emerges on the titantron fully suited up and looking entirely respectable, unlike his more rugged opponents, Wolfe adjusts his sunglasses and straightens up his suit before marching down the entrance ramp.


Chelsea then emerges behind Desmond Wolfe as he struts down to ring, looking all smug, with a smirk on his face he walks up the ring steps and pushes the ropes open as Chelsea climbs in, Wolfe sizes up his opponents and looks at them with a look disgust on his face before taking a microphone from a ring tech, Wolfe walks around the ring as if it's his ring before speaking on the microphone.


Well ain't ya sorry bunch of 'wrestlers'! I use that term very loosely with ya yankees, because ain't nothing more than a bunch of celebrities, who think they can wrestle ME!? Well I hate to break it to ya, looking this ring I see a jacked up prick called Batista, a bunch of Mexicans, whose manager gets the louder pop than the actual 'star!', a little bitch who prances around the ring, AJ Styles and the big sloth in this industry, who think he can knock someone out, the Big Show... Ya lot are really a bunch of muppets!

Desmond Wolfe glances back at Chelsea whose clapping at him as Wolfe then turns to Batista.

Well, well, well... If I ain't Beaker! Yeah Sunshine, ya heard that right, you're Beaker because all ya say is "Me, Me, Me, Me!" Ya think yer the best ever and that the spotlight only deserves to be on you? Well sunshine, I hate to break it to ya, but you ain't thing but an old time, 'roid up to the rim thinking yer tough man, well I liked ya to see ya take on some a footy hooligan in a no holds barred fight and walk away because ya won't sunshine, and the same will happen this Sunday! Unlucky chap, because why you bathe in your pathetic past glories, Sunshine, I'm constantly bringing new accomplishments to the table, I was untouchable as the UCW United States Champion, I didn't lose that belt, I was undefeated and if ya Sunshine wanna cling your past glories than you ain't gonna get far against someone like me sunshine, cause I knock ya silly! So silly that you'll end up like Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez!

Wolfe glances over the Mexican Solicite and snarls before addressing him.

Yeah that's right, ya mugs! I'm talking to both of ya, Alberto, ya chat about me not being able to be in the top three for the company, unfortunately for ya sunshine, I didn't have easy opponents like you to face, I made the UCW United States Championship the 'ardest belt in UCW to get and when it came for me to go for the UCW International Championship, I suffer a torn bicep which put me out of action and Dolph Ziggler and Kane both got away lucky that night! I ain't 'ere to make excuse but ya really push it, cause if ya think you're gonna be the top dog come Sunday because there is only one man whose gonna be the top dog, well... Haha, Top Wolfe... ME! Just like I was in the New Regime!

Catching AJ Styles Attention, Desmond Wolfe looks at the man and smiles and chuckles before attacking him.

I see we got AJ Styles, well Sunshine, I got a little bit of a problem with you AJ, ya see, you remember the New Regime don't ya? Well, you wasn't exactly what I called a good teamplayer, infact mate, I don't think I saw you pull your weight around in the ring once, you was more like the kit boy; you'd carry the team bags and shine up our boots real nice before the big match, I've beaten ya before AJ and I'll do it again Sunshine because to me, you ain't as Phenomenal as you think ya are, sure you can fly and flip but Sunshine when you come against me, you better learn how to wrestler quick. Otherwise you'll just end looking like a smaller version of the Big Show!

Desmond Wolfe finally looks at the Big Show.

If ain't a hippopotamus, sunshine, you are huge but ain't a problem for someone like me! Just like the wild, the best hunters are the smaller more agile ones, as the good 'ole British saying goes, the bigger they are, the hard they fall! Just like the British defeated the Spanish Armada, just like the British held their own in the two world wars, I'm gonna chop take down to size Big Show! Maybe make you bleed during the match and watch you cry like a little baby, because I ain't needing no right hook to knock someone out, I'm gonna deliver a the Jawbreaker Lariat to ya, Show! 'Cause you ain't gonna be cracking some pathetic little jokes, I might be a comedian, I certainly ain't a joker! And there ain't a better way for me, to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee than but ya five muppets in the middle of this ring and holding the British Flag high above me head!




Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Del Rio looks around at all four men sharing the ring with him. He waits to see Wolfe has finished speaking before he clears his throat with an arrogantly loud fake cough, before lifting the mic up to his face and beginning to speak.


Alberto Del Rio: Well first of all, how nice of you all to finally join me. If what was waiting for all of you at Showdown of Dreams wasn't already a fate worse than death, then I would have decided a punishment of that amplitude would be apt for this kind of disrespect that each and every one of you have shown me. I am a very very busy man, and I cannot be waiting around for all of you to make your way out here at whenever time you see fit. Let's not any of us try and kid ourselves with spotlights that we have paid for, and body weight that stands for absolutely no real presence in any way... This is my ring. This is all mine, and you four have merely been invited here just for the ride, more names to fit on the bill. Just ways to get every nuck, cranny and demographic of past UCW fans interested in this match, getting the pay per view buys up to an all time high. All Batista fans, Big Show fans, AJ Styles and Desmond Wolfe fans, all being ripped off of seeing their heroes win one more time... Ripped off by yours truly, Alberto Del Rio.

The grin that adapts upon Del Rio's face grows as the boos in the arena grows louder with boos.

Do you guys not believe me? Do you not remember booing me time and time again back in UCW, not because I was telling lies, or I wasn't being truthful, but because of the exact opposite, and deep down, every single one of you people hated the fact that I was right, and you were wrong. I was successful, and it was off the back of all of your heroes. Your heroes like the big big Big Show?

The Big Show looks at Del Rio almost bemused as Del Rio continues.

Nice of you to come out here and immediately waste all of our time, with ridiculous remarks, and I don't even know whether to class it as a joke, considering it was probably the most serious thing you said the entire time you were out here, but yes Show, of course you don't hate Mexican food. There is not a food you have come across that you haven't like evidently. I would be so much to bet that you are the type of man to eat so much that you would make yourself sick, and then because you couldn't bear to waste any food, you would eat that back up again. You Show, you are a monster, a disgusting creature and not only that, but you are a down and out liar. You cannot come out here, and say that you are more successful than me, you would have to prove it. And since this is just a UCW brawl, how about we keep our accomplishments to Unified Championship Wrestling. You won a tag team championship only due to being Paul Heymans bitch, a World championship way before I was seen around these parts, and when I was here, you didn't achieve a singles accolade worth looking at. But of course, listening to you, that is more successful than being a three time World Champion, winning Survivor Series captain, and a Money in the Bank winner, of course. In fact, even if you got all of your accolades from eighteen years on the table, mine wouldn't be far behind after just two. And in a business where typically speaking, bigger is better... that's pretty damn shameful. Maybe you should stick to shameful cameos in crappy movies because no matter how much I watch one particular movie of you, it's only in the ring that I can truly think of you as a knucklehead.

The crowd boo as Del Rio looks very proud of his words, but he doesn't leave it long to move on.

Maybe you realize that what I am saying about Show is right ladies and gentlemen, but you prefer a more of an underdog that gets things done like.... AJ Styles? Are you joking me? Really? He doesn't get things done, the only thing he's done recently is own career! To be totally honest, you beating me done the opposite for both of our careers AJ. It made me realize if I can't beat nobodies like AJ Styles, then I need to improve, and that is exactly what I did. I went off, improved, and then Money in the Bank came along. And I elevated a task done before once by the phenome- the phen- the PHONEY one AJ Styles. The only reason you ever got through your money in the Bank, never mind win it, was because I wasn't in it. And what happened out of my win - I used it on the unbeatable one, and made him cause a disqualification so he wouldn't lose his championship against me, and the next week, he relinquished the championship and run away. now, before Batista tries to interefere there and say how that was his doing, god knows where he gets that idea from, let me just tell you one more thing. The catalyst to me becoming the greatest superstar Smackdown has ever seen was you beating me in Extreme Rules. There's a prophecy in my family's legacy.... everything... literally everything comes full circle. And for you AJ, that comes at Showdown of Dreams.

Del Rio looks at Batista, and paces closer and closer to him. Batista not taking his eyes off him either, a heated stare-down ends, when Del Rio decides to address Wolfe first instead.

I've gotta say... for someone who has literally accomplished nothing, you really have a lot to say about yourself. Your big chance at the world championship was over on Warzone?! The only brand that ever had a match for the title, where literally everyone on that brand could get involved. And if walking away with the championship in a match with five other opponents is "lucky"..... what would I be, retaining my championship against seven of the top men on a real brand, like Smackdown?! Your lies have gotten the better of you, because, it is in fact I, that has proven against worthy opponents time and time again and you, well... you have mulled around the Kofi Kingstons and Paul Burchill's of this world, not pushing your own ability because you know if you took the step up in class you would be duly embarrassed. now, as a superstar I have always wanted to better myself, hence becoming the most successful in this ring and in this company, but you.... what reason would you have not to try and better yourself? Are you scared that your chica would realize how average you are and come and find out how long a Mexican Aristocrats sword is? Well, Chelsea, right after the match I have a party in my casa planned, and if you know what's good for you you'd ditch Desmond and make your way there. You think that the bar at the back of this arena you were just at is fancy, wait until you see the ride I pull up in at Showdown of Dreams.

Chelsea does not look impressed as Alberto laughs.

You not feeling me Chelsea eh? You not feeling Alberto Del Rio, no problem. You'd still be making a step up from the mess your with now if you fancied a night with the certified ladies man, the casanova himself, Ricardo Rodriguez! He knows how to treat you right, I taught him. But that's for afters. Desmond, you better put the drinks down, and stop dreaming that you are still in the new regime. What's waiting for you inside that cell is a side of Alberto Del Rio that not a lot of people have seen. A side of Del Rio that will put aside his pride and honour, to hurt people. That will sideline the class that comes natural to do what I have to do to mutilate and annihilate my opponents to the point that they don't even want to go on living no more. So I hope that you have done your best to "check" me out, as well as the rest, because it is going to be me piling on the misery at Showdown of Dreams.

And finally.... Finally we come to the biggest liar of them all. Dave Batista, a man that will shake your hand and spit on it at the same time. We have all seen exactly how he is with friends, wth what he has said about the Big Show tonight. To a man that has helped him accumulate more money than he ever imagined and in the next instant he's dismissing him like a bad smell. Dave, yur involvement with CM Punk leaving Smackdown? Non-existent. When you took your opportunity to win probably while Punks back was turned was weeks if not months before I poisoned him with the liver tail. He knew I was going to embarrass him, and because I technically beat him, he knew I was number one contender for his championship, so he split. It was nothing to do with you. And with you ending my reign, the way I see it that was never finished business. I won the title in a battle royal, and then retained it against you, Big Show and five other men. You beat me after being distracted in a triple threat match and you got away with the rematch. In my estimations, that's two a piece. Two all.... one to go. And that one, is this match. This match right here. This is where the four other matches about the title all get scratched off the records, and it all comes down to this. History isn't going to save me in the cell, but more importantly, more to the point, it's not going to save you either.

I have to be truthful with you, as Alberto Del Rio always is. When I was told about this match, I was invited and I was skeptical, as to whether it was worth my time. I was told of their plans, that they wanted Wolfe in it, and I couldn't have cared less. They wanted to add AJ Styles and I still wasn't really interested. Big Show, and I started to come around to the idea, a few scores to settle and the such, and then you were mentioned Dave, and my name was straight down on the list. I said as long as Dave agrees, I'm in, and you did. The other three can beat themselves to an oblivion for all I care, let me go on record Dave and let you know, that in that cell.... I'm coming after you!

Del Rio stares at Batista, awaiting a reply.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Everybody's waiting and waiting for a response from Batista, but he hasn't acknowledged anybody as of yet. Del Rio's eyes are still set firmly on Batista, but Batista never looks like meeting his gaze... that is, until a smile appears on The Animal's face. Batista turns his head, eyes now meeting Del Rio's gaze, as he addresses him.


