Heel World Champs @ WM...

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[Provoked by old "Best wrestler never to hold a World Title?" thread. Was inadvertantly about to resurect an old thread, but realised..... So, anyway: ]

Starsky you amuse me. It was politics that stopped Dibiase being champ in the 14 man elimination tournament at WM4. Not Savage a massively over face at the time, You had to be a special heel to hold the strap in that era and Dibiase could never pip a Savage in 88-91. You are a fool if you believe that Dibiase could have held crowd intrest over Hogan and Savage at the time.

As a heel against those very same faces? Why the hell not?

A face, espcially one like Hogan, ain't shit without a strong opposing heel.

...You don't think peeps would pay to see the 2 #1 faces in the company chase the #1& 2 heels for the belt?

It was intended that Dibiase win @ WM4(***). The reason Savage won was that they urgently needed to consolidate his rapidly increasing face appeal with a title reign. He was due to recapture the IC belt some time before, but for reasons I forget, they wouldn't take the belt from Honkey Tonk so Savage lucked out and got a world title reign instead.

I reckon DiBiase would have had an awesome run...

IMO the Mega Powers v Mega Bucks fued could have still happened, possibly being even hotter with a heel champ who was over as much as Dibiase (and Andre for that matter). Not sure how that would have altered the complexion of the 'Evil Twin' title loss > WM4 period, but IMO DiBiase was such a great heel that he coulda easily mustered up the necessary heat to paper across any minor cracks in the storylines. That said, I dunno how they'd have brought the world title back around the waste of one of the mega-powers, pressumably Savage, ready for the WM5 ME (or how Savage would have dropped the IC title along the way....*) but bearing in mind they had to change their 'Plan A' they must have had something up their sleeves as that entire year was about building Savage up so that the Megapowers could "explode" with him turning heel on Hogan. (* Have Savage lose to Andre maybe and have HIM drop the belt to Warrior as the start of his mega-push rather than having him squash Honky @ SSlam 88?)

This topic drew me to further thinking about the knock-on effects of the planned reign and to one thought in particular:

***Just what/how much impact would a heel winning the WC belt @ WM4 have had on the 20 years' booking that followed?

Would this precident set a trend?

Would we have seen tweeners rise to prominance and popularity earlier than we did?

Is there any particular wrestlers who deserved a WC title reign that you think would have maybe got one if it was 'possible' for heels to win WC gold @ WM?


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Feb 23, 2008
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I'd like to see a heel win, it'd make WrestleMania so much less predictable.

The only WM heel title win I cn think of right now is Yokozuna at WM9, but that, unfortunately, only lasted about a minute.

I'd like to see Edge win at WM24, but the Undertaker keeping his streak. Edge by DQ!



At mania main events there are always no dq rules for some reason



^Maybe b/c it's their biggest PPV of the year? If they did that, a whole bunch of people would be pissed and it wouldn't be good. When you pay 50, now 55 or 60 bucks for a PPV, you expect something that isn't good, but great.


^^True if Orton was to retain at Wrestlemania by Dq...The fans would riot...I mean...Anything but a clean victory at Wrestlemania is just wrong...

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

if the wm main event ended in dq after i bought it on ppv i would not ever order a wwe ppv again. and triple threats are no dq anyway :happy: