-- Brother Ray and Brother Devon were were scheduled to have a big blowoff to their feud at TNA Lockdown but their feud has been put on hold as Ray is now replacing Jeff Hardy in the storylines.
-- Dixie Carter, who has been quiet on Twitter lately, was in attendance for last week's Victory Road pay-per-view and then Monday's iMPACT tapings but then left for Mexico.
-- As noted before, Jeff Hardy's March 16th court date was re-scheduled to April 20th. The Southern Pines Pilot has more details on the state waiting for testing results from the drugs that were found at Hardy's home in 2009.
Hardy's attorney was ready to take a plea bargain this past week but the District Attorney told him that they were still waiting on test results from the drugs. The DA wanted a June 2nd hearing but the judge asked if they could be ready in 30 days and Hardy's lawyer said he could. The judge ordered that the test results be rushed and then set the court date for next month. With Hardy's lawyer ready to accept a plea deal, it sounds like the case will finally be coming to an end.
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