Batista: You're... coming after... me? Huh, how about that. Alberto Del Rio is actually attempting to prove to the entire world that he has a set of balls underneath that specially tailored suit of his. What can I say, I'm shocked, I really am, but with good reason. See Alberto, I dared you not to bring up how you became World Heavyweight Champion in the first place or else I'd expose you for the pathetic weasel you really are, but you didn't listen to me did you? You didn't listen to a damn word I said and instead have chosen to question my part in CM Punk's demise by making up lies and talking yourself up like you usually do. There's never any substance behind anything you say, Alberto, and it's just such a coincidence that you forget important details like how you hid outside the ring for the entire Battle Royal, and that I eliminated the most superstars in that frickin' match! I did all the dirty work, I dominated that Battle Royal just like I dominated Smackdown from start to finish, and yet what did you do? You weaselled your way back into the ring, didn't face me like a true man, and instead snuck up from behind and tossed me and Paul Burchill over the top rope from behind. You're a real piece of work, Alberto; you really are, as well as a hypocrite. See I just told the one hundred percent truth, like I always do, yet you once again continue to lie just to save face.

Batista smiles once again, shaking his head and stepping around the ring. He cannot believe how it's all playing right into his hands.

Batista: I'm the liar? Really, Alberto? Are you sure about that? Even though these people hate my frickin' guts, and the feeling is mutual, I can tell by just looking out at them that they believe every word I say when it comes to exposing you as the fraud you are. It's funny because you play right into my hands, yet you strut around with that stupid grin on your face like you've backed me into a corner. You're an idiot, Alberto. You're an idiot because you can't see the hole you've just dug yourself into. Not only did you question everything I had to say, also known as the truth, but you've pissed me off. So you can cling to any past victories over me, victories where I wasn't even the guy you pinned, while I think back to when I crushed you and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to become World Heavyweight Champion at Summerslam, followed by doing the exact same thing to you two weeks later on Smackdown... no ifs, no buts, no excuses. You don't have a damn thing to worry about this Sunday night, Alberto, because once that bell rings, I know EXACTLY where I'm heading - I'm coming straight for you! I'm gonna spear you into frickin' pieces just seconds into the match and put you on the shelf for good. Then, when you wake up in a hospital bed, the first news you'll hear is the fact I simply dominated this match... and made you look like an absolute clown.

Batista glares at Del Rio to ensure Del Rio knows who’s boss. The tension can be cut with a knife, but it's not about to end there, in fact it's just the beginning. Batista now has his eye on his former tag partner, Big Show.

Batista: Fine, Show, you wanna know the reason why I forced myself to tag with you? It was because of the money, it was because I was on the verge of making history, and that's exactly what I did. Not only did I get a huge cash injection the moment I won us the Tag Team Championships the first time, but Paul saw to it I got more where that came from when I did it the second time. Every day we were champions, I pocketed DOUBLE what you did because Paul knew that I was what made this team tick, and that I was the one re-writing the history books. Nobody in professional wrestling history can claim that they held the Television and Tag Team Championships at the same frickin' time, but I did just that didn't I? I got the money, I got the glory, and I had all the success, while you just came along for the ride. We both used you, Paul and I both strung you along and made you feel like you actually frickin' mattered, but the reality was you never did. You were just our little puppet, and the fact I went on to become the most dominant World Heavyweight Champion in history proves that tenfold. You're a fool if you think I ever gave a damn about you, Show, so I suggest you get your head out of your fat ass and wake up!

Both men want to get their hands on the other so badly, but they know they have to wait until Sunday to do it. That doesn't bother Batista, because he's not quite finished with Show just yet.


