CM Punk: Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters...
Today we celebrate the third birthday of WWEForums! I wanna keep this short and sweet and our admin, Solidus will give his thoughts on the forum in a while. Now I know the people in charge might have changed, the layout might have changed, the logo might have changed on this forum... but what didn't change was the community.(Ignoring the fact that we have a larger community.)
See, I would usually make posts pointing out members that I have liked over the time being, but I won't do that this year. Mostly because I hate you all equally and I have time constraints for better things, like watching grass die. I used to dislike the influx of MP Fags joining because of their trolling habits, (Shoutout to our local fuckboy, D'Z, for bringing them back here.) but now I consider them truly a part of the WWEF community. So you got my respects!
There are some notable members that don't come on here often, so I would like to give shoutouts to them.
Crayo - Thanks for not responding to my Skype messages you, dribbler.
Xanth - I hope you're healthy, brother. Eat, Eat, Repeat.
Lady Deathbane - Apparently you're on Tumblr always and that's a pretty shit site.
Britanica - Hope your cats, dogs, lizards, birds, fish, snakes, dinosaurs, sharks, whales, catfish, bears, zebra's, horses, cows, sheep, goats and pigs are doing alright.:bodallas:
Gohan6425 - Miss you, buddy! I'll try to keep your anime characters kissing thread alive.
Anywho, with that said and done. This should be the time to remember the past and look forward to the future on what WWEF will bring us. I hope the staff and admins are keeping you satisfied with this site and I hope to see you NeXT year around.