Batista: You're weak, you're pathetic, and frankly you've gone soft. What the hell was with that crap when you dragged your fat ass out here, huh? You thanked these people for frickin' cheering you and making you feel welcome, but next minute tell me to face up to "the truth" and admit that we were friends? See this is why I always considered you a joke, Show, because you may be a giant, but you tear away all of that and we're left with a damn fairy. One week you'll be kissing these people's asses, then the next you'll be bad mouthing them while I string you along and make you believe you actually matter, but then you go back to kissing their assess because they accept you for the fool you are. You wanna know why these people accept you, Show? It's not because they like you, it's not because they're intimidated by you, but it's because they can relate to you. They see nothing but a soft piece of crap who wants nothing more than to be accepted for the fact he's a freak. I don't respect you, I will never respect you, and I will always laugh when I watch you walk down that ramp and embarrass yourself every time you get inside this ring, and at the Showdown of Dreams, it'll happen all over again... plus one final thing - I'll be beating the crap out of you as well.

There's virtually no space between Batista and Big Show, both men's faces just about touching, fists clenched and ready to fly, but that's until Batista steps away. He's now finished with the Big Show, now directing his attention to Desmond Wolfe.

Batista: I have no clue who the hell you are, but I don't think you've got any clue how many times you contradicted yourself in that painful speech of yours, which tells me you're an idiot... meaning you belong in this match with these three. See Desmond, maybe next time you should think about what you're going to say before you open that fat mouth of yours and spew out all sorts of crap, constantly going back-and-forth on your word. You appeared on the titantron and said you lost four times in your UCW career, but then you said you were undefeated and were untouchable... so which one is it, huh? I don't have time to waste on losers like you, so if I were you I'd get the hell out of MY ring, walk up MY ramp, pack up all your crap and get out of MY locker room, and leave MY arena before I break you in half right here, right now, mess up that pretty little face of yours in the process, and take your girl home with me. She looks like the sort that's won over by jewellery and not stupid accents, so if you're not too careful, Desmond, I could show up on Sunday night with a bagful of expensive jewellery... and also the very mean streak that I used to decimate the Smackdown roster from top to bottom. If you think being United States Champion makes you untouchable, why don't you step up and try to take down the most dominant World Heavyweight Champion in history, huh? Let's see if you have what it takes... Muppet.

Batista can't help but have a chuckle, lapping it all up and toying with the Englishmen. He then looks Chelsea up and down and winks at her, before moving on to the only man he's yet to address - AJ Styles.

Batista: You're excited to tangle with me in the Cell? How about that. Obviously you're delusional if you're looking forward to getting the crap beaten out of you. You have a death wish if you can't wait for me to ring your scrawny, little neck, break you in half, and snap your legs in two, sending you to the unemployment line where you belong. See if I were you, I'd find any way I possibly can to leave the Cell, and either climb to the top and watch me dominate the match from up there, or run to the back and leave the arena before I get my hands on you. No amount of flips and tricks are going to give you any chance of leaving the Cell in one piece, but the same goes for the rest of the guys in this match, because there isn't a single frickin' person on this entire planet who can beat me. Nobody can rival my strength, nobody can match my athleticism, and nobody can stop me grinding their faces along the unforgiving steel. I will break bones, I will end careers, and I will walk out of that Cell and the Showdown of Dreams with my hand raised in victory. The spotlight is on me and always will be, I am the best to EVER step foot inside this ring, and it's about time for all of you to drill that into your thick skulls and stop... wasting... MY TIME!

The Animal is fired up, and he simply cannot wait for the show to rear its head in only a few days’ time. Batista hurls his microphone to the ringside technician and storms out of the ring, dislodging the steel steps with one swift kick. The top goes flying as Batista releases his anger, giving the entire world an insight into what Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Desmond Wolfe and AJ Styles can expect on Sunday night. Batista walks up the ramp and to the stage, turning around and roaring victoriously whilst ensuring everybody knows who the man is.


Batista continues to do this for at least five seconds before he jumps up and down on the spot and pointing at each man standing in the ring, before suddenly spitting at the ground. Batista has stopped jumping around and is frozen, an icy glare on the remaining men in the ring. The tension in the arena is evident as Batista stands still for what seems like an eternity, before turning around and walking to the back. Point proven, message sent, game on.



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ooc: you guys can skip me if you like I will try to get a post up on Friday.